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Funny stuff that happens in the chatroom


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WIP. We got into a discussion of new numbers and stuff. Frickin long.

[22:06] <Observer__> Anybody ever wonderered what a base-eleven numbers system would be like?

[22:07] <Observer__> We'd need an extra number between 9 and 10

[22:07] <Satsuoni> A

[22:07] <Observer__> I tried to create it using the style of the other 9, but it didn't go so well

[22:07] <Satsuoni> why not?

[22:07] <Observer__> It didn't look right

[22:07] <Observer__> 1-9 are composed of lines and circles, but I couldn't seem to work it

[22:08] <Observer__> I settled on a tie-like symbol

[22:08] <Yados> This thread has taken a turn

[22:08] <Observer__> And then tried to solve some math problems using the new system

[22:08] <Observer__> IKR?

[22:08] <Observer__> It was rediculous

[22:09] <Satsuoni> Well

[22:09] <Satsuoni> still, it has its merits

[22:09] <Satsuoni> It is a prime-base system

[22:09] <Satsuoni> IIRC they have interesting properties

[22:10] <Observer__> If you grew up on it, it could potentially bve better than base10

[22:10] <Lyre|NaNo> 10044 words Will

[22:10] <Master_Moridin> Why would you need another number between 9 and 10?

[22:10] <Observer__> To create a number system above base 10

[22:10] <Satsuoni> Lyre, you didn't answer my question

[22:10] <Lyre|NaNo> because you touch yourself at night

[22:10] <Master_Moridin> A base 11 system would go 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A

[22:10] <Observer__> We only use base 10 because we have 10 fingers. I was wondering what would happen if we'd had 11 instead

[22:11] <Satsuoni> I do, but I asked you about you credentials on NaNo site

[22:11] <Lyre|NaNo> Panta

[22:11] <Master_Moridin> We also use base 10 for other reasons, such as ease of mathematical computation.

[22:11] <Observer__> We wouldn't have used A, since the concept of everything ending at 9 and becoming bidigital woudln't exist after the new number

[22:11] <Lyre|NaNo> base 16 is where it's at ;)

[22:11] <Observer__> XP

[22:11] <Master_Moridin> Wait, what?

[22:11] <Observer__> It's how the 17th does math

[22:11] <Lyre|NaNo> hexadecimal

[22:11] <Master_Moridin> Taht makes no sense.

[22:11] <Master_Moridin> Hexadecimal does

[22:11] <Observer__> Sadly, I'd never be able to figure out so many new numbers

[22:11] <Master_Moridin> The no A doesnt

[22:12] <Observer__> If we'd decided to go higher than base 10, we' dhave a new number, not a lot of numbers and a letter

[22:12] == Yados [18e45d76@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]

[22:12] <Lyre|NaNo> just keep adding 0's to everything

[22:12] <Master_Moridin> You could just as easily take a letter and use it as the symbol for the 11th number

[22:12] <Master_Moridin> You don't have a new number

[22:12] <Observer__> Letters are made with a different style, and look out of place

[22:12] <Master_Moridin> It's still 11

[22:13] <Satsuoni> I know what you are talking about, Observer

[22:13] <Lyre|NaNo> 1+1 makes 1 though

[22:13] <Satsuoni> But the, we'd probably have all different numbers

[22:13] <Master_Moridin> You just use a different symbol. In Modern notation, the alphabet is used for numbers higher than 9 in systems larger than base 10

[22:13] <Observer__> Numbers would go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [NEW NUMBER] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1[NEW #] 20

[22:13] <Observer__> I love it

[22:13] <Master_Moridin> No it wouldn't.

[22:13] <Observer__> Using a letter is wrong

[22:13] <Observer__> Why wouldn' tit?

[22:14] <Lyre|NaNo> tell Charles Babbage that

[22:14] <Observer__> *wouldn't it

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> It would be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Whatever symbol you use

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> Because that's no how math works.

