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Favorite Star Wars movies?


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List the six Star Wars movies 1-6 here, and offer some insight into why you rate them so.



1. Return of the Jedi.

2. A New Hope

3. The Empire Strikes Back

4. Revenge of the Sith

5. Attack of the Clones

6. The Phantom Menace


I rate the originals way above the prequels. I am not a prequel hater, those are still some of my favorite movies. However, I think the originals were a better testament to George Lucas' directing ability. My favorite is Return of the Jedi. I saw it when I was 5 years old, and it has remained my favorite movie. The end of the trilogy is - in my opinion - the best Star Wars film.

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Hands down no Star Wars movie is better than The Empire Strikes Back. With George Lucas not actually directing it, we received a brilliant movie. The newest trilogy on the other hand, as Twi references, shouldn't even exist. They are some of the worst movies ever made. However, if you were to force me to rank all 6, it'd look like this:


1) Empire Strikes Back

2) A New Hope

3) Return of the Jedi

4) Revenge of the Sith

5) Attack of the Clones

6) The Phantom Menace


When I was younger, I used to think Return of the Jedi was the best of the original trilogy. Now, however, I love the darkness to Empire Strikes Back and the character development was the deepest in the series. In Return of the Jedi, Mark Hamill as Luke seemed too forced. In the previous two, Luke was more naive and Hamill acted that part much better and made it believable. Oh...and the Ewoks. I loved them as a kid, but now I think they're ridiculous. 

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1) Empire Strikes Back

2) Return of the Jedi

3) A New Hope

4) Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Review

5) Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Review

6) Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Review



...What?  :ph34r:


...Fine, here:


1) Empire Strikes Back

2) Return of the Jedi

3) A New Hope

4) Revenge of the Sith

5) Attack of the Clones


The Phantom Menace isn't a movie. It's a catastrophe.

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One of my favorite YouTube channels is Star Geek. He discusses this topic quite a bit.

Hands down no Star Wars movie is better than The Empire Strikes Back. With George Lucas not actually directing it, we received a brilliant movie. The newest trilogy on the other hand, as Twi references, shouldn't even exist. They are some of the worst movies ever made. However, if you were to force me to rank all 6, it'd look like this:


1) Empire Strikes Back

2) A New Hope

3) Return of the Jedi

4) Revenge of the Sith

5) Attack of the Clones

6) The Phantom Menace


When I was younger, I used to think Return of the Jedi was the best of the original trilogy. Now, however, I love the darkness to Empire Strikes Back and the character development was the deepest in the series. In Return of the Jedi, Mark Hamill as Luke seemed too forced. In the previous two, Luke was more naive and Hamill acted that part much better and made it believable. Oh...and the Ewoks. I loved them as a kid, but now I think they're ridiculous. 

I know everybody loves the Empire Strikes Back, but my favorite remains Return of the Jedi. I'm rewatching the series, however.


Some people hate the prequels. But if you're going to do that, do you have to include Revenge of the Sith? That movie was way better than 1 and 2 and had much better emotion and a better plot, in my opinion.

Edited by WayneSpren
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There's about to be blood...

1. Return of the Jedi

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Star Wars

4. Attack of the Clones

5. The Phantom Menace

6. The Empire Strikes Back

I don't understand the love everybody has for Episode V. And I also don't understand the unrelenting hate for the prequels. Except for a lot of Hayden Christiansen's acting (but not all), they were pretty darn good, imo. Well, except for Phantom Menace. That one was not the best.

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Some people hate the prequels. But if you're going to do that, do you have to include Revenge of the Sith? That movie was way better than 1 and 2 and had much better emotion and a better plot, in my opinion.

Hence why I rated it the best of the newest trilogy. Granted, I hated this:



If I were to speculate, however, I think the Force Awakens will be amazing. I love JJ Abrams and think the movie will be in good hands with him. 

Edited by Titan Arum
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There's about to be blood...

