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Cosmere Fanart - Sketches and Works-in-Progress


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I do really love that comic and I can't wait for the next one.  My only gripe with it is that I think the hair is to blond? It's probably just me but I identify pretty strongly with Elend and I've just always pictured him with the same color as myself.  I just see it as a darker brown with less yello?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! Sorry about not updating this thread in a while... At least I come bearing a ton of art, yeah? :3 But first, terribly late responses...


Argent: You should be following Bota's art and Cosmere blogs! :P


Botanica: Yep! Hopefully I can do him justice... I am tempted to go re-read Warbreaker just for this, haha.


Weiry: I usually do Elend's hair as darker/closer to brown as well, but Silver's watercolor style tends to make colors lighter. Basically I take AnemoneInk's colors as canon, hehe.




Alrighty, art spam! I've hidden things with Words of Radiance spoilers in spoiler tags just in case.




An 8-panel monstrosity of a Cosmere Comic I drew simply because I wanted to depict Rock giving stew to people. u.u Silver did a boss job coloring it, especially the lighting in the panel with the pots. <3




I started doing new digital painting portraits because my image of a lot of these characters has slightly changed now that WoR is here (and I am not 100% happy with how those WoK era portraits turned out, heh). These are all very much WIPs and will continue to be modified a lot...

Kaladin - process time-lapse video










Various Cosmere-clothing things. You can see all of them (including more uniform designs and some WIP havah sketches) in this gallery.




Sadeas. Never drawn him before so I wanted to nail him down.



Version 2 of the height chart of Shallan, Kaladin, and Dalinar. With updated Alethi uniform and now with foot markers in the background thanks to our getting a specific height for Shallan in WoR. :P



Ink drawings of various Kholins that I did for practice with some new markers - process time-lapse of Dalivani piece | and a video of Jasnah



A joke drawing of Shallan (and someone in an Alethi uniform... is it Adolin? Is it Kaladin? No one knows!) I did in the style of manga artists CLAMP.



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ERMAGERD. These are (vomits rainbows of adoration) awesome pictures. You have a magnificent (Erp. Another Rainbow) gift and skill. Those pictures are (RAINBOWS) fantastic (although Szeth looks a bit lost). And that manga style picture is FABULOUS. You need to do more of them (yes, I love manga). What program do you use to make those digital pictures (RAINBOWS EVERYWHERE)?


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Man, I really like your Sadeas! However, it's stated in the book that he's as old as Dalinar, so I expected more grey in his hair. Nevertheless fantastic job!


And, can I also just say that picture of Jasnah pointing Ivory at Wit looks epic?

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Oh good lord!!! The updates are totally amazing!!! I've seen most of them via tumblr :) I'm so in love with those pieces drawn by marker, they look perfect. And that CLAMP style Shallan!!! It made me laugh so hard, reminding me of the days when reading their manga :D Also the uniform design, it made me wow when I first saw the pictures! I shared them with my friends, and they all said the design is awesome =)

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  • 10 months later...

'Nother art dump. Here's the most finished SA-related pieces I've completed since I last posted here...


Animated Kaladin:


tumblr_n9khcpmZ4u1rn8nkfo1_r1_250.gif tumblr_n9khcpmZ4u1rn8nkfo3_r1_250.gif


Pattern made out of fractals:








Shallan/Veil card colored by my friend Badger.




Something I drew for a "make people sad" Cosmere event. :P WoR spoilers, some blood



Jasnah as Indiana Jones:




Kaladin and Syl painting:




A joke from a hilarious liveblog of WoK:




And a portrait of Adolin in shardplate:




I'm working on some character sheets of SA people with proportions/colors/expressions... but will probably post when I get a good batch of 'em done. Cheers.

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[Edited from original]

Oh my god I never checked the first post because I don't know and I thought this was a random art thread for the community omg I'm trash sorry

I had some artwork but deleted it. It shall have its own thread.

Pretend that never happened.

Moving along, I really like your work. Followed you on Tumblr a while back. Always great to see your work on my dash! Seriously its awesome.

Edited by LarkoftheRiver
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LarkoftheRiver: Thanks! And no worries, I saw nothing (though I'll be sure to swing by your thread, definitely want to see more of your art). ;)


ccstat: Thank you! Rendering her marbled skin was a lot of fun.


Also, here's 2 animated things I forgot to post... Dramatic windy Kaladin and Adolin summoning his Shardblade, K-Pop PV style. :P





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Disclaimer: these are all freaking awesome.

That being said, Jasnah the Alethi Princess showing cleavage is disturbing.

High prince of Dads......Nawwww that's adorable!

Adolin portrait is pretty hot :)

And the animations! How do you do that?? They're awesome!!!!

And Shallan :'( :'( :'(

Edited by Delightful
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LarkoftheRiver: Haha yes, more stalking please. :D


Delightful: Thanks! Man, everyone comments on Jasnah's cleavage in the Indiana Jones poster, heh. It's pretty much the same layout as the classic Raiders poster, where Indy's got his shirt unbuttoned down to his stomach. Just trying to stay true to that. :P


And to answer both of your questions about what programs I use fo animations... The bulk of the work is done in Photoshop - drawn frame by frame and using the basic animation features to make sure it looks okay in motion. Then I composite the character and background with AfterFX and Premiere Pro. All programs are part of the Adobe Creative Suite (CS4 specifically, but I don't think the version really matters honestly).


I also learned this Japanese program called EmoFuri to do that Kaladin I posted earlier. You can import a PSD with each feature on separate layers and then manipulate expressions/movements with a timeline. It's pretty slick!


tumblr_n8w6rmfiYK1rn8nkfo3_r1_250.gif tumblr_n8w6rmfiYK1rn8nkfo4_r2_250.giftumblr_n8w6rmfiYK1rn8nkfo7_r2_250.gif

Edited by ExMachina
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Ah, thank you!

I do the same thing actually. I just find the whole process annoying, having to save each frame as a separate image. Takes up so much space on my computer. Haven't worked too much in AE but I should start, as I have it on my computer (I did use it and Premiere for a video editing project in English, but that's a totally different ball game because I had all the video already). Flash CS5 is incredibly annoying to me too compared to the later version I use at school. I see no real difference with Photoshop CC, but Flash.. they changed so much.

I will have to check out EmoFuri later, because those are great.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Fatebreaker and Kipper: Aghh, I really should! There's just so many characters I want to draw, but not enough time...


I am actually working on a big Bridge 4 piece, so there will be some Lopen representation. :P I do need to give Warbreaker some love since it was my first Cosmere book and I love it to death. >.<


phantasmagorically: Thank you! Man, Inquisitors are so intimidating and cool... it'd be a lot of fun to try drawing one. Good excuse to practice an action pose too.


Here's a couple recent-ish Cosmere drawings (or just old ones that I forgot to post earlier, oops) --


Some goofy SA valentines -





Szeth -



One of a bajillion Kaladin flying sketches - 



Lift stuff -





iScribble doodles featuring Vasher, bickering spren, and Vin -






Some Alloy of Law stuff -






Shallan stuff -




Someone requested that I draw Marsh with this emoji's expression... the result is pretty funny -



Quick environmental painting of the Shattered Plains -


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