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> You don't invent a new number

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> It's like hexadecimal

[22:14] <Observer__> All you did was add 0

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

[22:14] <Satsuoni> Or roman numerals

[22:14] <Observer__> I never excluded 0

[22:14] <Master_Moridin> You still don't need a new number. It's just 10

[22:15] <Observer__> And again, I'm sayin gif at the dawn of time we decided not to use base 10, we wouldn't have borrowed letters for numbers

[22:15] <Master_Moridin> The number is 10 after 9

[22:15] == Shivertongue_ has changed nick to Shiv|NaNo

[22:15] <Master_Moridin> ...OH

[22:15] <Observer__> :P

[22:15] <Master_Moridin> I see it nwo

[22:15] <Master_Moridin> You weren't talkig abou inventing a new number

[22:15] <Observer__> So I was trying to create a # system to represent what coul dhave been

[22:16] <Master_Moridin> I didnt see the end of your list because of rap around

[22:16] <Master_Moridin> *wrap

[22:16] <Observer__> Yeah, irritating that

[22:16] * Satsuoni should be writing

[22:16] <Observer__> Trying to do math with the system can be a pain thanks to finger number and habit :P

[22:16] <Satsuoni> Yes

[22:17] <Satsuoni> imagine you have 11 fingers

[22:17] <Satsuoni> Like some fish

[22:17] <Master_Moridin> Eh. Would be just as easy as doing math in binary or hexadecimal

[22:17] <Observer__> I think if we had 11 we'd use base eleven, but that's just a guestimate

[22:18] <Observer__> Heck, the new number system is still base 10 all things considered......what do we call it then?

[22:18] <Satsuoni> Yes, maybe

[22:18] <Satsuoni> ?

[22:18] <Lyre|NaNo> arabian goggles

[22:18] <Observer__> I love it.

[22:18] <Lyre|NaNo> new name

[22:18] == Yados [18e45d76@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #cosmere

[22:18] <Lyre|NaNo> damnation, should've posted it then :P

[22:18] <Satsuoni> WB, Yados

[22:18] <Observer__> Base Shard. It is done.

[22:18] <Master_Moridin> Like I said, not necesarily. The ancient Sumerians used a base 60 system.

[22:18] * Satsuoni should post this log in its entirety

[22:18] <Lyre|NaNo> Sumerians were crazy

[22:18] <Observer__> They liked the number 60, it is true

[22:19] <Observer__> Sorry Sat, already did it.

[22:19] <Master_Moridin> They're where we get our system for keeping time.

[22:19] <Yados> Nm had to reboot cause my podcasts were being weird. Everyone still talking about maths?

[22:19] <Satsuoni> You missed the camera part, though

[22:19] <Observer__> :P

[22:19] <Satsuoni> Yes, Yados

[22:19] <Satsuoni> You have 11 fingers

[22:20] <Observer__> Yay!

[22:20] <Observer__> o_O Shard^Shard. Yikes

[22:20] <Yados> Does that mean that each hand has half a finger?

[22:20] <Observer__> Calculators are useless on that equasion

[22:20] <Observer__> Or one has 6

[22:20] <Satsuoni> So, different shrdworlds can be using different base for their numbers?

[22:21] <Observer__> I'm calling the new # shard for now

[22:21] <Observer__> And wondering what Shard^Shard is

[22:21] <Satsuoni> You have one hand with eleven tentacles

[22:21] <Master_Moridin> Why are you renaming the number?

[22:21] <Observer__> It didn't have a name to begin with

[22:21] <Master_Moridin> eleven still works.

[22:21] <Observer__> And 11 is still 11.

[22:21] <Satsuoni> elven

[22:21] <Master_Moridin> It's still the eleventh number.

[22:21] <Master_Moridin> No.

[22:21] <Lyre|NaNo> really?

[22:21] <Observer__> 11 is the number after 10

[22:21] <Lyre|NaNo> thanks for that wonderful insigth Observer

[22:22] <Lyre|NaNo> *insight

[22:22] <Observer__> :P

[22:22] <Master_Moridin> The names of numbers do not refer to their written form.

[22:22] <Observer__> I'm treating them like they do

[22:22] <Master_Moridin> But to the actual quantity.

[22:22] <Satsuoni> 16-base for Scadrial

[22:22] <Observer__> Instead of calling 10 11 and 11 12, I'm just bumping every name's value up by one

[22:22] <Satsuoni> 10 for Roshar

[22:22] <Satsuoni> anybody knows what number is linked to Sel?

[22:22] <Observer__> Not a clue as of yet

[22:23] <Observer__> But I don't have TES, so I can't speak

[22:23] <Observer__> I'll say 32

[22:23] <Observer__> And then say math there must suck

[22:23] <Satsuoni> Why 32?

[22:23] <Observer__> Something about Aons I used to remember

[22:24] * Satsuoni dislikes writing dialogue with telepathy

[22:24] <Observer__> Eugh.

[22:24] <Observer__> Shard^Shard is 3486784401 give or take

[22:25] <Satsuoni> Shard is irrational?

