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Random Stuff III

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It's nearly 1:00 AM.


I'm not even done with the easy part of the assignment.


I really, really don't like English classes.

Right? I stayed up until nearly 4 in the morning writing an essay on the morality of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. A fascinating topic to discuss, until you have to do it for hours on end, eyes becoming blurred after staring at a computer monitor for so long. 

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Right? I stayed up until nearly 4 in the morning writing an essay on the morality of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. A fascinating topic to discuss, until you have to do it for hours on end, eyes becoming blurred after staring at a computer monitor for so long. 


"The decision of the Untied States to drop Japan on atom bombs was both tragic and delicious. I mean despicable. No—do I? what do those words mean again? Gotta check the dictionary…." 


When I was a kid, I once got so tired I spent a good ten minutes trying to figure out how to spell the word "go." Is it G-O? No, that's too easy….G-O-E? That sounds dumb, but maybe….hmm….G-O-A?

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It's late and I'll do anything for the sake of procrastination! How about a story?


When Californian friends heard about the move to Oklahoma, their responses were always either "[insert something about avoiding tornadoes]" or "Oh, where the wind goes sweeping down the plains!" [grins at cleverness]. When Washington relatives found out, it was with an air of "we do not speak of this state." I shall tell you why.


Once upon a time Seattle had a basketball team. The Seattle Sonics, they were called. Then they were stolen by Oklahoma to become the Oklahoma City Thunder! Washington has never forgiven Oklahoma of this crime. And they all lived bitterly ever after.


Don't let me on the internet while sleep-deprived. I start posting things like this.

Sports rivalries run deep. Probably shouldn't be fueling your procrastinating, but I've got a kinda funny rivalry story.


Let me first say this: I think high school rivalries are dumb. However, sometimes they can be a bit enjoyable. This was a while ago, but my school's football team was playing our rival, and the game was at our rivals home field. I don't know how in the world these guys pulled it off, a few guys from my school snuck onto the field before the game and planted a PALM TREE in the middle of the field. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen in my life.

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Sports rivalries run deep. Probably shouldn't be fueling your procrastinating, but I've got a kinda funny rivalry story.


Let me first say this: I think high school rivalries are dumb. However, sometimes they can be a bit enjoyable. This was a while ago, but my school's football team was playing our rival, and the game was at our rivals home field. I don't know how in the world these guys pulled it off, a few guys from my school snuck onto the field before the game and planted a PALM TREE in the middle of the field. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen in my life.



Also, the War of 1812 according to Mistrunner.


"It was because they were invading our ships, and... Canada. Was a thing."

"The Treaty of Ghent basically let everybody pretend nothing had happened."


Your history lesson for today.

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Sports rivalries run deep. Probably shouldn't be fueling your procrastinating, but I've got a kinda funny rivalry story.


Let me first say this: I think high school rivalries are dumb. However, sometimes they can be a bit enjoyable. This was a while ago, but my school's football team was playing our rival, and the game was at our rivals home field. I don't know how in the world these guys pulled it off, a few guys from my school snuck onto the field before the game and planted a PALM TREE in the middle of the field. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen in my life.

I live for high school rivalries.

The two games we've played our huge rival for the past two years have been, hands down, the best of the entire season.

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Volleyall is strangely hardcore. I'm not even kidding. Everyone says it's all lame and stuff but damnation. Have you FELT what it's like when you dig a really hard ball? SO PAINFUL! Have you felt the PAIN when your shot goes out by like 2 centimetres? OH GOD WHYYY??! And have you even known how much TEAMWORK you need?? VOLLEYBALL IS A BEASTLY SPORT!

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So, if you guys know one thing about me, it's that I love to jump on a bandwagon. So, I decided to pick up a Supergirl comic, since the show was starting. Turns out, she doesn't really have many good stories... but one that I did get recommended to me was Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade.


It's an all-ages comedy book and... I liked it. A lot.



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Linda Lee might just be one of the most charmingly adorkable protagonists I've ever seen. 

I am including Twilight Sparkle in this.


Also, I picked up a Showcase Presents volume of Supergirl's 60's stuff.

