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I have never watched an entire episode of any TV show (Excluding game shows and the like; maybe TV drama is a better term?)

I have never turned on the TV with the intention of watching a TV drama fully.

I have never had cable TV, and only started picking up free digital TV in my house a few years ago.


There's a fundamental TV thing here that I'm failing to grasp. :P

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Slowswift, should I open that spoiler, given that I haven't seen E9 or E10 yet?


It's a spoiler for unreleased episodes, leaked from episode synopses THAT I WAS TRYING TO AVOID BUT GOT EXPOSED TO ON THE INTERWEBZ A WEEK AGO. So no, don't open it. :P



Yup. I'm not really one for the television either. I watch Doctor Who, but that's about it. Any other show I can watch about half a season at a time, but then I just get bored and stop. It's a blessing and a curse.


Now, YouTube on the other hand . . .



Doctor Who and My Little Pony are the only reasons I watch any TV these days. :P

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Kobold, you seem to be very passionate about not opening that spoiler. :P


I wonder if there is anyone who likes spoiling themselves for something like that? I remember when I was but a poor, misled child, and could not care less if I was spoiled on a movie or whatever. These days however, I smite all spoilers with a righteous fury.

Edited by The Crooked Warden
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Kobold, you seem to be very passionate about not opening that spoiler. :P


I wonder if there is anyone who likes spoiling themselves for something like that? I remember when I was but a poor, misled child, and could not care less if I was spoiled on a movie or whatever. These days however, I smite all spoilers with a righteous fury.



There are some studies which suggest that people who are exposed to spoilers rate their fiction higher than people who partake in it blind. Regardless, I avoid spoilers like the bitter plague they are. :P

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It's a spoiler for unreleased episodes, leaked from episode synopses THAT I WAS TRYING TO AVOID BUT GOT EXPOSED TO ON THE INTERWEBZ A WEEK AGO. So no, don't open it. :P

Then I will not. I have had to avoid so many DW spoilers recently. It's ridiculous.

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I'm just wondering why you're so set on keeping the cabbage. Can't the goat eat grass? And the goat's gender wasn't specified, but assuming it's female, you can drink the milk. If not, then just hunt or gather or buy something because there has GOT to be something more nutritionally fulfilling than a single head of cabbage. :mellow:

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How about you're a condiment made of roasted marshamllows? Comforting, warm......and delicious :ph34r:


I can live with that. :D


Me too. When I was 17, people thought I looked 13. When I was 20, people thought I looked 16. I'm 25 now and I'm constantly told I look 18 at the very oldest. Oh well. I've been told it means I'll enjoy it when I'm 30 and look 21. :P


Take it from someone who's been there, yes, it's annoying as heck all through your twenties.  But I can honestly say that now that I'm in my late 30's, being constantly taken for a decade younger is a glorious thing.


Out of curiosity, how many xkcd fans are on this website.


I am!  And probably lots more.

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I was unaware of the existence of xkcd until now. Now I've been browsing these comics instead of reading something for school. This one is my favorite so far: 




I think this accurately displays what would happen should Skynet actually exist.   

Edited by patar365
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I was unaware of the existence of xkcd until now. Now I've been browsing these comics instead of reading something for school. This one is favorite so far: 




I think this accurately displays what would happen should Skynet actually exist.   


His "What If?" column has a rather hilariously accurate prediction of what the robot uprising might actually look like.  The highlight is a Roomba uselessly whirring around and bumping into things.

Edited by Kaymyth
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Any progress on those LoTR marriages?

Oh! Sorry, I got distracted by the condiments.

Now... where was I? Oh. Edgedancer. You're getting Aredhel, I think. She has a kind of sad story, though.

So! Aredhel is an elf, the White Lady of the Noldor. She's Turgon's sister and Fingolfin's daughter (you may remember Fingolfin as the guy who faced down the Dark God of Evil™ and gave him a limp). She goes with Turgon to Gondolin, which is the SUPER SECRET MOUNTAIN FORTRESS that I've mentioned before. But after a couple hundred years, she kind of gets tired of the same five square miles. Y'know. As you might, if you lived there for two hundred years with nothing to do.


Aredhel: Turgon, can I go outside just once? Pleeease?

Turgon: No. The SUPER SECRET FORTRESS must be SUPER SECRET, otherwise it won't be cool anymore. It'll just be a FORTRESS. What's the point of that?

Aredhel: But I want to see the forest again! Pleeease? *puppy eyes*

Turgon: Fine. But I'm sending you with an escort, and you better be careful out there!

So Aredhel leaves, to try to find the sons of Feanor. After a few boring things happen that are plot relevant but not important to her, she finally reaches the home of one of them, named Celegorm (who is, incidentally, a messed up dude). Unfortunately, Celegorm is away from home, hunting or something. I'm not sure of the timeline, but it's also possible that he's away kidnapping Luthien Tinuviel (as I said, a terrible dude. I'll probably explain Luthien soon.)

So Aredhel gets bored waiting around for Celegorm to come home, and she wanders off into the forest. Unfortunately, she happens to wander into the domain of Eöl, the Dark Elf. Isn't that a nice, friendly name? He kind of enchants her so that she bumps into his cottage, and kind of seduces her, so that she comes and lives with him "not wholly against her will." Which is really creepy when you think about it, because it wasn't wholly for her will either. ...