[22:25] <Satsuoni> Imagine base irrational math :)

[22:25] <Yados> Anyone ever listen to Suspense theatre?

[22:25] <Observer__> o_O

[22:26] * Observer__ just had a head explosion

[22:26] <Observer__> And no, I'm just admitting my math may be faulty

[22:26] <Master_Moridin> Umm, isn't your Shard supposed to be the number after 9 in a base 11 system?

[22:26] <Observer__> Yes

[22:26] <Observer__> So, admittedly, I'm wrong

[22:26] <Observer__> Shard is 10

[22:26] <Observer__> And my math is wierd

[22:26] <Observer__> And I'm a nut

[22:26] * Observer__ pack shis bags fo rethe looney bin *

[22:26] <Master_Moridin> Yeah, it'd be 100 in whatever your notation is.

[22:27] * Observer__ packs his bags for the crazy house *

[22:27] <Master_Moridin> So, actually I'm curious now.

[22:27] <Satsuoni> damnation, another 200 world before I can finish this chapter with clear conscience. and even then, I am breaking my outline

[22:28] <Satsuoni> 6000 words today is a pipe dream :(

[22:28] <Observer__> I love tho-...nevermind

[22:29] <Observer__> Before you ask, my previous math involve done eye on this chatbox, one eye on portal 2, and me trusting my peripherals in both eyes to help me while half my brain was cursing Mevious. I think I did really well all things considered.

[22:29] <Master_Moridin> In your notation Observer, 100 would be 91

[22:29] <Observer__> Wait...how...?

[22:29] <Master_Moridin> Cause 9*11^1 + 1*11^0

[22:29] <Master_Moridin> As in, Shard*Shard = 91

[22:30] <Satsuoni> Think base pi system ~

[22:30] <Satsuoni> think of it~

[22:30] <Observer__> Base pi, base i, base irrational, yikes

[22:31] <Master_Moridin> Cause numeral places work like this: 11^3 11^2 11^1 11^0 for base 11

[22:32] <Observer__> But since this isn't exactly base 11 per se...

[22:32] <Master_Moridin> you said it was

[22:32] <Observer__> I had no other way of explaining it

[22:32] <Master_Moridin> 0 through Shard, with shard coming after 9 is a base 11

[22:32] <Observer__> I'm trying to order my thoughts in a way that makes this make sense to myself

[22:33] <Observer__> Yup, it's just base 11 but with renamed numbers and crazier and more needllessly complicated math

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The origin of the white dance.

[11:21] <magicalman> No! Don't do it! I'm allerguc to the color black!

[11:21] <Observer__> MM<----POKE!

[11:21] <magicalman> NOOOOOOO!

* magicalman dies

* Observer__ does a white dance *

* magicalman revived

[11:22] <Observer__> I'll bew cracking whitedance jokes from now till doomsday now you know...

In N Out discussion:

][20:47] <Sweetness> But they don't put vegetables on their burgers unless you specifically tell them too!

[20:48] <@Shiv|NaNo> Yes, that completely makes up for anaphylactic shock.

[20:48] <+Windrunner17> Exactly!

[20:48] <+Windrunner17> Yes it does

[20:48] <+Windrunner17> You've got to get rid of those healthy bits

[20:48] <+Windrunner17> You don't want to SURVIVE the hear attack or anything

[20:48] <@Shiv|NaNo> Like a functioning windpipe?

[20:49] <Sweetness> Those are highly overrated

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Lord Ruler managed to keep something okay at least!

[23:21] == RubixKube has changed nick to RUIN

[23:21] <+Windrunner17> Oh no


[23:21] == Windrunner17 has changed nick to Preservation

[23:21] <+Preservation> Woah

[23:22] <+Preservation> Lets slow down

[23:22] == Preservation was kicked from #cosmere by RUIN [GTFO N00B]

[23:22] == Preservation [323405aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.*.*.*.*] has joined #cosmere

[23:22] == mode/#cosmere [+v Preservation] by ChanServ

[23:22] <Lanscaper> wait...since when could RUIN touch PRESERVATION?

[23:22] <+Preservation> Things are pretty good the way they are

[23:23] <+Preservation> Why do we need to change anything

[23:23] <+Preservation> ?

[23:23] <@RUIN> because. everything must be ruined!!!!

[23:23] <@Chaos2651> hahahhaa

[23:23] <Lanscaper> OH GOD RUIN + CHAOS!

