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Cosmere Fanart - Sketches and Works-in-Progress


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HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIIIIIE. Oh, also! Because you fanartists are so wonderful and we know so very little about Renarin's appearance, I went ahead and asked a few clarification things at the signing. Renarin's hair is black/blonde the way Adolin's is, but Renarin has more black than blonde in his. And I asked about eye color as well, but Team Sanderson said they'd get back to me on that one.

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Ha! Mildly amusing, but no points to you. I already established that I use the poor jokes. :P


...and reuse of jokes is strictly forbidden on pain of getting dunked in a highstorm, yes? xD


Also, it's good to know that my silly doodles aren't just funny to me. I pretty much ship all the ships in WoR since everyone's interactions are so good. *.* So I might draw more stuff for other pairings too...


Argent: Dreamstorm x Kaladin OTP :P


Feather: Ooh, very interesting. *adds to description list* I've tended to make Renarin's hair darker than Adolin's in previous drawings, but I'll push more black hair when I do a color another pic of him. :3 Would be cool to get confirmation on his eye color too, but for now I'll continue to spam Kholin blue. Ugh, the things I'd do to get a peek at that internal wiki of Team Sanderon's...


(hmm, more shirtless Kholins you say? that is always on the agenda... it's all in the name of science, I swear)


Weiry: Thank you! I honestly giggled out loud when I read that Dalinar himself was holding Navani's umbrella... Cuteness overload.


(So yeah, shirtless!Dalinar... Kaladin just wouldn't stop mentioning how the guy is built like a rock and I wanted to figure out his body type. But it seems we all already know that Dalinar is a hot dad so no need to comment on it, I guess? heh)

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Aha, Dreamstorm! I couldn't remember his name for the longest time...


Also, as of today the number of shirtless men in your drawings far outweighs the number of shirtless women. I call sexism, bias, and severe subjectivity. You artists are such an inconsiderate lot, I swear...


...but then again, even shirtless cosmere characters are still cosmere characters, so my heart is not in the complaints.

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Aha, Dreamstorm! I couldn't remember his name for the longest time...


Also, as of today the number of shirtless men in your drawings far outweighs the number of shirtless women. I call sexism, bias, and severe subjectivity. You artists are such an inconsiderate lot, I swear...


...but then again, even shirtless cosmere characters are still cosmere characters, so my heart is not in the complaints.


(since I didn't see it posted here)



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Feather: I think I know what I'm drawing during FNCC tonight. :D


jasonpenguin: Thank ye kindly! :3 I haven't yet drawn anything Warbreaker-related actually... even though it's the first book of Brandon's I ever read so it holds a pretty special place in my heart. I should rectify that! Maybe I'll try my hand at Lightsong and other characters this weekend. 


A couple more drawin's for y'all -


I've never drawn Lirin and Hesina before... so here's a cheerful depiction of them with Kaladin. >.>



And an ink drawing of a very windy Kaladin and Syl 'cause I got some new pens. :>


( scanned version here - http://i4.minus.com/iGFb92jhIoHjj.jpg )

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Appreauntis: I'm sorry, I just have to draw sad things... You know this scene is going to destroy us when it does happen. :D


Argent: I'm still getting a handle on tumblr myself, I have a really hard time tracking conversations on there, haha. Just posting is so much easier... xD


Feather: (Maki is preferable since it leaves no confusion on how it's pronounced)


Hm, a thing you say? You mean this masterpiece?






Just kidding! Shirtless!Renarin. ^^




(though Stick is legit awesome too... looking at the Coppermind page makes me laugh out loud every time)

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That stick is a stick. (And I totally added the pic to the Coppermind article because it amuses me as well. Hehehehe.) I love how we have both "stick" form and Shadesmar bead form.


Oh, and thanks for clearing up spelling/pronunciation. I know I've been calling you "Ex" for a while, but I will switch to Maki, since that's what you listed!


...I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh, right.



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Feather: ^^

Joe and Argent: My greatest masterpiece, I tells ya.

Mailliw: :D Thank you!

So... I've actually been pretty busy art-wise (and going to a Brandon signing! :DDDD) this past week and I'm super excited about getting to show y'all what I've been working on soon. In the meantime, here's some silly stuff I drew on the side:

SA chibis at the bottom of a sketchbook page:


FNCC requested a Kadolin fistbump, so yeah!


And here's "I draw stupid comics just to get to funny Kaladin faces" part 2:


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