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Random Stuff II

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I didn't have to turn on anything last night to know that the Royals had won the World Series.  No TV, no internet, nada.  Because from where we were snuggled into bed, my husband and I could hear all the fireworks and whoops of victory.  :rolleyes:

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Darn it. Well that was gonna be a bit mean anyway.

1. Get a piece of wax paper and put glue on it in the shape of a spill. Mix food coloring as desired. When dry, peel off of wax paper and arrange in keyboard.

2. Attach air horn to main post of chair, so when he sits down, the shock absorbers engage and set off the horn.

3. Take a screenshot of his desktop while he is gone and set it as his desktop background. Next, hit Control+Alt+Delete and close "system.exe" This will basically close part of the visible operating system but leave the background that you set. He will be futilely clicking on nonexistent buttons.

4. (This is possibly the most evil one, except for the soda one) Get his phone number somehow. Make up some professional-looking posters that say something like "Chewbacca Roar Contest: Call <his number> and give your best impression of Chewbacca's roar in the voicemail. Contest ends <whatever date>! Winner receives <some kind of fake prize>!" Of course, a picture of Chewbacca's head is mandatory on these posters. Put them up anywhere where he won't see them. Like literally anywhere around town, near a comic book store, in an ice cream place, wherever. When you're ready for the prank to be up, just tape one somewhere in his office and wait for the reaction.


I literally saw one of these at BYU, and thought it was real. Weirded some random girl out by leaving her a Chewbacca roar message, found out it was a prank. took down the poster when I saw it next.

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I literally saw one of these at BYU, and thought it was real. Weirded some random girl out by leaving her a Chewbacca roar message, found out it was a prank. took down the poster when I saw it next.

Are you serious?! That is awesome!!

I wonder if it was a Sharder (wasn't me, I live in Virginia)...

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