[23:23] == Chaos2651 has changed nick to Rashek

[23:23] <+Preservation> Woah dude

[23:23] <+Preservation> You are not the hero


[23:24] <+Preservation> What happened to Alendi?

[23:24] * Rashek breaks the world

[23:24] <@Rashek> don't worry guys

[23:24] <@Rashek> I got this

[23:24] <+Preservation> XD

[23:24] <@Rashek> I can fix it!

[23:24] <+Preservation> When can I fall out of the sky?

[23:24] <@Rashek> ...

[23:24] <@RUIN> NO YOU CAN'T!!!!

[23:24] <@Rashek> s$%^

[23:24] <@Rashek> that's okay

[23:24] <@Rashek> I'll just rule the world for a thousand years

[23:24] <@Rashek> forever really

[23:25] <@Rashek> I can totally do that and save my sanity!

[23:25] <+Preservation> You'll be fine

[23:25] <+Preservation> You follow my intent after all

[23:26] <@Rashek> unless there's an evil god whispering to me I think we're good, leras




[23:27] <@Rashek> THEY STAYED THE SAME

[23:27] <+Preservation> I guess we can compromise

[23:27] <@Rashek> SUCK IT RUIN

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IRC died on us, and I was the first one back. Recipe for disaster...

[22:11] == Windrunner17 [323405aa@gateway/web/freenode/session] has joined #cosmere

[22:11] == mode/#cosmere [+ns] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:12] == Windrunner17 changed the topic of #cosmere to: Wooo Admin!

[22:12] *Chaos2651* Is this working?

[22:12] == No such nick/channel: Chaos2651

[22:13] *lyssie95* Hello?

[22:13] == StormAtlas [ba2e361f@gateway/web/freenode/session] has joined #cosmere

[22:13] == No such nick/channel: lyssie95

[22:13] <@Windrunner17> Okay

[22:13] <@Windrunner17> Not alone now

[22:13] <@Windrunner17> Did irc just self destruct for you too?

[22:14] <@Windrunner17> StormAtlas: Can you hear me?

[22:14] <StormAtlas> yes :/

[22:14] <StormAtlas> just now

[22:14] <StormAtlas> it took me a bit to figure out what the heck happened

[22:14] <StormAtlas> are we in Shadsmare o.0

[22:14] <StormAtlas> did I die.... ?

[22:14] == Chaos2651 [424a9cc9@gateway/web/freenode/session] has joined #cosmere

[22:15] <@Windrunner17> Woo

[22:15] <@Windrunner17> Admin!

[22:15] <@Windrunner17> Almighty powers!

[22:15] <Chaos2651> whoa

[22:15] <@Windrunner17> I don't know what happened

[22:15] <@Windrunner17> But it's amazing

[22:15] <Chaos2651> so clearly freenode was not bugging out for just me

[22:15] <Chaos2651> XD

[22:15] <Chaos2651> just wait till ChanServ gets back you punk :P/>

[22:15] == Chaos2651 was kicked from #cosmere by Windrunner17 [WHO YOU CALLING A PUNK?!?]

[22:15] == mode/#cosmere [-o Windrunner17] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:15] == mode/#cosmere [+cgt-s] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:15] == ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #cosmere

[22:15] == mode/#cosmere [+o ChanServ] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:15] == mode/#cosmere [+bbbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:15] == mode/#cosmere [+bbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@] by rowling.freenode.net

[22:15] == rowling.freenode.net changed the topic of #cosmere to: Welcome to the cosmere, the official chatroom of 17thshard. Make spren, not war.

[22:16] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.

[22:17] == Chaos2651 [424a9cc9@gateway/web/freenode/session] has joined #cosmere

[22:17] <StormAtlas> ...

[22:17] <Chaos2651> power trip much? :P/>

[22:17] <Chaos2651> oh, look who got demoted

[22:17] <Chaos2651> thanks chanserv

[22:17] <Windrunner17> Chanserv came back :/

I had to take the opportunity. D:

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Double post for breaking news announcement!

You don't need to breathe!

[18:07] <+Windrunner17> And the breathing helps the living

[18:07] <Sweetness> Nah

[18:07] <Sweetness> you don't need to breathe

[18:09] <+Windrunner17> Really?

[18:09] * Windrunner17 tries it

[18:10] <Sweetness> XD

[18:10] <Sweetness> Windy

[18:10] * Windrunner17 's face it purple

[18:10] <+Windrunner17> *is

[18:11] <+Windrunner17> I thank dat im oka

[18:11] <+Windrunner17> dsi is grate

[18:11] <+Windrunner17> feiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

[18:11] <Sweetness> XD

[18:11] <Sweetness> Some one call an ambulane...