Anyway, they live there for a while, and she has a son named Maeglin (who I mentioned as being super creepy in the bit about Idril). But she's growing a little fed up with life in the dark forest. It's been less than two hundred years this time, but I guess dark, creepy forests get old faster than SUPER SECRET FORTRESSES. Maybe that's why they're cool.

So she takes Maeglin and escapes one day while Eöl is out hunting. They run all the way back to the SUPER SECRET FORTRESS and there is much rejoicing. Then Eöl shows up.

Eöl: You [REDACTED] [REDACTED]! You ran away on me, and took my son!

Turgon: Aredhel, would you care to introduce us to your... um... acquaintance?

Aredhel: Yeah, so I might have married him... :ph34r:

Turgon: WHAT?

Eöl: Give me back my son! I guess Aredhel can stay, because she's your sister, but we're leaving this place.

Turgon: No one can leave my SUPER SECRET FORTRESS. [This is ignoring the fact that of course Aredhel did leave it, but look how well that turned out.] You can stay here forever... or you can die.

Eöl: I reject your binary choices! I choose death... for myself and my son! *throws spear at Maeglin*

Aredhel throws herself in front of the spear, saving Maeglin's life, and begs Turgon to forgive Eöl, but he is executed. And (of course, because this is the Silmarillion, and nothing is fair in the Silmarillion) the spear is poisoned, and she dies later that night in agony.

Well, that turned out longer that I thought it'd be! It was fun to write, though.

And you'll probably come in the morning, Silverblade.

Edited by Elbereth
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Oh! Oh! What am I?

Some form of preserve like a jam.


What about me?

Butter, because you feature a bunch of other condiments :P


Okay, I have to know. What condiment am I?

Jelly. A whole ton of jelly. A jelly-ton you could say. :P


Everyone must know what condiment they are, it seems.


Including me.  :ph34r: Please, I want to know what condiment I am. 

Something savory. A Peking sauce maybe?

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Oh! Sorry, I got distracted by the condiments.

Now... where was I? Oh. Edgedancer. You're getting Aredhel, I think. She has a kind of sad story, though.

So! Aredhel is an elf, the White Lady of the Noldor. She's Turgon's sister and Fingolfin's daughter (you may remember Fingolfin as the guy who faced down the Dark God of Evil™ and gave him a limp). She goes with Turgon to Gondolin, which is the SUPER SECRET MOUNTAIN FORTRESS that I've mentioned before. But after a couple hundred years, she kind of gets tired of the same five square miles. Y'know. As you might, if you lived there for two hundred years with nothing to do.


Aredhel: Turgon, can I go outside just once? Pleeease?

Turgon: No. The SUPER SECRET FORTRESS must be SUPER SECRET, otherwise it won't be cool anymore. It'll just be a FORTRESS. What's the point of that?

Aredhel: But I want to see the forest again! Pleeease? *puppy eyes*

Turgon: Fine. But I'm sending you with an escort, and you better be careful out there!

So Aredhel leaves, to try to find the sons of Feanor. After a few boring things happen that are plot relevant but not important to her, she finally reaches the home of one of them, named Celegorm (who is, incidentally, a messed up dude). Unfortunately, Celegorm is away from home, hunting or something. I'm not sure of the timeline, but it's also possible that he's away kidnapping Luthien Tinuviel (as I said, a terrible dude. I'll probably explain Luthien soon.)

So Aredhel gets bored waiting around for Celegorm to come home, and she wanders off into the forest. Unfortunately, she happens to wander into the domain of Eöl, the Dark Elf. Isn't that a nice, friendly name? He kind of enchants her so that she bumps into his cottage, and kind of seduces her, so that she comes and lives with him "not wholly against her will." Which is really creepy when you think about it, because it wasn't wholly for her will either. ...

Anyway, they live there for a while, and she has a son named Maeglin (who I mentioned as being super creepy in the bit about Idril). But she's growing a little fed up with life in the dark forest. It's been less than two hundred years this time, but I guess dark, creepy forests get old faster than SUPER SECRET FORTRESSES. Maybe that's why they're cool.

So she takes Maeglin and escapes one day while Eöl is out hunting. They run all the way back to the SUPER SECRET FORTRESS and there is much rejoicing. Then Eöl shows up.

Eöl: You [REDACTED] [REDACTED]! You ran away on me, and took my son!

Turgon: Aredhel, would you care to introduce us to your... um... acquaintance?

Aredhel: Yeah, so I might have married him... :ph34r:

Turgon: WHAT?

Eöl: Give me back my son! I guess Aredhel can stay, because she's your sister, but we're leaving this place.

Turgon: No one can leave my SUPER SECRET FORTRESS. [This is ignoring the fact that of course Aredhel did leave it, but look how well that turned out.] You can stay here forever... or you can die.

Eöl: I reject your binary choices! I choose death... for myself and my son! *throws spear at Maeglin*

Aredhel throws herself in front of the spear, saving Maeglin's life, and begs Turgon to forgive Eöl, but he is executed. And (of course, because this is the Silmarillion, and nothing is fair in the Silmarillion) the spear is poisoned, and she dies later that night in agony.

Well, that turned out longer that I thought it'd be! It was fun to write, though.

And you'll probably come in the morning, Silverblade.

Can I have one?

Also, what condiment am I?

Edited by Venture Mistborn
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