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Grandmother V


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Wax's grandmother Elder Vwafendal has a lot of clout in the Terris community. She is a member of the Synod, and I would be surprised if she isn't a ferring of some sort. This quote from Wax's meeting with her stuck out to me.

A new scent struck him. Crushed blossoms. In the darkness of that chamber, he imagined himself again , standing among the trees of the Terris Village . Looking up at a broken window, and feeling the bullet in his hand. And he smiled. Once that memory had brought him pain— the pain of isolation. Now he saw only a budding lawman, remembered the sense of purpose he’d felt. Wax stood up, grabbing his hat, mistcoat rustling. He almost wanted to believe that the scents to the room, the memories, were his grandmother’s doing . Who knew what she put into that tea?

The tea seems like misdirection to me.

Also, it is subtle but it seems important to me that she goes unnoticed by Wax or any of the bouncers who try to kick him out of the Village until she decides to speak.

I am guessing that she is a Connector ferring. This particularly makes sense in light of the Ars Arcanum describing "heavy experimentation" of the Spiritual powers by the Terris community. If not a Connector, one of the other Spiritual metals is more likely.

Did anyone pick up on other clues that might indicate her abilities?

Edited by ccstat
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I too picked on the weird visuals Wax was getting while in her hut. It sounded far too vivid to be just memories, and it didn't read how Brandon usually writes memories or daydreaming. There's something fishy going on with that lady.


On an unrelated note, I wonder if she is a descendant of Tindwyl...

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What Moogle said, also, she talks about how Wax has more-pure Terris blood than her Brute guards. I suspect she's full-blooded Terris, with no diluting allomantic genes, and a full feruchemist. I wish I'd made note of it (lemme check and see if I highlit it...) but I feel like there was a sentence someone said that made it sound like full feruchemists were still sometimes a thing.


Nope, did not highlight it.


Argent: I have to suspect most feruchemists are, these days. She's sorta the feruchemical Eve, now. Yay, population bottlenecks...

Edited by Oudeis
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Am I the only one who was reminded of a WoT Ogier stedding when it described the Terris community? - an enclosed area with trees and "natural" architecture within an urban area? I hope we see more of this in BoM.

That's what it was reminding me of!!!! Something was tickling the back of my mind while I read that section, but I had no idea what it was. Upvote for scratching my itch :)

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What Moogle said, also, she talks about how Wax has more-pure Terris blood than her Brute guards. I suspect she's full-blooded Terris, with no diluting allomantic genes, and a full feruchemist. I wish I'd made note of it (lemme check and see if I highlit it...) but I feel like there was a sentence someone said that made it sound like full feruchemists were still sometimes a thing....



ARS Arcanum?


"It should be noted that the inbreeding of the Feruchemists with the general population has diluted the power in some ways. It is now common for people to be born with access to only one of the sixteen Feruchemical abilities. (...)"


Implicit: It's uncommon, but not impossible to be born with the sixteen abilities.

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Dunno if this is fully on topic...


She claims to know everyone in the city with "feruchemical blood." Interesting phrasing; not simply actual feruchemy, but the blood. So, if Wayne has kids, whether or not they inherit feruchemy, will she watch their children? It was said in the Final Empire that you could only have allomancy if a Noble ancestor was in the past five generations. Is there a point at which it's assume the recessive trait has been bred out of your line if you don't have a feruchemist for a certain length of time? Are your chances worse if your partner lacks Terris blood at all?


Or am I reading too much into this, and she only makes note of the children with actual feruchemy?


Also, keeping an entire people's lineage in her head? Coppermind, anyone? Though truthfully I guess she could just be using a book.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a wild theory that Wax's grandma is a silent partner in the Set. I propose that she is the one responsible for breeding feruchemists and then turning them over to the Set's hemalurgical butchers. The Set's goal is ostensibly to recreate a hemalurgical Lord Ruler (i.e. a full mistborn and a full feruchemist). I also noted that SoS setup the idea that kandra can use the metallic arts through hemalurgy. So, if you have a kandra who is also a full allomancer & full feruchemist, you have an immoral being of immense power without the need for atium to achieve immortality.


The catch here is that such a creature would obviously be susceptible to Harmony's control.

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Almost certainly. She was one of the only full feruchemists who had the opportunity to have a large number of children.

I'm pretty sure this fact is made somewhat void in this case because of how sDNA works with feruchemy and Allomancy. I remember reading somewhere that it is recessive, so anyone with even a drop of magical blood has a chance to pass on a full mistborn/feruchemist even if they aren't one themselves, or even a misting or ferring. This was shown in world with Vin's father, who didn't seem to have any kind of magic ability, yet conceived a full mistborn.

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What Moogle said, also, she talks about how Wax has more-pure Terris blood than her Brute guards. I suspect she's full-blooded Terris, with no diluting allomantic genes, and a full feruchemist.


I also think other than the normal reasons someone's sdna makes them an allomancer or furchemist the amount of Terris to noble matters as well. If Granny V is full blooded and Breezes line is probably pretty pure we get a twin born.

Makes me wonder now about waynes parents.

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Do we really know how reliant the misting population is on noble blood anymore? There are so many mistings in the background doing mundane work like courier jobs, and we know snapping has been tampered with by Harmony. It would not be a stretch to have skaa mistings appear as they did during the daymist.

The society is pretty dependent on metallic arts in some ways, after all, and the noble lines' power is probably reaching its limit with the apparent lack of recorded Mistborn birth since the Lord Mistborn's reign.

From the mist snappings alone we can assume allomantic blood exists in at least 16% of the population if not more, as long as we disregard power. Probably far more that the mists ignored to force the numbers, a sizeable enough population to make sure the quota can always be met. Maybe even 100% at extremely low levels. The lerasium-granted power is really the only type of "purity" of blood ever discussed with allomancy, unlike feruchemic genes where the main purity of blood being talked about by Wax's grandmother is genetic interference from allomantic blood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given her apparent views on the ultimate sanctity of life, i find it hard to believe that she would sacrifice ferrings or other feruchemists by letting the Set have them.

And I feel like the Set making what is essentially a copy of Marsh would be pointless- Harmony could control it easily.

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