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Still Having a Bad Day? Exchange Your Rants For Hugs Here!


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I think Orlion is right. Kicking me out right away doesn't seem like her style. She might sit me down and say I have until January to find a job, and then it's up to me to find a place to live whether I'm hired somewhere or not. She might graciously extend the deadline if I don't have a job by then, reminding me of how nice she is all the while. And I might be in for a long lecture from my dad when he comes home for Thanksgiving, but I don't think she'll kick me out right away. I hope not, at any rate.

I'm done cowering, though. She's acting like a child, and I'm not going to be afraid of her.

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If she ever pretends the deadline or conditions are your fault, I'm confident you already know what's up.


Yep. Childish manipulation and self-imposed martyrdom. Kind of like what she's doing now—ignoring me, presumably in hopes freezing me out will make me see the error of my ways. Little does she know, I actually prefer this to long lectures designed to make me see the error of my ways. :ph34r: 


And, because I didn't say it earlier, I'll say it now: 


"As a pastor" holds no logical weight, Mom. Just because you're a pastor doesn't mean that everything you say is correct, factually or morally. 

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I found out a couple of years ago that it makes me really angry to read about things that are super unfair. Umbridge was the first character to do this to me, so I compare everyone who makes me feel that way just by reading about it to her.

Totally comparing your mom to Umbridge right now.

Here's a small effort to make you smile:


I'm unable to imagine what you're even going through, Twi, but you're in my prayers. :(:)

Edited by The Honor Spren
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How.....how can she keep Bruce? Isn't he legally yours?

I'm so proud of you.

And I'm so sorry Twi.



He is, but she did pitch in a substantial amount of money to help me buy him, so she could claim "I helped you get him, so he's partly mine." If I took it to court, she'd lose—not only is my name on his paperwork, but I paid nearly half again what she did—but I wouldn't put it past her to separate me from Bruce for as long as she could. 


I found out a couple of years ago that it makes me really angry to read about things that are super unfair. Umbridge was the first character to do this to me, so I compare everyone who makes me feel that way just by reading about it to her.

Totally comparing your mom to Umbridge right now.

Here's a small effort to make you smile:


I'm unable to imagine what you're even going through, Twi, but you're in my prayers. :(:)


Oh, I have more stories. Stories that would make you even angrier. <_< Thanks for the pug and the prayers. :) 


Praying for a quiet and peaceful weekend for all of us. ❤️


Yes indeed. 

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So I've been opting for the medication route to deal with the problem but it's really messing with my study, my attention span is just completely gone to hell and I keep getting distracted by wondering what my arm tastes like.

I hate my brain.

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So I've been opting for the medication route to deal with the problem but it's really messing with my study, my attention span is just completely gone to hell and I keep getting distracted by wondering what my arm tastes like.

I hate my brain.

I'm sorry. :( If I knew how to make your brain stop being a scumbag, I'd do it.

And would whoever keeps downvoting my posts about my mom in this thread please PM me or stop? I don't downvote anyone else's bad days, so I don't understand this.

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So I've been opting for the medication route to deal with the problem but it's really messing with my study, my attention span is just completely gone to hell and I keep getting distracted by wondering what my arm tastes like.

I hate my brain.

I'm also sorry. I can't really do anything about the headaches but if you need someone to talk about the potential taste of your arm I'm here to help. Just don't expect me to actually try and eat one. :ph34r:


I'm sorry. :( If I knew how to make your brain stop being a scumbag, I'd do it.

And would whoever keeps downvoting my posts about my mom in this thread please PM me or stop? I don't downvote anyone else's bad days, so I don't understand this.

How insane is the option that your mother made an account and is downvoting those posts?

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I'm sorry. :( If I knew how to make your brain stop being a scumbag, I'd do it.

And would whoever keeps downvoting my posts about my mom in this thread please PM me or stop? I don't downvote anyone else's bad days, so I don't understand this.

Well my plan so far is to feed it lots of icecream so it stops hating me. It hasn't worked yet but it makes me feel better so kindof win I guess? :)

Got paranoid I might have done it while scrolling because of stupid thumbs clicking the wrong thing but nope, not me. So I shall upvote you a few times to spite this mysterious downvoter. And also because you're awesome and dealing with a sucky situation. Hope it works out for you soon.

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I'm also sorry. I can't really do anything about the headaches but if you need someone to talk about the potential taste of your arm I'm here to help. Just don't expect me to actually try and eat one. :ph34r:


How insane is the option that your mother made an account and is downvoting those posts?

