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I can see where interpreting Brandon's intent wrt the Steelhunt was difficult at first. 


At this point, there should be no problem understanding Team Sanderson's intent. 

However, we ask that you NOT post your code publicly online. Sending it to individuals by direct message is fine.

We expected sharders to be more free with giving codes to one another. It says right on the card that they can. We hadn't anticipated that some fans would be a bit overzealous in protecting the codes. We wanted people to be able to just PM someone else and be able to get a non-unique code for Steelhunt access.

Feel free to share this with other Sharders, just in a non-public way--ie. feel free to text it, PM it, or whatever. Just don't post publicly, but it if someone asks, feel free to share it.


For those who want, and are geographically privileged, they can try to get a unique code.  For anybody else, just ask. 


The contrary-to-team-Sanderson's-intent restrictions on asking for codes should be removed immediately.  If the site wants to channel those requests, they should be clear about how the requests should be directed. 


For people who have codes, expecting people to make up clever encryptions or making up weird puzzles or other hoops for people to jump through just seems wrong to me.  Team Sanderson has spoken, I have been entrusted with information that not all have.  Who am I to add to the restrictions that team Sanderson has asked for? 


I shamelessly begged for a code early and got one.  I shared it freely with people who asked for it until the forum rules forbade it.  It bothers me that people are making it harder to get a code than Team Sanderson wants and than it was for me to get it.  Having to be a member of a clique, or satisfy the whims of some clique to get the information that Brandon wants available for the asking seems offensive to me.

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Well, I haven't seen any indication that people have been stingy with their codes.  I have offered my code to many people and so far, each one already had a code.  I haven't seen any indications of clique-ishness.  I hope that people have not been withholding their codes from others.  That would indeed be a shame.  I was gifted with someone else's code about two weeks in.  That code, I did not give out because it was not mine to give, as it were.  So, I aimed to get a code at the Seattle signing 1) so I could get the postcard to have (because it's cool); and 2) so that I would have a code which I could feel comfortable distributing to online friends and people who made posts that I thought were good.  And for the record, I have no problem with people PMing me and asking for a code. 


My point is, that putting a general request out to the community at large in an open post is tantamount to simply posting the code itself.  If you want a code and would like to ask for it, fine, ask.  But, ask an individual rather than the community.  I personally don't interpret a general request to be within the spirit of the hunt.  Please remember, this is supposed to be a game of sorts which plays itself out over time rather than an info dump.  Journey before destination, if you will.  If everyone was supposed to get a code right away, it would have been designed differently.  If everyone who is interested gets a code right away, with the way it has been set up, then we won't see people striving to get and enter unique codes which will unlock further portions of the reward and the Steelhunt will fizzle out before it is done.  Give the game time pto play out.  It is certainly not worth getting upset or offended over.  It is a game and, at the very least, after the game is done, the prize will be freely distributed to everyone.  Nothing is being withheld from people.  No one will be excluded from the information.  Please, try to enjoy the game for what it was designed to be.

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For what it's worth, I sent a code request to Team Sanderson and they granted it. I was unable to make it to either of the two Northern California signings due to a health issue.

I'm not suggesting that everyone who doesn't have a code should start emailing TS, but that I had a good interaction with them and appreciated their assistance and understanding.

Prior to getting a code (last Monday) I was annoyed by people hinting at what was in the Steelhunt info. I definitely felt left out.

I'd be happy to share my code with anyone who would like it.

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Prior to getting a code (last Monday) I was annoyed by people hinting at what was in the Steelhunt info. I definitely felt left out.



And that is the key problem.  I think absent the leaks and the hints, people would be building anticipation rather than angst. That is how it was for me before I got a code.  But things have gotten pretty bad in some cases with information that has been leaked.  But, resistance is not futile.  I personally am not a bastion of self-restraint, but I have been able to keep myself from commenting on existing theories and presenting new ideas based on the steelhunt info (even though at times I really, really, really wanted to).  And I spend way to much time on this site.  Thankfully, in the last few days, I have not seen any posts which are...not helpful to the problem, shall we say.  I think people are starting to get the idea that such posts are causing a lot of friction.

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I honor the desire to protect Brandon's intent… [and] I can only imagine the difficulty of interpreting Brandon's intent with respect to the site.


There was never any difficulty of interpreting the idea behind the Steelhunt, because we talked to Brandon about it around a month before it went live. When we talked, it was made clear that the intent was definitely "PM and ask, and you'll receive", not "beg openly, and count on the generosity of others". Just for clarity’s sake, the card itself even states: "Feel free to share with Friends and Family." Now, friends are those who would probably know that you've obtained a code, or even people who instantly come to mind when you think of the site. Family, hopefully explains itself. "However, we ask that you NOT post your code public online." Well, no confusion there. "Sending it to individuals by direct message is fine, but if you post it openly on forums, Twitter, Facebook, or the like, we might have to deactivate it to preserve the fun of the hunt." Now, especially that last bit, to me sounds like "don’t go sharing with anyone and everyone." Regardless, a judgement call was made, and we’re sticking by it. We really are trying to keep in line with Team Sanderson's wishes, and it's pretty clear how requests for codes should be channeled: through PM. The restrictions stay.

(Also, remember that we will have our Shardhunt up very shortly, so in a couple days, things will open up quite a lot when there's more easy access to a code.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just entered my unique code for being the first Asia entry in the Facebook contest! Being in China on business last week might have made me late to the game for the Shardhunt, but at least it allowed me to be just waking up as Brandon announced the contest! :-D

Very happy to be able to help us get to 250 codes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to do the shardhunt to get access to the code. (I don't want to be cheap and ask for a code) But I'm stuck and wondering where I can post/view hints for the shardhunt. Definitely want to see the content but I love a good challenge. It will make it more satisfying for me when I finally get it. Not sure if there is a shardhunt thread or not, so I though I'd post here. PM or reply is fine.




EDIT: oops. typo

Edited by flyleaffan
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