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Is this a deliberate homage?

Basel Gill

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Okay, so I'm about halfway into the first book of Mistborn. It's my first read, and Kell is on his visit to the caves to inspect the army that is being raised. He does a lot of consulting with Ham and prepares to let Yeden take command of the soldiers. While this is going on, we find out that Ham's full name is "Hammond", and being in command of the army, a few times he is referred to as "General Hammond". :blink:  I can't find anything anywhere online taking notice of this before, but it's hardly the first time my google-fu has failed me on something.


Does anyone know if Brandon has ever said anything as to whether this is a deliberate Stargate reference? Investigating this is actually what got me to sign up here. I suppose it could have been accidental, George R. R. Martin has admitted to one accidental homage in ASOIAF (Marillion was not named after the band Marillion, and GRRM said he'd never even heard of them when he wrote it), so Brandon doing it wouldn't be unprecedented.

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While I hadn't noticed that awesomeness was there, a quick search of "brandon sanderson stargate sg-1" doesn't turn up any references, so I'm guessing he's either an exceptionally stealthy fan or it was incidental.

Edited by Kurkistan
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It's not deliberate. Brandon hasn't watched SG-1, though I keep telling him it's great.


A true shame. :(


It is hard to draw people into that show, though, given how. . . different the first season or so is.

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A true shame. :(


It is hard to draw people into that show, though, given how. . . different the first season or so is.



Agreed, I spent years trying to get my boss into it without any luck, even though she has been a hardcore fan of many other SF shows.

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Actually, wait a second.


*10 seasons... 214 episodes... 45 minutes each... 9630, 160.5, 6.69...*


Wait. A WEEK! NOOOOO! Peter, whatever you do, don't introduce Brandon to SG-1!!!! All the writing he won't do; all the writing...  :o

( ^_^)

Edited by Kurkistan
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Actually, wait a second.


*10 seasons... 214 episodes... 45 minutes each... 9630, 160.5, 6.69...*


Wait. A WEEK! NOOOOO! Peter, whatever you do, don't introduce Brandon to SG-1!!!! All the writing he won't do; all the writing...  :o

( ^_^)


No, you make him watch the first five seasons, and then say he can't watch the rest until he finishes all of the cosmere books and the sequels to the rithmatist.

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Manuscript version of a scene from upcoming book (acquired at great personal risk through ninja-like-behavior):


"SG-12 The Dustbringers waited anxiously for the chevrons to engage gate to charge. Finally, the last chevron locked gem pulsed, and a surge of light, like a splash, shot out from the stargate Oathgate. They rushed through the gate, firing slashing at the Goa'uld's Yelig-nar's Jaffa Thundeclasts..."

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"The zats shardblades that they had claimed from dead jaffa parshendi were useful weapons indeed.  One shot stunned, the next shot slash instantly killed the victim, and the next disintegrated the corpse.  But against the kull warriors chasmfiends, a single shot slash was insuffient to stun kill them through their armor carapace.  Even Teal'c Kaladin was hard-pressed, finding his staff weapon spear ineffective."

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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