Not that I think you're doing this in the least but it just reminded me that I hate that they're called cluster 'headaches'. Because whenever I tell people I had to miss a day of uni or something because I'm having them they inevitably just ask if I want a panadol or something and don't worry they get headaches too but panadol helps them so it should help me.

I nearly OD'd on paracetamol once trying to fix it that way, it just does absolutely nothing to help, and a cluster headache is like a normal headache in the sense that a hurricane could be described as a breezy day. Most people are talking about tension headaches or at worst a migraine (Which admittedly does hurt but still no where close) and I feel like someone is trying to pull my brain out through my eye while holding a branding iron to my face, I get people are trying to feel empathetic but it just really really annoys me when people think it's the same thing. So I'm petitioning to have the official term be changed to 'cluster deathy deathy face stab' or at the very least something with 'itis' on the end. People take 'itis's seriously.

And for reference my arm mostly tastes like hair so yeah I don't recommend you try it even in the interests of helping a friend :P

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Not that I think you're doing this in the least but it just reminded me that I hate that they're called cluster 'headaches'. Because whenever I tell people I had to miss a day of uni or something because I'm having them they inevitably just ask if I want a panadol or something and don't worry they get headaches too but panadol helps them so it should help me.

I nearly OD'd on paracetamol once trying to fix it that way, it just does absolutely nothing to help, and a cluster headache is like a normal headache in the sense that a hurricane could be described as a breezy day. Most people are talking about tension headaches or at worst a migraine (Which admittedly does hurt but still no where close) and I feel like someone is trying to pull my brain out through my eye while holding a branding iron to my face, I get people are trying to feel empathetic but it just really really annoys me when people think it's the same thing. So I'm petitioning to have the official term be changed to 'cluster deathy deathy face stab' or at the very least something with 'itis' on the end. People take 'itis's seriously.

And for reference my arm mostly tastes like hair so yeah I don't recommend you try it even in the interests of helping a friend :P

Sadly, words can sometimes be misleading like that. :unsure:


That's good then. Hair never was high on my culinary list. :P

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Aaaannnnd they've moved over to Random Stuff.



That smacks of trolling behavior to me.  It might be worth shooting off a PM to one of the mods; they can probably see if someone is unfairly targeting your posts.

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That smacks of trolling behavior to me.  It might be worth shooting off a PM to one of the mods; they can probably see if someone is unfairly targeting your posts.


If I catch another downvote, I'll do it. I don't know if it's typical trolling, though—the post they targeted in Random Stuff was the update about my mom. It had three upvotes when I last left it; when I looked again, it had two. So I don't think they're targeting my posts so much as the stuff I post about my mom….which actually makes the whole thing that much worse. "I'm having trouble with my mom, I'm angry with her and I want to move out." "DOWNVOTE." Just….who does that? 

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If I catch another downvote, I'll do it. I don't know if it's typical trolling, though—the post they targeted in Random Stuff was the update about my mom. It had three upvotes when I last left it; when I looked again, it had two. So I don't think they're targeting my posts so much as the stuff I post about my mom….which actually makes the whole thing that much worse. "I'm having trouble with my mom, I'm angry with her and I want to move out." "DOWNVOTE." Just….who does that? 


IIRC, this isn't the first time that someone's targeted your mom posts.  There's definitely something screwy going on there.


Maybe they're downvoting your mom, not you.


If that's the case, then 5 points for the thought, and -2 million for execution.

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IIRC, this isn't the first time that someone's targeted your mom posts.  There's definitely something screwy going on there.



If that's the case, then 5 points for the thought, and -2 million for execution.

Maybe they're downvoting your mom, not you.


I'm with Kay on this one. <_< Nice thought, bad idea. 


No, it isn't. What I suspect is happening is it's someone who thinks I'm going overboard with the complaining, or that I don't have a right to complain because I don't know how good I have it, or something like that, and the downvotes are trying to make some sort of point. 

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I'm with Kay on this one. <_< Nice thought, bad idea. 


No, it isn't. What I suspect is happening is it's someone who thinks I'm going overboard with the complaining, or that I don't have a right to complain because I don't know how good I have it, or something like that, and the downvotes are trying to make some sort of point. 


This is the Bad Day thread.  There is no overboard with complaining.  Why?  Because the Forum Mom says so, that's why!*


Seriously, this is the only outlet that you have for venting your frustrations.  If someone has a problem with that, then maybe they need to stop reading.  The downvoting is minor in the grand scheme of things, but it's just coming across as petty.



*Not to be confused with any real rules, living or dead.  Void where prohibited.  Just be nice, kids.

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