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14 hours ago, Elenion said:

As much as I usually dislike (American) pop music, "Something Just like This" the Coldplay and Chainsmokers collab is actually really good. Maybe it's because it's got a Future Bass lean and a good message too.

That song about made me cry with happiness -- finally! A Chainsmokers song I can like! And it's got Coldplay! :D 

Have you heard the live version off of Coldplay's new EP?

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I've been exploring Queens of the Stone Age's work. It's got some sounds that I really like, and some that I don't, and they've been around long enough that it'll take me a while to really get to know what songs/albums really stick out to me. 

I've also really been enjoying listening to Angels and Airwaves' I-Empire album. Out of all the music Leto has worked on, that album may be my favorite. I know 30 Seconds to Mars is more popular, but Angels and Airwaves appeals to me a lot more. 


I'm very impatiently waiting for The Killers and Hozier to release their respective albums....

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This was my first time listening to Janet. She's got to be one of the rare black artists I respect since I don't care for the ones that act like douches (Kanye), are rappers (that's my least favorite genre) or have the persona of gangsta. I love that she shows that she's powerful without resorting to the cheap methods that the likes of Madonna go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miserere mei, Deus. There is actually quite the story behind this song. It was originally supposed to be played in the Sistine chapel during certain times on holy week. If you were caught with even a part of a transcription or in anyway spreading this music it could mean instant excommunication. It was that sacred and big of a deal. Well, several decades passed and a new pope was in power when a 14 year old Mozart heard it and, from memory, wrote it down and made a few corrections. He later spread it about and was summoned before the Pope. His family feared for him, but the Pope actually praised him, lifted the ban, and gave him one of their highest honors. I found all this out listening to the classical music station (not something I usually do, but I was in the mood for). It's a absolutely beautiful song that just touches the human soul. The translation of it in english is a arrangement of Psalm 51


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