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favorite quotes!


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I know that I have quite a few from scout camp stored somewhere in the back of my mind (or my coppermind, which is somewhere in my room. I don't know where, though, because the map of everything in my room is stored on it.)

"It's five minutes later than it was thirty seconds ago!"

"Ethan, can you come help me move this kitchen?"

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If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t there more happy people? 

I was trying to write the letter o, and I found a really easy way to draw an eggplant.

If you think our problems are bad, then you should see our solutions!

What’s a quarter step among friends? 

and a few of my favorites from the Cosmere:

secret history





"What in the name of You are you doing?" (this one is my very favorite non-swear ever.)

mistborn E1


we mistborn need not make sense.

mistborn E2


"Don't try. Logic does't work on Wayne"

"I bought a ward off of it from a traveling merchant. it lets me add two and two and get a pickle."

Words of Radiance


I am a stick.

also Words of Radiance


What if you need to poop?


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"End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one which we all must take: The grey rain curtains of this world roll back, and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it... White shores and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise."

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"Everyone is a jerk, marriage is deciding what jerk you can live with." ~Me (side note, that makes me seem really cynical, when in fact, i'm an optimist.)

“It’s good to be here. I’m just trying to go through life without looking stupid. It’s not working out too well. ” 
― Brian Regan

Edited by TheVillageIdiot
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"Lambas bread. One bite fills the stomach of a grown man!"

Merry to Pippin: "How many did you have...?

"Four." ~LoTR


"Oh, it's a case of they'll think I'll think that they'll do A, so they'll do B because I wouldn't think they'd think of that but then because I might think I know that they're thinking they'll do A after all because I wouldn't think they'd think that way," said Will.

Halt looked at him for a long moment in silence, "You know, I'm almost tempted to ask you to repeat that." ~Ranger's Apprentice.


Edited by RogueWriter
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And now for a few quotes from the best TV show ever:


Gus: Shawn? What the heck are you doing here?

Shawn: I should ask you the same question.

Gus: I work here!

Shawn: I should ask you a different question.


Lassiter: So you think someone planted it in his locker?

Shawn: No, I think someone put it there on purpose.

Lassiter: That's what I just said.

Shawn: But mine wasn't in the form of a question, so it came from a place of power.


Gus: I'm not going out there.

Shawn: You cannot sit here in a dark car all alone. You'll be picked up for mopery.

Gus: Mopery?

Shawn: With intent to creep. Trust me, you don't want that. It'll put a big hole in your future.

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Slight necro, but 


I can't space jump with a polar bear?!


The pot smells like markers


I didn't choose the meme life, the meme life chose meme


That moment when your cat population is 16% white


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"a Commander stands behind his army while a Leader stands in front"

"Leaders don't create followers, they create more Leaders"

"a fool gives full vent to his anger, while a wise man holds his tongue"

I use those regarding work a lot. 

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On 1/15/2018 at 11:29 PM, Personification said:



Just like Alcatraz, Randall Munroe's words are pure gold!


If you have never read his book What If, I highly suggest it! It is one of my absolute favorites (almost comparable to Alcatraz)

These are some of my favorites (especially the comics).

laser pointer https://what-if.xkcd.com/13/

orbital submarine (only in the book)

random sneeze call https://what-if.xkcd.com/55/

machine gun jetpack https://what-if.xkcd.com/21/

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3 hours ago, Showman said:


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Just like Alcatraz, Randall Munroe's words are pure gold!


If you have never read his book What If, I highly suggest it! It is one of my absolute favorites (almost comparable to Alcatraz)

These are some of my favorites (especially the comics).

laser pointer https://what-if.xkcd.com/13/

orbital submarine (only in the book)

random sneeze call https://what-if.xkcd.com/55/

machine gun jetpack https://what-if.xkcd.com/21/


Thank you, of the What Ifs I personally like this one, if only because of the final image.

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"Why is the salsa making laser noises?"

"When you're learning to snowboard, you'll probably hurt yourself. when you're good at snowboarding, you'll definitely hurt yourself."

"It was my leg I had a bad fall on, not my head... Unless I did fall on my head, and now I think it's my leg."

"If I'm gonna die, the comfy chair is coming with me!"

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