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What is the best Sanderson book? (all, not just Cosmere)

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This is such a difficult choice. Each book is great in its own way. Personally, I can't pick a favorite, although there are a few I can say I didn't think were as good as the rest:

Warbreaker: Not even sure why. Loved Nightblood though. 

Mistborn Era 2: I liked the Mistborn Era 1 vibe more. Something about the setting for this just isn't my thing. I love the characters though. They are awesome.

Reckoners: The writing wasn't as good as Brandon's other books, and honestly, the plot for the books seemed very similar to Mistborn Era 1. Book 1: Kill evil unkillable tyrant. Book 2: Filler stuff, Introduce new characters who all die. Find out there is a more powerful evil force. Book 3: Kill/Defeat more powerful evil force. Reckoners seemed like a ripoff of Mistborn with lower writing quality and less world/plot/character development, as well as the final battle with Calamity was just lame.



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On 6/18/2018 at 0:04 AM, Ishar said:

This is such a difficult choice. Each book is great in its own way. Personally, I can't pick a favorite, although there are a few I can say I didn't think were as good as the rest:

Warbreaker: Not even sure why. Loved Nightblood though. 

Mistborn Era 2: I liked the Mistborn Era 1 vibe more. Something about the setting for this just isn't my thing. I love the characters though. They are awesome.

Reckoners: The writing wasn't as good as Brandon's other books, and honestly, the plot for the books seemed very similar to Mistborn Era 1. Book 1: Kill evil unkillable tyrant. Book 2: Filler stuff, Introduce new characters who all die. Find out there is a more powerful evil force. Book 3: Kill/Defeat more powerful evil force. Reckoners seemed like a ripoff of Mistborn with lower writing quality and less world/plot/character development, as well as the final battle with Calamity was just lame.



I agree with Ishar on these. You can’t make me choose a favorite, though, but I loved Secret History just because I missed Kelsier sooooo much. Edgedancer was awesome too, because Lift. 

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This choice is impossible. They are all great and fantastic and brilliant and and and... (feel free to add more adjectives)

But to answer the question: Not a full book, but I go with The Emperors Soul.

Then Oathbringer/Elantris/Mb1/Warbreaker then the rest

But I love them all.


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I would say Bands of Mourning. I liked era one more, but fo best writing this one. He was quite creative in his mix of allomancy and feruchemy, his mix of ancient and modern. It was excellent writing. Especially how he added little fun hints. I found more than in other books.

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My answer might change after I finish reading everything but I'm going to break this into my favorite Cosmere book and my favorite non-Cosmere since they are in two different categories and it's not fair to put the YA stuff up against the epics.

My favorite Cosmere, so far since this may change, is Words of Radiance. I loved reading Shallan's flashbacks, the interludes are great to get a break from the Shattered Plains, the bigger story with Odium starting to surface, that epic battle and sequence at the end. My only complaints would be not enough Jasnah (definitely one of my favorite characters), a little too much Lift (I know I'm going to regret reading Edgedancer when I get there because her good side is way overshadowed by her being annoying and always going on about food) and Kaladin's lighteyes bigotry/hate (though it was satisfying when that got 'resolved' at the end with Dalinar proving he was a trustworthy man)

As for non-Cosmere it is easily Rithmatist because thinking about the story not told by the story is fun, like why the United Isles are so dangerous in the first place, the battle against the chalklings in Nebraska, what the world outside the Isles is like, why David doesn't become a Rithmatist during the ceremony.

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Definitely Emperor's Soul. It is complex, shows incredible understanding of people, has a great main character, and ALL TAKES PLACE IN THE SAME PALACE. 

Also, @Draginon, in the last paragraph did you mean Joel instead of David, or is there a character I'm forgetting?

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I have arrived here to tell exactly why The Dark Talent is the best book!

Alcatraz is just a fantastic character. He deals with all his stuff with humor, and then occasionally breaks down and just starts screaming at you about how bad a person he is. THe contrast is amazing.

Brandon did an amazing job at bringing up the feels towards the end. Then there was the fantastic couple of reveals at the very very end, which suddenly bring you back from tears.

The humor was top-tier, just like always.

So if you haven't read Alcatraz, you should definitely read it.

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On 8/15/2018 at 10:06 AM, Kidpen said:

I have arrived here to tell exactly why The Dark Talent is the best book!

Alcatraz is just a fantastic character. He deals with all his stuff with humor, and then occasionally breaks down and just starts screaming at you about how bad a person he is. THe contrast is amazing.

Brandon did an amazing job at bringing up the feels towards the end. Then there was the fantastic couple of reveals at the very very end, which suddenly bring you back from tears.

The humor was top-tier, just like always.

So if you haven't read Alcatraz, you should definitely read it.

Too soon, too soon.

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I'm going to say Oathbringer. Hero of Ages is a very close second. But I choose Oathbringer because it was EPIC. The first two books of Stormlight Archive had already established that Roshar was an enormous world with so much to explore and discover. But OB exploded with world building that made Roshar a even bigger planet. The Unmade, Urithiru, the Fused, several new cities, Aimia's implications, worldhoppers everywhere, Shadesmar field trip, and more. The characters have never felt more real to me, and there are several moments that still get my blood pumping when I read them. I love this book and can't wait to find out what happens on Roshar next.

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My favourite book and in my opinion is Stormlight Archive: Words of radiance P2.

i think this because of kaladin. Don't shoot the messenger but this book has the best of his character development and with it his maturity in power. Kaladin not only kicks some peoples This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the ruleses but forges working relationships with the to-be-squires-if-not-already bridgemen. 

However, I must say that in therms of Adolin, oathbringer is his best book. He becomes not only the best dualist of kolinar but also saves countless lives in the battle of thaylen field. Not to mention the  almost reanimation of Maya.

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