[18:11] <Sweetness> *lance

[18:11] <Lyre|NaNo> nah

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Good backup on this one Chaos :P

(5:49:38 AM) Ziva: I don't want to sleep >.>

(5:50:04 AM) Windrunner17: Then don't

(5:50:07 AM) Windrunner17: It's pretty easy

(5:50:35 AM) Ziva: so's your mom

(5:50:40 AM) Windrunner17: damnation it

(5:50:45 AM) Windrunner17: I set myself up for that one

(5:50:45 AM) Ziva: :P

(5:50:57 AM) Windrunner17: Go wiki or something

(5:51:13 AM) You are now known as WindysMomIsEasy

(5:51:25 AM) OdiumIsAwesome is now known as IDidWindysMom

(5:51:26 AM) Windrunner17: ...

(5:51:28 AM) Windrunner17: ...

(5:51:39 AM) WindysMomIsEasy: I'm getting in the spirit of name changing

(5:51:48 AM) IDidWindysMom is now known as OdiumHatesMoms

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About the Parshendi...

[23:40] <Sweetness> I love you

[23:40] <Sweetness> I bet that's how they do it

[23:40] <Sweetness> have to attract alespren to get into mating form

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> ahahahahahah

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> oh my god

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> that is hiloarious

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> *hilarious

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> god

[23:41] <@Chaos2651> I really really hope that is the case

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Hypocrisy in its finest.

[14:55] <Straff> are these redacted messages done by us or the chat site?

[14:56] <Lyrebon> us

[14:56] <Lyrebon> just whack caps lock on

[14:56] <Lyrebon> s#!&

[14:56] <Lyrebon> see

[14:56] <Straff> lyre im reporting you

[14:56] <Lyrebon> :P/>

[14:58] == mode/#cosmere [+o fbstj] by ChanServ

[14:58] <Straff> the verbal police are sniffing your trail

[14:58] == Lyrebon was kicked from #cosmere by fbstj [no f#@&ing swearing]

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Panic in the chatroom!

[19:04] <+Windrunner17> Guys, big moment. I'm actually using the wiki to find something out O.o

[19:04] <@firstRainbowRose> Wow!

[19:04] <Sweetness> Whoa

[19:04] <Sweetness> Someone alert the media

[19:04] <lys> woooooooooooow

[19:04] <lys> woooooow

[19:04] <lys> woooooooooooooooow

[19:04] <Nesh> We are the media

[19:04] * Lyrebon pushes the panic button

[19:05] <Lyrebon> it was taunting me

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Another double post? This is getting to be a bad habit XD I had to show of Joe's drop off into insanity

<@fbstj> lookey there Eric, you've nearly caught upto me :Phttp://coppermind.net/wiki/Special:ActiveUsers

<+Windrunner17> Joe...

<+Windrunner17> He's not here :P

<@fbstj> yahhh shush, I'm low on cake :P

<@fbstj> congratulate him if he appears, will ya :P

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Learning about Sat's Russian heritage

[13:55] <Lyrebon> they can't survive long beyond the bitter cold of their home

[13:56] <Lyrebon> I also say Russians are akin to polar bears

[13:56] <Satsuoni> It is the lack of necessary vitamins from Vodka Bear blood, lyre

[13:56] <Satsuoni> We know the sacrifice we make

[13:56] <Straff> do you eat your bears raw?

[13:56] <Satsuoni> Sometimes, but more often we drink their warm blood

[13:57] <Straff> tasty

[13:57] <Satsuoni> For meat, we just chip on our mammoth deposits

[13:57] <Lyrebon> I imagine rivers in Russia run with vodka instead of water

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[15:18] <Straff> i can imagine you two walking either side of him on the street and taking him for a conversation in the alley :P

[15:18] <@Chaos2651> yeah and then we'd shank him

[15:18] <Straff> well alleys were invented for nothing else

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  • 3 weeks later...

[11:12] <overweight> Personally I prefer stories where the gameplay and story merge seamlessly

[11:12] <overweight> *games*

[11:12] <Observer_> What would they do with two sets of vital organs?

[11:14] <overweight> E-bay

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(10:23:44 PM) Straff: im gonna get some of the good stuff now

More oral satisfaction me thinks.

Everyone else, in light of his previous behaviour, feel free to let your imaginations wild :P

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