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Parshendi have soulcasters


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We know from Brandon's readings of Eshonai's interlude that the Parshendi want gemhearts for food. Unless they eat the gemhearts, or have some other means of converting them to food, this means they have soulcasters. The question is whether they have fabrials or the soulcasting surge. What do you think?

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I would bet just fabrials: they have other "Radiant" artifacts in the form of Plate/Blade, and the Parshendi that Kaladin goes all glow-man on are cowed more than they should be if they're seeing their own Surgebinders work on a regular basis.

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I thought it was clear already from book 1. The parshendi were fighting for the gems, and they had to eat something. So they had to have soulcasters.

I refer you to the OP:

We know from Brandon's readings of Eshonai's interlude that the Parshendi want gemhearts for food. Unless they eat the gemhearts, or have some other means of converting them to food, this means they have soulcasters. The question is whether they have fabrials or the soulcasting surge. What do you think?

Edited by Kurkistan
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Given the limited forms they seem to have, I would have to go with:

  1. PM's neither - meaning Brandon has another surprise
  2. Fabrials
  3. Trade the gems (but with who? doesn't seem likely)

Until they figure out how to bind with Cryptics, Jasnahspren or the like, I would say not the surgebinding, but that could change. 

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How could they trade? They're boxed in pretty good.

Actually, the Alethi are only on one side. The difficulties I see are who do they trade with and how do they manage the supply lines?  That's why I say it's unlikely.  I just know so little about the world ...  Mainly, I don't think they have a form for Soulcasting yet, so they are relying on fabrials or something else entirely.  Did I say that I know next to nothing about this world?  :wacko:

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Well, it's made pretty clear several times in TWoK that no one is going anywhere over the eastern half of the Plains, considering there are no plateaus remaining there. The Alethi hold the western side, and the north and south just lead to mountains. I'd say they're pretty well stuck.

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Well, it's made pretty clear several times in TWoK that no one is going anywhere over the eastern half of the Plains, considering there are no plateaus remaining there. The Alethi hold the western side, and the north and south just lead to mountains. I'd say they're pretty well stuck.


Yes, I'm on my third read of WoK right now and Dalinar explains that the eastern and western edges are impassable because of mountains and plateus that are so whethered they are basically just spires. The Alethi box them in on the west and north, and have scouts in the east and west just in case. (pages 222 and 223, Kindle edition)

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The Parshendi appear to be limited in their abilities by the forms they wear. From my limited understanding, if you know the form, you get the abilities that form grants. Some may be more skilled in a form than others, but they all have some skill. If one of the forms allowed soulcasting, they would be using that ability in battle rather than allow Shardbearers kill hundreds of them. Jasnah proved that soulcasting can be used as an effective weapon.


Fabrials I know less about, but I'm assuming they are more limited than soulcasting. At the very least they require more time to achieve results and are too valuable to risk in battle if you can't soulcast. I'd definitely lean more in the direction of fabrials than I would towards soulcasting.


Parshmen eat food, so I'm assuming Parshendi eat food as well. I'm also assuming that Great Shells taste like crap.

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I agree.  I expect that the Parshendi have soulcaster fabriels.  And I would expect that they do not use them in battle because they rely upon them for their subsistance.  If they lose soulcasters, then it becomes that much more difficult to feed everyone.  Though, I am not sure what you mean by "they require more time to achieve results."  If Jasnah was soulcasting faster than ardents were soulcasting, then the jig would be up.  I don't see any indication that more time is required to use the fabrials.

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If Jasnah was soulcasting faster than ardents were soulcasting, then the jig would be up.  I don't see any indication that more time is required to use the fabrials.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't believe Jasnah has used her "fabrial" around any ardents, granted that's speculation on my part. Ardents are very secretive about their fabrials. It's possible that Taravangian has seen soulcasting at work, but he didn't have any soulcasters available to him, and may not have said anything anyway if he suspected something was off. The soulcasting done in the palace seemed to take longer than that done in the city. This could have been intentional, or as most of us assumed, it could have been due to the mass of the object being soulcast.


I'll admit, I have no evidence and am likely wrong on that aspect of my theory.


I will add this though

Nine out of ten Soulcasters were capable of a few limited transformations: creating water or grain from stone; forming bland, single-roomed rock buildings out of air or cloth. A greater one, like Jasnah's could effectuate any transformation. Litterally turn any substance into any other one.

So it seems likely that the Parshendi are limited on what can be soulcast with their fabrials, if that is indeed what they have.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I will add this though

So it seems likely that the Parshendi are limited on what can be soulcast with their fabrials, if that is indeed what they have.

I like that you brought this up. Even if they have a stockpile of Fabrials, it doesn't mean they could use them in battle. Fabrials are made for specific things it seems. I feel that there is potential that any "greater one," is simply someone who can Soulcast without use of a Fabrial and the Ardentia keeps it a secret and that's why they are so passionate about getting the Soulcaster away from Jasnah, in hopes that she will stop Soulcasting and in turn help to keep their secret, hoping perhaps that Jasnah herself doesn't understand the nature of her power and won't even try to Soulcast if she doesn't have the Fabrial.

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