1. Return of the Jedi

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Star Wars

4. Attack of the Clones

5. The Phantom Menace

6. The Empire Strikes Back

I don't understand the love everybody has for Episode V. And I also don't understand the unrelenting hate for the prequels. Except for a lot of Hayden Christiansen's acting (but not all), they were pretty darn good, imo. Well, except for Phantom Menace. That one was not the best.

I don't really understand why people love V so much more than the other movies either. It's a great Star Wars movie, but not necessarily better than IV or VI.


Hence why I rated it the best of the newest trilogy. Granted, I hated this:



If I were to speculate, however, I think the Force Awakens will be amazing. I love JJ Abrams and think the movie will be in good hands with him. 

I think Force Awakens will be better than the prequels, but not better than the Original Trilogy.

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Some people hate the prequels. But if you're going to do that, do you have to include Revenge of the Sith? That movie was way better than 1 and 2 and had much better emotion and a better plot, in my opinion.


Revenge of the Sith wasn't very good either, to be honest. It was flashy. Flashy shouldn't be the only thing that makes a movie good.


For those of you commenting that you don't understand the hate for the prequels, I highly recommend watching the Mr. Plinkett reviews I mentioned above. It won't explain all the hate, but he breaks down each of the movies in a very interesting way, and does a fair job of pointing out many of the flaws. Be warned, though, outside of their extreme length (he truly does break them down), there is quite a bit of adult language, as well as adult jokes (not many of the sexual kind, though). Anyways, as someone who does heavily dislike the prequels (the word hate is reserved solely for Phantom Menace), I found myself greatly agreeing with much of what Mr. Plinkett pointed out.


For your ease:


Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Review

(This one unfortunately is a playlist of videos, not one single video)

Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Review


Edit: Spelling

Edited by Blaze1616
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1. Empire Strikes Back 

2. A New Hope

3. Return of the Jedi 



I have no idea why you listed six. Only the original trilogy exists. :ph34r:

Truer words have never been spoken (typed?)

I'd make a small amendment to the order though

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Return of the Jedi

3. A New Hope


With that said, RotJ and ANH are basically interchangeable for 2/3, both are excellent but Empire is better because of the darkness.


The (arguably) greatest rant in movie history:




RANDAL You know what I just watched?

DANTE Me pulling a can off some moron's fist.

RANDAL Return of the Jedi.

DANTE Didn't you hear me? Caitlin really is getting married.

RANDAL Which did you like better: Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back.

DANTE (exasperated) Empire.

RANDAL Blasphemy.

DANTE Empire had the better ending: Luke gets his hand cut off, and finds out Vader's his father; Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. And that's life-a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.

RANDAL There was something else going on in Jedi. I never noticed it until today.

RANDAL follows DANTE as he cleans up around the store.

DANTE What's that?

RANDAL All right, Vader's boss...

DANTE The Emperor.

RANDAL Right, the Emperor. Now the Emperor is kind of a spiritual figure, yes?

DANTE How do you mean?

RANDAL Well, he's like the pope for the dark side of the Force. He's a holy man; a shaman, kind of, albeit an evil one.

DANTE I guess.

RANDAL Now, he's in charge of the Empire. The Imperial government is under his control. And the entire galaxy is under Imperial rule.


RANDAL Then wouldn't that logically mean that it's a theocracy? If the head of the Empire is a priest of some sort, then it stands to reason that the government is therefore one based on religion.

DANTE It would stand to reason, yes.

RANDAL Hence, the Empire was a fascist theocracy, and the rebel forces were therefore battling religious persecution.

DANTE More or less.

RANDAL The only problem is that at no point in the series did I ever hear Leia or any of the rebels declare a particular religious belief.

DANTE I think they were Catholics.

A BLUE-COLLAR MAN half enters the door.

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Are you open?

DANTE Yeah. Come in. He goes to the coffee machine and makes a cup of joe.

RANDAL You know what else I noticed in Jedi?

DANTE There's more?

RANDAL So they build another Death Star, right?