I realize that age of comics was weird, but there is no weirdness like 60's Supergirl. 



Volleyall is strangely hardcore. I'm not even kidding. Everyone says it's all lame and stuff but damnation. Have you FELT what it's like when you dig a really hard ball? SO PAINFUL! Have you felt the PAIN when your shot goes out by like 2 centimetres? OH GOD WHYYY??! And have you even known how much TEAMWORK you need?? VOLLEYBALL IS A BEASTLY SPORT!



See above.

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I cant say anything witty enough to compliment this.



You guys want to hear an awkward story? Great!


So I was on my lunch break at work today. I had my food set down on the table, my drink set down on the table, and was poised to sit myself down at the table when I heard a woman's voice say "Hey,". I looked up. There was a middle aged woman sitting at the table next to mine, staring at me. "Hello," she said again. "You can come sit with me if you want." I very, very, very much did not want to sit with this nice lady. Of course, I had no idea how to tell her this without being rude, and she had already seen that I had heard her so I could not pretend I hadn't. Honestly, I considered just leaving and not even eating lunch but I was too hungry for that. So, I walked over and sat down at her table. I introduced myself. She returned the favor, but I was cringing on the inside so much that I legitimately have no clue what her name was. We didn't speak another word to each other.


The end.

I have a similar story.


So I was eating alone in the school cafeteria when two girls show up and ask if they may sit at the table I am presently occupying. I dont own the place so I say yes. Then they start having a conversation without including me in it. It does not end there, oh no, one of the girls phones ring and she answers, saying something about how she is eating at the moment. Cue everyone suddenly sitting at the same table, with me sitting awkwardly in the corner of the table.


While they are distracted by each other I end up silently sneaking away.

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I have two moments to share!


That moment when I'm talking to my dog, and realize that I sound just like Fluttershy.


And that moment when I realize that my husband has probably been playing the Wii more than on his computer lately because it puts him closer to me while I work on all of my craft stuff.  :wub:

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I has a pair of Converse now. I put them on, and it was like....destiny. I was meant to wear those Cons. Maybe I was always meant to wear them. It's as though they were crafted for my feet, and my feet for them. It's beautiful. The whole world is awakened with new possibilities.

....I think I might also have low blood sugar right now. I should get some lunch. :P

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I has a pair of Converse now. I put them on, and it was like....destiny. I was meant to wear those Cons. Maybe I was always meant to wear them. It's as though they were crafted for my feet, and my feet for them. It's beautiful. The whole world is awakened with new possibilities.

....I think I might also have low blood sugar right now. I should get some lunch. :P

I had a similair reaction putting on a scarf once, sometimes clothing is just meant to be.

Also food, food seldomly hurts. :P

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I has a pair of Converse now. I put them on, and it was like....destiny. I was meant to wear those Cons. Maybe I was always meant to wear them. It's as though they were crafted for my feet, and my feet for them. It's beautiful. The whole world is awakened with new possibilities.

....I think I might also have low blood sugar right now. I should get some lunch. :P

Sounds like you just found your bowtie/rainbow coat/scarf.

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Since this high school's band has about fifteen trumpets, I am now playing baritone. I checked it out today.

I walked back to the main high school building with my jacket tied around my waist in the pouring rain, carrying a baritone case and grinning like a madman.

I think I've received a reputation. That of being a complete lunatic. I can work with that.

I'm working off of four hours or so of sleep. I should really do this "sleeping" thing more, it's nice.

(Oh, and the baritone is now named Barry.)

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The fabulous kind. B):P



Very Ravenclaw.  I approve.


Since this high school's band has about fifteen trumpets, I am now playing baritone. I checked it out today.

I walked back to the main high school building with my jacket tied around my waist in the pouring rain, carrying a baritone case and grinning like a madman.

I think I've received a reputation. That of being a complete lunatic. I can work with that.

I'm working off of four hours or so of sleep. I should really do this "sleeping" thing more, it's nice.

(Oh, and the baritone is now named Barry.)


Is it a true baritone or a euphonium?  (I just like the word 'euphonium'.)

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