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(Spoilers) Your biggest "WHAT THE---?!"

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Truth be told I think there's been at least one moment of pure shock in every Sanderson book I've read.


Mistborn: Sazed at the end of the final book! I also started crying, just bawling. It was such a wonderful way to wrap up his character and the series as a whole.


TWoK: Stupid Sadeas betraying Dalinar. I was so invested in his change of character and I was berating myself for hating him earlier and I just wanted to squish his ugly face. Then he pulled his army out at the last second and left Dalinar to die. I remember putting the book down and feeling a total gut punch. I felt legitimately betrayed  <_< . A little piece of my trust in characters died that day.


WoR: When you realize who the Shardbearer that Kaladin killed was! Holy smokes. I started yelling at the book, my roommate burst in, I babbled/explained what had just happened, she was giving me the strangest look...yeah. I figure the other shoe still has to drop on that little revelation.  :unsure:

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Biggest "what-the-heck" moments for me were Denth, Sazed, and the Parshmen.
But by far the biggest was in Hero of Ages when Elend died. I had been forewarned about the other deaths, but that one was rewarded with a minute of stunned silence and then lots of screaming.

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When I reread WoK I couldn't believe how MANY times it was foreshadowed, but I was floored when in WoR 

a shardblade appeared in Shallan's hand.

I think I stopped reading. I just sat there and said to myself "what????"

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I have the unfortunate Smedry talent of accidently spoiling surprises; however I managed to avoid it with Steelheart. So for me it probably is the identity of Firefight..... that said.... the following line was a bit of a shocker reveal (not because it wasn't possible to see it coming, but rather the extent to which it could go):


"... Difficult things...yes I believe I told you, I've learned that lesson already. THANK YOU!" 


Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Kate Redding (and Michael Kramer) are the absolute best narrators ever, but the seething that came through that line opened up the floodgates on one of my favorite (non-broody) characters.

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Lift's ability to turn food into stormlight. It left me in awe. The ultimate power.


Edit: Also "Because your god favors boldness." was huge

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