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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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I haven't seen an answer to these anywhere so here goes:


1. Would it be harder to use a soulstamp (or would it be less likely to take) on an aluminum feruchemist who was actively tapping his metalmind? Would it be easier on one who was actively storing? How about a duralumin feruchemist? a drab?  A mistwraith?  A Kandra with the Blessing of Presence?

follow up to this: If you were to soulforge a trueself, would they be able to tap aluminum to revert back to themselves?  would they be able to store the different identities (presumably into different metalminds) and then tap those to revert back to the soulforged version?

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I'd just like to ask again if someone could ask a simple question for me at one of the upcoming signings. The question would be along the lines of a possible correlation between the involvement of the God Beyond (or its faction, same thing maybe) and his novellas that are set on minor Shardworlds (like Threnody and Sixth of the Sun.)


I live in Northwest Florida and nobody important ever comes anywhere near my city so I can't ever get a chance myself. I would greatly appreciate this if anyone is able to ask.

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I have an upcoming project planned whereby I'm going to leave a stack of notecards on his desk with suggested questions for people who don't have their own to ask. If you'd like to articulate one, I'll add it to the group.

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I have an upcoming project planned whereby I'm going to leave a stack of notecards on his desk with suggested questions for people who don't have their own to ask. If you'd like to articulate one, I'll add it to the group.

Sure. I suppose if I needed to articulate it into one specific question, go with:


"Does the God Beyond have any major influence or involvement on minor Shardworlds?"

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“She was a woman. Good at lying, they are. The God Beyond made'm that way.”


There's more about the God Beyond at that link. The God Beyond aparently goes beyond even the minor shardworlds. Still a good question, though. Who knows what details it may elicit.
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I wonder if this question has been asked before: Suppose you take a tiny Coppermind and a much bigger Aluminummind (both with charges stored, of course), then melt them and mix them together to form duralumin using the proper ratio as indicated by Terion. What happens to the Memory and Identity charges previously stored? Do they vanish? Do they remain unchanged, implying that duralumin can store both Memory and Identity in addition to Connection? Or do they somehow transform into Connection charges? If they are transformed, what sort of Connection would the result be? Connection to what? Finally, what if the Coppermind and Aluminummind did not belong to the same Feruchemist?


I suppose a more general question would be this: What happens to a metalmind's Feruchemical charge when you alloy it to create one of the 8 Metallurgic alloys? That would answer the first question above, as well as questions like "Will stored Weight transform into Speed when an Ironmind is alloyed with carbon to create steel?"

Edited by skaa
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I wonder if this question has been asked before: Suppose you take a tiny Coppermind and a much bigger Aluminummind (both with charges stored, of course), then melt them and mix them together to form duralumin using the proper ratio as indicated by Terion. What happens to the Memory and Identity charges previously stored? Do they vanish? Do they remain the same, implying that duralumin can store both Memory and Identity in addition to Connection? Or do they somehow transform into Connection charges? If they are transformed, what sort of Connection would the result be? And what if the Coppermind and Aluminummind did not belong to the same Feruchemist?


The stores would be destroyed.  Good question though.

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Physical investiture:

Several objects are mentioned throughout the Cosmere that, instead of being objects mearly invested with magical energy, are actually composed of investiture in solid or liquid form.

Are these Investiture-made objects subject to all the natural laws that other physical laws are privy to?


The Mists (Scadrial);

a Shardblade (Roshar)(could it be melted, or forged into two smaller blades?);

The Tears of Idris (Nathis)(this item, more than the others, suggests that they ARE subject to normal physical manipulation);

any others? Or special cases?




a number of times, it is noted that certain splinters of a shard will “bond” with living people. Would you be willing to rank in general terms how close/inseparable the following bonds are?


Nahel Bond of an active Windrunner.

Bond of a Decesed Shardblade with owner.

Divine Breath of one of the Returned.

Breath of an ordinary Nathis citizen.

An Honorblade, with the Herald owning it.


Atium, when burned.

Atium, when digested, but not burned.

A Seon.

