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Oh, it's that girl again...


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Alright, so I suppose I should try to introduce myself, despite the fact that I have already spammed the General Theory boards with my nonsense (Watch out Stormlight boards, I'm coming for you next!). That and Chaos suggested that I do so. And from the "meet the staff" post by Shiv, I am now convinced that he and the other admins are Inquisitors and are after me! (Don't spike me, guys!)

My name's Alyx (Yes, spelled like the Alyx from Half-Life), but you can also call me Feather. I'm in high school, and an aspiring author. If you'd like to see some of my writing (not that good, I'm sure) you can find some on my deviantart. The Sovereign States audition is probably my best. Be warned, there is Twilight fanfiction up from the dark Pre-Wheel-of-Time days. I shudder to remember that phase.

I'm a bit of a grammar nazi, so don't take it personally if I correct you; it's kind or a knee-jerk thing. I love languages and speak French fairly well, and I want to learn more. I'm considering becoming a linguist or translator as a profession. I love the Alethi language, their alphabet in particular and am trying to learn to write it. It takes lots of practice!

As you can read above, Wheel of Time is what pulled me out of my crazy Twilight phase, and it's also how I heard about Brandon. When I heard he was finishing the series, I picked up Mistborn and was hooked. I've read all of his books multiple times - except Elantris, which for some reason I never got into. Maybe I should give it another shot. Don't ask me to pick a favorite, because it's whichever I'm reading at the moment!

I also love to read aloud, and I read to my sister on occasion. So far, we've read Warbreaker and Mistborn 1, and we're working our way through Well of Ascension. (Elend just got deposed! Oh no!) She maintains a firm belief that Kelsier is not dead, and it's become something of an inside joke that Kelsier is actually behind everything that's going on. Kelsier is leading both Cett and Straff's armies. Zane is also Kelsier (Look the scars match!). And Hoid? He's Kelsier too. Makes me eager for when we get to Hero of Ages and "Kelsier" starts giving Spook advice. ;)

I suppose that's me in a nutshell. Any questions?

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Oh, yeah. That was me... I finally finished it too! There's so much great stuff in there.

Also I think I've decided that unless he ever outright states that it never happened, I am holding to the belief that somewhere down the road, Sazed figured out the put-souls-in-bodies thing and gave Vin and Elend another, more peaceful life somewhere away from everyone else. Because that is just sickeningly heartwarming. If anyone deserves it, it's those two.

But not Kelsier. I'm fairly sure Saze would never trust Kel to keep a non-intervention policy. As soon as Kel got re-incarnated he'd jump on the first train to Elendel and widely proclaim "Hey, it's me, the Survivor! I'm back from the dead again!"

Cue Sazed facepalming and sending the kandra off to kill him again before he causes more trouble. (Random note: Can shardholders still facepalm? Maybe it's nexuspalm or something...)

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Hey Alyx, I'm Eric! I'm here to spike you.

Wait. Let's try this again.

Welcome to 17th Shard! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself here. You're in good company with aspiring authors here; all of the admins are aspiring authors, except Josh, who is an aspiring editor. I'm planning to set up a Writing forum here on 17S, so perhaps we could start getting some critiques going here, if you're interested.

About Elantris - It does take forever for anything to happen, but when stuff does go down, it goes down hard. That's where Brandon's writing group coined the phrase "Brandon Avalanche." Trust me, it's well worth the effort. I certainly hope the theory threads haven't spoiled the book for you, because the plot twist is fantastic.

Cue Sazed facepalming and sending the kandra off to kill him again before he causes more trouble. (Random note: Can shardholders still facepalm? Maybe it's nexuspalm or something...)

Nexuspalm XD

I like you already.

Was it you that I was talking to in the Brandonothology?

Oo, I keep forgetting that you can chat in there. I should probably stalk it more often.

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Well, to be more clear, I read Elantris once, but it was as soon as I finished the Mistborn trilogy, and I didn't really like it as much. I never really connected with Sarene or Raoden, but I suppose I should give it another shot.


*ducks spike*

I knew it!

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lol at Nexuspalm and Kelsier meddling and getting killed (again). That totally would happen.

I'm going to be re-reading Elantris at some point, after I finish the million and one other things I want to read.....if only I could stop being addicted to re-reading bits of WoK, over and over again.

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You're rather awesome :D welcome. LOL @ nexuspalm.

Seriously Feather, welcome. I love seeing another kindred spirit (even though a tiny part of me died inside when you said that you didn't like Elantris. I forgive you.)

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I'm sorry Alyx, but Silus is not permitted to award awesome points. I'll have to take these back..

Anyone else who has received awesome points from Silus, please hand them in now. Silus, return any awesome points still in your possession immediately. I don't even know where you got these, since we keep them in the super-secret staff board...

Oh, and glad to have you here, Alyx! You have a spiking appointment next Friday at 3:45. Don't be late.

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Back away from my awesome points or face the wrath of an overcaffinated fangirl! (Caffine is to Alyx as Stormlight is to Szeth. Beware.)

And I suppose as long as I'm receiveing the spike that's okay. But I suppose that would mean I'd be an Inquisitor. And only the Admins are Inquisitors. Does this mean {dun dun duuuun!} I'M BEING SHANGHAIED INTO A PROMOTION??? Oh no! Now I see why the promotions are punishments here!

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Back away from my awesome points or face the wrath of an overcaffinated fangirl! (Caffine is to Alyx as Stormlight is to Szeth. Beware.)

And I suppose as long as I'm receiveing the spike that's okay. But I suppose that would mean I'd be an Inquisitor. And only the Admins are Inquisitors. Does this mean {dun dun duuuun!} I'M BEING SHANGHAIED INTO A PROMOTION??? Oh no! Now I see why the promotions are punishments here!

Your awesome points have already been confiscated. What you are so zealously protecting are diet awesome points, which contain absolutely no awesome.

And sorry, spikes don't mean promotion. Spikes mean we had some extra spikes and didn't want them going to waste. If you are punished with a promotion, you'll know it when we force you to eat a Shard.

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"Ah, but Shallan, there never were any real Awesome Points in the first place. For some reason I have always been able to create awesome without the use of these awesome-augmenting fabrials called points. I'm not sure why, but I believe it has something to do with the use of caffine. I know normally it's trapped in paper cups, but I am able to extract it an use it like the Radiants of old."

"So it's all a hoax then? The Awesome point fabrials are all fake?"

"No, as far as I know, everyone else who does what we do uses a fabrial to do so."


On an unrelated note, guess who finished Way of Kings?


Hi!!!! I'm Alyx's real life friend and I stole this while she was typing to say random crap about her but I don't have anything to say. I have read Way of Kings and will be lurking/stalkerizing henceforth!!!!!

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