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Rithmatist Provo Library Signing

Otto Didact

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I'm currently at the Provo signing. There wasn't really anything new in the Q and A, BUT he did a reading from the first chapter of Shadows of Self! It was really cool and had some great tidbits about Hemalurgy, presumably left by Spook. I made a recording of the reading that I'll upload as soon as I can figure out how to upload the voice memo from my phone. Also he did a reading of some bits of WoR that he wrote this morning. Likewise, I'll put it up ASAP.


Here is the Dalinar reading from WoR. Spoilerific, obviously. It's Dalinar's first chapter in the book, and he had just written it before the signing, so there will likely be big changes, but still!

Edited by Paydirt
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It was really cool and had some great tidbits about Hemalurgy, presumably left by Spook.

Okay, let me try to use my mental powers to figure these out. I mean, we should have enough info to deduct what Spook would say about the subject, right

Too learning close to an iron in the real eyes, stabbing the heart when is alive. Fasters of the yetting yet, lessing of the losing. Other spikings notting as I know, Sazed wasing the hit with the info.

Wasing to the spike and add without stay, giving for the time be, without the spike getting.

Ow my... tasting I the copper... lying to the go down Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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Is the Shadows of Self reading about the part with Steris planning out which of Wax's foes to invite to the wedding? If so, that's been transcribed/recorded here. I'm fairly sure that book is Marsh's, btw. The one he gave Marasi at the end of AoL? It seems to be the obvious assumption.


Thanks for the report either way; can't wait for the WoR reading.

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Nice catch! I hadn't seen that one up anywhere else. I think he might have gone a bit farther on, though. I'll still put up the Dalinar one from WoR. I'm not convinced that it's Marsh, though. Doesn't sound like his voice.


Edit: Also, the audio file with the Dalinar sequence is about 800 KB too big to upload here. How can I get it up?

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I'm not an expert at this sort of stuff, but a few people have uploaded stuff to here. Perhaps that will work?


I initially thought it was Marsh as well, but upon conversation with Eric and a bit of reflection, I've changed my mind to thinking that it's Spook. The way he talks just sounds like him to me.

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I was at this signing as well. Finally met Mi'ch and Josh and Peter. Good times.


Also, I asked Brandon a question about Hoid collecting important items. Because he has the Lerasium bead and the element. I asked if Hoid has any other items we should know about. Brandon responded that the Lerasium bead and the element are the same thing. And that Hoid has many items he should not have.


So basically, he confirmed that Hoid wrote the letter. Without saying those words exactly, but when you think about what he did say, yeah. It's confirmed. I just wish I'd had the phone power to record it. But Josh and Mi'ch heard what he said too, so they can confirm this.


Also, Hoid knows about forgery. But that's no surprise, since he associated with Shai. But that was Brandon's answer when I asked if Hoid knows forgery. And I can't remember his response when I asked if Hoid has forged anything.

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Ooo....I can't remember his exact wording. Dang. Now I really wish I'd charged my phone more. I think he just said "Lerasium" but at the same,  I'm pretty sure he referred to it as "the bead of Lerasium" so I took it as singular, but maybe that was wrong. Or maybe I'm wrong about his exact wording about that. Maybe one of the others can remember a little better....hopefully. 

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As to the book's author, I can see Spook, now that you mention it. But the book almost has to be the one that Marsh gave to Marasi, what with Conservation of Detail, so I guess he got it from Spook? Actually, now that I think of it, Marsh might have a bit of trouble, you know, writing/reading things, what with his lack of eyes. Though I suppose he could you metal-enriched ink...

Edited by Kurkistan
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I just tried to post my copy of the reading but the file's too big. I'm on my phone right now but I'll get on my laptop later tonight to break up the audio file and then edit this post. That's assuming Paydirt doesn't beat me to it. :-)


EDIT: So I couldn't find the program I thought I had on my computer to break up the recording. So you get the full version. It's not quite as clear as Paydirt's. Sorry about that. Also, for some reason, the uploaded version has some sound glitches in it--I'm not sure if it's all the way through it, since I just listened to it from about the place where Paydirt's ended, but the sound does cut out for a split second a few different times. But you can still get a pretty good idea of the end of the reading. Better than nothing....I'll try to figure out how to get a version loaded without the sound cutting out. And if anyone has any ideas, feel free to spit 'em out. I'm sure most of you are more knowledgeable than I am on audio files and such.

Edited by little wilson
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Okay I'm going to start transcribing the Dalinar reading.  The Google Doc is here. (hopefully that worked...) - WeiryWriter


Yup, it worked. I tried to continue it. I also used 

, (a video of the reading) in the transcription. Someone was also editing the file at the same time as me and he/she corrected the format. I was writing it as one long paragraph since I didnt know when to make a new one.


i stopped at 6:00 of the reading since its past midnight here. I'll continue it later if it is still not finished by then.


EDIT: its finally finished! Zebobes continued it after i stopped. Wow, transcribing is hard work. about 9 minutes of audio and it took us hours to transcribe it all. there were lots of coughing and there was even a baby crying.

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Yup, it worked. I tried to continue it. I also used 

, (a video of the reading) in the transcription. Someone was also editing the file at the same time as me and he/she corrected the format. I was writing it as one long paragraph since I didnt know when to make a new one.


i stopped at 6:00 of the reading since its past midnight here. I'll continue it later if it is still not finished by then.


Wow, thanks.  I've been busy the last few days so I'm glad someone has been able to work on it.

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There is a lot of new info in that recording :blink: 

Red armor (Ruby?), helmets with radio, and the first thunderclast we have seen born :) Cool.

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The armor is probably just a new Order and the "radio" is almost certainly the Radiant talking to her spren. It might be interesting to see if Dalinar connects the dots at some point about the leader of his personal guard holding conversations with no one. . .

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Well, yes, though it may be that she was talking to other Radiants. Still, it is a new order with confirmed Shardplate - we have only seen two in the first book. Though I must admit I forgot about talking to spen :( thunderclasts are awesome, though. And I don't think anybody could claim them to be Chasmfiends anymore :)

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Ah, you're right, I hadn't considered that we weren't sure how many Orders actually had Plate.


P.S. It's been long enough (by the terms of the bet) for you to change your Member Title, btw. ;)

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I was also at this signing - after a six hour drive to get there. We (most of my writing group, whom I have convinced to read all of his books, and I) were second in line for standby, and got some of the very last tickets. Bonus of having to make the long trip: we were there early enough to be fourth in line after miraculously getting said tickets.


Everything Brandon read was new and fantastic! We even got a few extra lines on the Shadows of Self reading (at least, he read a few lines more than I had seen on any other transcriptions).


One new bit of info, from a question a friend asked. Might be considered Rithmatist spoilers, so tagging the Q&A.


Q: Can glyphs be attached to anything besides a chalkling?
A: *pause* Not that THEY know of. Let's go with that.

We collectively fangirled over that for the entire drive back.


Best parts of the whole trip: Brandon actually recognizing me from several signings in past years, my friend getting to show off her Mistborn tattoo, and asking Brandon for a writing prompt for our whole group. Well worth six hours in a car, two hours sitting in line, and six hours in a car again right after the signing. If anyone in the Provo area wants to thank the library staff for doing such an excellent job, please convey my thanks!

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