--for reference, the ranking of the folloing bonds, which do not include splinters, would also be helpful in understanding the above--

the soul with the body.

the spiritweb with the soul.

a metalmid with its owner.

the bond which gives an Elantrian his/her connection with the Dor.

a hemelurgic spike with its recipient.

a hemelurgic spike with its donor.

stormlight bound to a crystal.

stormlight bound to flesh.

stormlight bound to stone.



Many people, I think, assume the answer to this question, and so I doubt anyone has asked directly:

Is Ferrochemy directly connected to any Specific Shard or Shards?

('yes' reveals very little, but 'no' suggests at a lot.)



Nicrosil Metal:

Most questions about this are instant RAFO-bait.

What color is the metal?



Is it possible for a shard to be splintered, and the Shardholder live?





I have an upcoming project planned whereby I'm going to leave a stack of notecards on his desk with suggested questions for people who don't have their own to ask. If you'd like to articulate one, I'll add it to the group.

feel free to use these. and these.

Edited by entropicscholar
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Can Harmony see what is stored in someone's coppermind?


Does Sazed still have his copperminds? Does he use them? Or do they still exist?


Do highstorms happen in the cognitive realm? If so, do they recharge spheres brought over from the physical realm?

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Many people, I think, assume the answer to this question, and so I doubt anyone has asked directly:

Is Ferrochemy directly connected to any Specific Shard or Shards?

('yes' reveals very little, but 'no' suggests at a lot.)




When Shards Invest in a planet, the system(s) of Arcana arise, and are not designed specifically by the intention or will of the Shard. Feruchemy, per the Hero of Ages telling us this in the book, is the balance between Ruin and Preservation. It is "of" both Shards.


Per WoB (I will try to find them), Preservation gave feruchemy to the Terris. Per WoB, Preservation is able to power Allomancy directly more easily; Ruin is able to power traits of either feruchemy or allomancy, as long as they were stolen hemalurgically, most easily. Both Shards are equally good at powering feruchemy, and each are better than they are at powering each others' arcana.

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WoB says that out of all of his "non-sliver/shard characters", Kelsier-with-atium would win in a fight, at least until Vin got a bunch more experience and also had atium.

With that in mind... would Hoid beat Kelsier-with-atium? I guess a more basic question is, "does Hoid count as a non-sliver/shard character?"

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Many people, I think, assume the answer to this question, and so I doubt anyone has asked directly:

Is Ferrochemy directly connected to any Specific Shard or Shards?

('yes' reveals very little, but 'no' suggests at a lot.)


When Shards Invest in a planet, the system(s) of Arcana arise, and are not designed specifically by the intention or will of the Shard. Feruchemy, per the Hero of Ages telling us this in the book, is the balance between Ruin and Preservation. It is "of" both Shards.


Per WoB (I will try to find them), Preservation gave feruchemy to the Terris. Per WoB, Preservation is able to power Allomancy directly more easily; Ruin is able to power traits of either feruchemy or allomancy, as long as they were stolen hemalurgically, most easily. Both Shards are equally good at powering feruchemy, and each are better than they are at powering each others' arcana.


The exact quotes on this would be great.


Everything you have described here, I've read before, but what I'm hinting at with my question is the possibility that Ferrochemy (or something almost exactly like it) could arise on some other world on which two directly opposing shards were equally balenced.


The fact that metals are the focus of all magic on Scadrial is important, but leads us back to what I beleive is a rather old question: "if a Ferrochemis were to move to Roshar, would he/she still need to store attributes in metal? or some other substance?"

Despite my own ideas (which state 'he would still use metal'), I beleive Brandon responded with "RAFO" to that question. Still, I may be mistaken.


I suppose what I'm looking to find out is how much the concept of attribute storing has to do with Scadrial, and how much it has to do with Preservation and Ruin (or any other perfectly opposing shards) holding their active stalemate.

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I wonder how much Brandon likes to mess with people by saying "RAFO" to completely unimportant stuff. I know I would. And I'd force a shocked look, then grin maliciously, adding to the false sense of potency the question possessed.