RANDAL Now the first one they built was completed and fully operational before the Rebels destroyed it.

DANTE Luke blew it up. Give credit where it's due.

RANDAL And the second one was still being built when they blew it up.

DANTE Compliments of Lando Calrissian.

RANDAL Something just never sat right with me the second time they destroyed it. I could never put my finger on it-something just wasn't right.

DANTE And you figured it out?

RANDAL Well, the thing is, the first Death Star was manned by the Imperial army-storm troopers, dignitaries- the only people onboard were Imperials.

DANTE Basically.

RANDAL So when they blew it up, no prob. Evil is punished.

DANTE And the second time around...?

RANDAL The second time around, it wasn't even finished yet. They were still under construction.


RANDAL A construction job of that magnitude would require a helluva lot more manpower than the Imperial army had to offer. I'll bet there were independent contractors working on that thing: plumbers, aluminum siders, roofers.

DANTE Not just Imperials, is what you're getting at.

RANDAL Exactly. In order to get it built quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody who could do the job. Do you think the average storm trooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is killing and white uniforms.

DANTE All right, so even if independent contractors are working on the Death Star, why are you uneasy with its destruction?

RANDAL All those innocent contractors hired to do a job were killed- casualties of a war they had nothing to do with. (notices Dante's confusion) All right, look-you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia-this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everyone within a three-mile radius.  You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living.

The BLUE-COLLAR MAN joins them.

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt, but what were you talking about?

RANDAL The ending of Return of the Jedi.

DANTE My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels.

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... (digs into pocket and produces business card) Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.

RANDAL Like when?

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was.

DANTE Whose house was it?

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Dominick Bambino's.

RANDAL "Babyface" Bambino? The gangster?

BLUE-COLLAR MAN The same. The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine.

DANTE Based on personal politics.

BLUE-COLLAR MAN Right. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling.

RANDAL No way!

BLUE-COLLAR MAN (paying for coffee) I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky. (pauses to reflect) You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this... (taps his heart) not his wallet.

Edited by Iron Eyes
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TPM(best saber fight so far with Maul)

AOTC(stupid title and stupid love story but at least we got to see 200 Jedi fighting and see a purple blade)

Lucas was my personal deity in the 80's & 90's. I worshipped the man. Then in 99 he released TPM and set off a chain of contradictions that it became painful to watch. He let power go to his head. He completely changed things cause he could and no one could tell him he was contradicting the old movies that made him $billion. He went crazy with that stupid Clone Wars cartoon. Asoka....sigh. I wouldn't piss on Lucas if where on fire these days. He became greedy unconcerned for his original fans.

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Iron Eyes, I'd forgotten about that conversation from Clerks. One of the best things about that movie is the dialogue. Keven Smith was at the top of his game with that one. But I agree with the roofer. Those contractors on the Death Star had to have known that there was a chance they could get blown up...the first one had been blown up by a known rebel faction, why wouldn't the second one while still under construction also then be a target? Even if it was know to be operational by the Rebels while still being built (which they didn't think it was)...it theoretically should be easier to destroy.


Also, why would the Empire build exactly the same weapon? I find it kind of cheap that George Lucas uses the same WMD in the third film. Not very original, if you ask me. Hence another reason why it's third on the list for me out of the original trilogy. 

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Also, why would the Empire build exactly the same weapon? I find it kind of cheap that George Lucas uses the same WMD in the third film. Not very original, if you ask me. Hence another reason why it's third on the list for me out of the original trilogy. 


That is an extremely reasonable criticism of RotJ, however, I would argue that the Luke/Vader/Palpatine scenes in that movie are among the best scenes in the entire franchise and for me they were enough to propel it over A New Hope (not Empire though, that movie is in my opinion perfect). With that said, A New Hope is excellent.

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The Special Editions were his 1st dip into the Dark Side changing things. While they did add some cool things visually for original fans the Greedo shot 1st thing was his 1st taste of creator changing madness imo. It was downhill from that moment on in 97 till 2012 upon selling. I've read articles from former ILM employees that tell how insane he became to work for. Sure some of these people are probably bitter terminated workers but the ultimate proof is there for us all to see in prequels and esp Clone Wars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's about to be blood...

