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Chicago Signing #1


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Very very nice. Have a Rep. :D
We do have the Jasnah prologue, I believe.
New things I noticed:


The Hoid questions were new info.


Shallan drawing Cryptics as special is new, disproving the idea that she could, for instance, draw Syl.


Confirmation of the Heralds communicating directly with Tanavast, and new info on their feelings towards him and the circumstances of the Oath Pact.


The color stuff is new and interesting.


Nightblood answer is odd, since he can essentially read anyone's mind. So I guess he "bonds" with anyone who touches him?


Foci stuff is new.


Shardic time travel is new, though "anything is possible" is quite a broad range that could include "not really, no." Technically you could travel back in time, if you found a wormhole and a way to tow it at relativistic speeds.


Seon/Spren connection is new (confirming that Nahel bonds are Spiritual, btw, since Seon bonds are known to be), and tells us directly that Surgebinders get Nahel bonds.


Sliver stuff is new, or at least expanded, I think.


"Similarly but identically" is a tad confusing for the sDNA question.  :huh:

-I assume you meant "but not identical"?


Good question on Atium. :)


Nice one with the Shardplate. That one's been an open question for awhile now. You also got that there were definitely non-combat Orders.


Sleep answer is interesting. Maybe it will help you to think of memory-integration as a psychological process/need, rather than physiological. Like how Miles can't Heal away the need to sleep.

Edited by Kurkistan
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"It's similar, but not 100% the same were his exact words," I believe. So yes, (fixed) typo on my part.


I'll need to dig through the threads and do some major catching up in the next few days. Hopefully I'll get a few of the other big ones as well. 

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Good job Argent. :)


Nice one with the Shardplate. That one's been an open question for awhile now. You also got that there were definitely non-combat Orders.

Definitely non-combat knights. He didn't say anything about non-combat orders. ;)

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Also, because the only two Shards on Sel (?), and their natures were opposites, after the long period of time they spent on the same planet, they kind of "polarized." If similar thing happened on another world, similar coloring effect could happen.

By context, this seems like it should be Scadrial, not Sel.

I personally was not entire happy with this answer, because like with food and water, memory storage is purely physiological process, so if they don't need one, they shouldn't need the other, but the two are different enough that I can buy it. For now.

This is similar to saying emotions or ideas are chemicals in the brain. True enough, but not for the Cosmere. I'm out of time, but it'd be an interesting time to point to Feruhemic wakefulness.
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By context, this seems like it should be Scadrial, not Sel.


Right. I keep mixing the two together for some reason. Fixed.


Also, woot woot on upgrading my rep rank from Elantrian to Shardbearer because of this report! And getting a Popular star in this topic. I feel like one of the cool kids now :)

Edited by Argent
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Thanks, Morks :)


I just remembered something else from the individual questions during the signing. Somebody asked a question about Shinnovar and whether all Shin go through some combat training (but don't actually become warriors) at some time during their lives. Brandon said that we'll learn a lot more about the Shin in book 3, which has Szeth's flashbacks.


Obviously not a big reveal or newsflash, but I don't remember seeing a confirmation about the main character of book 3 before. I always thought it would be Dalinar's, since he was a contender for 2...

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I was there too. I was helping the guy who found the second steelhunt code look for it. He texted me a photo of it but I didn't receive it for some reason. :(


The questions about the heralds relation to the Almighty was mine. He also made a statement to the effect of "They(the heralds) are all broken in some way and aren't really honorable anymore". Not exactly ground-breaking information, but he used the word "honorable" which I thought was interesting. Not sure how much to read into that.


Also, in the question about the Shin and combat, he said he recognized that all human societies were ruled by the threat of violence in some way and he had to reconcile that with the Shin (my paraphrase). I interpret that to mean that the Stone Shamans are the actual rulers of Shinovar. :)

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The questions about the heralds relation to the Almighty was mine. He also made a statement to the effect of "They(the heralds) are all broken in some way and aren't really honorable anymore". Not exactly ground-breaking information, but he used the word "honorable" which I thought was interesting. Not sure how much to read into that.


The word "honorable" can hardly be coincidental. The word "broken" also stands out. Might this be related to the splintering of Honor?

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The word "honorable" can hardly be coincidental. The word "broken" also stands out. Might this be related to the splintering of Honor?

Part of the reason for this question was my theory that this event at least weakened Honor. The timing doesn't seem to quite work out for this to be the splintering as Honor was at least around to see the Recreance.


I am making some assumptions here: that the being in Dalinar's vision is Tanavast/Honor; That Tanavast/Honor was killed by the splintering; that the splintering was a specific event rather than something that happened over time.

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The word "honorable" can hardly be coincidental. The word "broken" also stands out. Might this be related to the splintering of Honor?


I think broken could readily mean mentally broken.  They did afterall undergo centuries of torture.  That is going to have an effect on their sanity.  Recall also, Brandon said they at least partly blame Honor for what was done to them.  Sounds like there might be lasting mental damage.

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Hoid just needs to get spikes from Nalthis, learn the memory command from Vasher, and share it with the Heralds. It will fix everything.


 Learn?!?!?! I see you Joke. What you really mean is that Hoid need find the Heralds to begin his "ferucupuncture" =)

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Yea, I kind of missed the second part regarding the Heralds. I remembered something about them being broken, but didn't think much of it, because it didn't sound like news - they did look broken, crushed, in the opening scene. Good call on them not being honorable though - this might affect their powers in the present, I think.


Another good call on the societies and violence remark - I did remember that one, but didn't think much of it again... Working off memory alone during the general Q&A didn't work entirely as well as I hoped :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Told you I was kind of pretty awesome :D


That aside (not that it's false or unimportant), credit goes to the Ultimate Questions thread. If I ask people not to shoot the messenger, I can't really ask them to give him a raise either :)

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