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Zomigod I'm terrible at finding quotes.




Number 52 on that list. I know there's a way to link directly to the question but I can't recall what it is.


you just add "#number" to the end of the url: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=727#52

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Here's a cool one I've been planning on asking brandon for a while...

    Would it be possibly to feed a chamsfiend lerasium, giving it mistborn powers? 

     Could you hemalurgically spike a chasmfiend with all the feruchumical powers?

      Could you hemalurgically spike a Chasmfiend with the powers of a KR Windrunner?

       Would it be possible to take control of a Chasmfiend with allomancy, kind of like with the koloss?

        What would happen if you did all of the above to the same chasmfiend?

I have a crazy theory with all of this, but I doubt Brandon would answer all five of these questions...   :(

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QIf a non Windrunner picked up Jezrien's honorblade would they gain Windrunner powers as well?


Q: If a Windrunner picked up that blade, would their abilities be enhanced?

A: There would be some compounding but strength is not as much an issue with surgebinding as is the strength of the spren bond and how much Stormlight you are using.


Emphasis mine




...Did I do it right that time?

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If Vin had met the "Terris Elder" that Elend ran into at the end of Well of Ascenion on his way back to Luthadel, would she have gotten a weird vibe from him?


What exactly are we trying to figure out from this? She got spooked by Hoid-as-informant already...

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That's my point. What I'm trying to figure out is, will she get a vibe from him under any circumstance? Or was there something specific about the other circumstance? If it's just him... is it all Worldhoppers? Is it her enhanced bronzedar detecting his Lightweaving, so it would only be other Worldhoppers when they're Invested? Was it about the situation? Maybe it wasn't an arcane feeling, but a purely mundane one. She spent her formative years around the beggars and lowest class of Scadrial. Maybe Hoid, for all his acting skill, was just barely off enough for her to realize he was a fake. Whereas she's spent time recently with the Terris, but not to the extent that she could see through Hoid's disguise, so maybe she wouldn't have gotten any sort of vibe from the Elder.


I fully admit this one question independently will not be the aluminum bullet that provides the answers to all the questions, but it's one more step in the process. It might help us refine further questions, like, was it an arcane or mundane "vibe" she got from him? Would she have gotten it from Vasher? Lightsong? Siri? Renarin? Gaz? Sarene? Ashe?


In short, we have one point of data. What I'm "trying to figure out" is to get a second point, and using that information try to figure out the best ways to get more and more data, like Battleship. Except that we're all playing Battleship against someone who has the option to not tell us whether or not we hit a ship of his, making the game significantly harder.

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Okay then, just better to have all the context so if Brandon goes "Why yes, interesting question, why do you ask...?" or the like the questioner is ready to go. Expanding on the possible gains from an answer also makes it a bit more likely that people will find it interesting enough to ask, I would think. :)

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Cosmere - Shards and Magic


Are the magic systems tied to the world or to the Shard? For example, if Ruin and Preservation had landed on Sel instead of Scadrial, would Sel have Allomancy, AonDor, or a third unrealized system? Also, do Shards bring "their" magic with them? I'm thinking specifically if a moving Shard like Odium is leaving a trail of magic systems behind him.

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Cosmere - Shards and Magic


Are the magic systems tied to the world or to the Shard? For example, if Ruin and Preservation had landed on Sel instead of Scadrial, would Sel have Allomancy, AonDor, or a third unrealized system? Also, do Shards bring "their" magic with them? I'm thinking specifically if a moving Shard like Odium is leaving a trail of magic systems behind him.

There's a WoB where he talks about how when Ruin and Preservation showed up on Scadrial, the Metallic Arts reacted to their presence in a way and formed into the ways we know now. The magics aren't caused by the Shards directly, they're more of a side effect. If Odium had showed up on Scadrial and set up shop there, he'd have a physical manifestation, probably Odiuite or Odite. (Odium already sounds like a metal, ha!)


http://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kw=focuses --> here, there's a couple, but the main one that fits my point is 25.

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