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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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After trying and failing @ Great North Road by Peter F Hamilton, I read the short Butcher of Anderson Station by James S A Corey, and am now starting Fractal Prince by Hannu Rajaniemi. Expanse (Corey) and Quantum Thief are awesome reads, so I thought I best keep up :D Then on to Alcatraz and the WoT reread XD

EDIT: well I finished the Fractal prince, every bit as enjoyable as the Quantum Thief, such an awesome universe :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

The shannara series was one of my first introductions into epic fantasy, and still holds a special place in my heart to this day. Brooks admits that the first book bears some strong similarities to LOTR, but I really enjoy them. As you read through the series connections between books and times start to be connected, and you see some of the consequences from several hundred years ago. Not as pronounced as some books, but it is still a great read. And you are correct, as you progress in the series it does get much better, though Wishsong is still one of my favorites.

Increasingly, the series is repetative and unimaginative. In nearly eight novels, I've not encountered nearly the ingenuity that Tolkein devised, nor the intrigue that I've encountered in other fantasy/science fiction novels of late.
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I loved The Blinding Knife. It's just as brilliant as The Black Prism.

In other literary news, I've fallen in love with Michael Chabon's writing prowess :rolleyes: , I really don't like Stephen Erickson's style :angry: , and Seanan McGuire's Discount Armageddon is a lot of fun :lol: . Currently I'm reading Jay Lake's Mainspring and I'm really enjoying it.

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I just finished a re read of all my favorite fantasy books, because for some reason I cant find any new good books. Over the course of a week I read, All of Martin's SOIAF books, both Gentlemen Bastard books, all of Mistborn, The Way of Kings, Elantris, Warbreaker, both Kingkiller books, all of Hitchhikers guide, Black Prism/Blinding Knife, all of Harry Potter, and books 11,12, and 13 of WOT. I tried to break my previous speed reading record of TWOK, but failed miserably. Had a lot of fun, but I'm out of books AGAIN.

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I'm re-reading Mistborn, and then I'm gonna re-read The Way of Kings.

As far as Shannara goes, I really enjoyed them but I do accept that most of them followed the same formula. Genesis of Shannara was very cool to me because it connected his Knights of the Word series to Shannara, and meta-series is the best thing ever, in my opinion. Probably why I find the cosmere so fascinating.

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I probably wont be reading the Riyira Chronicles now, since its a 'band-of-thieves' story. Not that I don't enjoy a good stab in the dark, just not right now XD. I'll possibly pick it up again sometime in the future.

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Oh man, I'm in the middle of a hundred books. Okay It's probably more like 20-ish.

I'm reading the Dragonlance books from start to finish (only the ones by Weis and Hickman. Their characters are just so intriguing. I love them so much.) I am currently rereading the first in that series.

I am reading "Forgotten History" It's a Star Trek book. I have Redshirts by Scalzi waiting in the queue.

I am getting through Way of Kings, slowly but surely.

I'm still not done with "On a Pale Horse" by Piers Anthony, but I want to finish that one, soon...

And I'm rereading the hobbit, so it will be fresh in my mind when the movie comes out. I am also in the middle of Feed by Mira Brooks (it's a zombie book about these bloggers who are living through the zombie apocalypse~) and then I've sort of hit a road block on a book by Alistair Reynolds called Revelation Space (I think)

And last, but not least, I'm reading House of Many Ways, and Castle in the Air by Dianna Wynne Jones.

What can I say? I'm a multi-tasking reader. I can never decide what I want to read on any given day, so I just bring them all with me. >>

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I like Revelation Space, and I hope you can get over the block sometime, its a fairly epic (if dark) universe. His new series is shaping up to be nice too :D

Yeah, I really really want to be able to read it. I think I just need to start over. Maybe it's just the beginning of the book that seems very convoluted and I can't really figure out what's going on lol. I'm definitely going to try really hard to get through. I've heard it was great!

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And.. since last time:

The Sapphire Rose by David Eddings

Legion- awesome

The Naked Sun by Asimov

The Hedge Knight by George R. R. Martin

The three Tamuli books by Eddings- The third one(The Hidden City)not one of his best books. It jumps around too much between characters and there is never really a fear that the bad guys will win. But the others are fairly good.

The Illearth War and now The Power that Preserves by Stephen R. Donladson. Donaldson has definitely joined my list of favorite authors. His prose is beautiful and his characters are the most realstic and well developed that I've ever seen- especially Thomas Covenant. The way he deals with his leprosy and his being summoned to the land is just fascinating. I would highly recomend these books to anyone- though they do read a bit slowly at some times.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. It was ok. I don't get how the sex stuff is exciting to people. I think that stuff is written for women. I got bored. It was not really explicit for those of you wondering. There was another 50 pages after the big final battle which I thought dragged on alot. I doubt I'll read any more books in this series. I did like how she took the real earth and flipped it into high fantasy. I thought that was creative.

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The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

The three books of Stephen R. Donaldson's Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, which were incredible. I don't think I've ever read an author who has such beautiful prose, the deepest characters I've ever read, and an interesring plot to boot.

The Emperor's soul, which absolutely amazing, though I'm not sure it needed the action scene at the end.

The Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire by Isaac Asimov

The first two Alcaraz books- I find the plot interesting and the whole way of addressing literature very funny.

Debt of Bones by Terry Goodkind and The Grinning Man by Orson Scott Card from Legends II

And I'm now reading The Stars, Like Dust by Asimov

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Just found Cold Days by Jim Butcher at the same magical used bookstore where I got Alloy of Law in Paperback four months before it was officially published. I bought Cold Days used for seven dollars... before its official release.

So that's what I'll be doing for the next few days.

Crazy, magical used bookstore.

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