1. Return of the Jedi

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Star Wars

4. Attack of the Clones

5. The Phantom Menace

6. The Empire Strikes Back

I don't understand the love everybody has for Episode V. And I also don't understand the unrelenting hate for the prequels. Except for a lot of Hayden Christiansen's acting (but not all), they were pretty darn good, imo. Well, except for Phantom Menace. That one was not the best.

I just watched episode III again, and I loved it.

My new list:

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Return of the Jedi

4. A New Hope

5. Attack of the Clones

6. Phantom Menace


I loved the emotion in episode III. I mean, seriously. Have you seen Luke, seeing the corpses of his aunt and uncle and not even changing his expression? My favorite line in all of Star Wars is:


"You were the Chosen One!" - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Episode III


That line conveyed so much frustration and sadness as Obi-Wan turns away from the new Sith Vader. These movies are my favorite 6 movies. My favorite video game is a Star Wars game. My favorite TV show is (please don't judge me, their are good episodes, try season 5 finale) the Clone Wars. My favorite toys as a child were lego Star Wars sets.


Star Wars is my favorite franchise by far, and I can't bear it when people hate on my favorite prequels. I get it, haters gotta hate, but please do it somewhere else.


(Wow, I sound so serious. Gotta say something random...potato in a minefield)

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Star Wars is my favorite franchise by far, and I can't bear it when people hate on my favorite prequels. I get it, haters gotta hate, but please do it somewhere else.

I dislike the prequels because they were all over the place. Lucas decided he had to explain the origin of everything, when really all we needed to see was the origin story of Darth Vader. Had the prequels been more focused, I would have enjoyed them more.

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I dislike the prequels because they were all over the place. Lucas decided he had to explain the origin of everything, when really all we needed to see was the origin story of Darth Vader. Had the prequels been more focused, I would have enjoyed them more.

I agree. Young Boba Fett was annoying. The only main character they didn't show was Han Solo.

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I agree. Young Boba Fett was annoying. The only main character they didn't show was Han Solo.

Han might've saved them, but he wasn't there, so...

I also wish Lucas had characterized Anakin differently. To see stoic, unflappable Darth Vader portrayed as a whiney teen was jarring for me, and not in a good way.

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Han might've saved them, but he wasn't there, so...

I also wish Lucas had characterized Anakin differently. To see stoic, unflappable Darth Vader portrayed as a whiney teen was jarring for me, and not in a good way.

He was whiney in Episode II. 


The only character I loved was Obi-Wan's.  The true star of the prequels was the soundtrack.


Have you heard Across the Stars? Duel of the Fates? That one where Obi-Wan fights Anakin?

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Obi-Wan truly is great in the prequels. Mcgregor did a smash up job. And many of the lightsaber duels really were very good. Large portions of the plot, almost all of all three scripts, most of the characters, inconsisntencies in lore........it's just so bad..... Especially Attack of the Clones.......


On the other hand, I did a rewatch of the original trilogy last week and I loved it. I'm tempted to change my ranking to Empire, New Hope, Jedi, but I'm not sure.

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Being old, I grew up with the original trilogy. These were my favorite childhood movies which I watched over and over and over again. The Empire Strikes Back has always been my favorite mainly because it is darker and it ends bad. I also liked the Return of the Jedi: young me thought the Ewoks were hilarious  :ph34r:


I am not found of the new trilogy. Nothing worked in it for me. I hated the idea of starting it up with Anakin as a child in a movie made as a plot device for a video game. The other movies were better, but not much. I never felt the love story between Anakin and Padme. The last movie also broke from canon as Leia clearly talks of remembering her mother to Luke in movie number 6.


I am actually excited over the new trilogy. The previews look amazing. Now I have to convince my husband this would make a nice date night for us...  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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