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The Knights Radiant Quiz


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Skybreaker, Truthwatcher, Stoneward, Willshaper, Edgedancer all at 22%

Bondsmith 19%

And then I got 3% for each of the rest of the orders. 


I guess I just don't have what it takes to be a radiant of any order. Or maybe this means I can be whichever one I want?

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Truthwatcher: 59%

Lightweaver: 53%

Dustbringer: 47%

Willshaper: 44%

Elsecaller: 21%

Edgedancer: 3%



I feel closest to the Lightweavers so far, personally. They have the only ideals I could follow for more than an hour. Im not very consistent. Though I would be an alright Willshaper.

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  • 1 month later...

47% Truthwatcher

38% Willshaper

37% Lightweaver

37% Dustbringer

16% Edgedancer

5% Elsecaller

That's a weird distribution, but okay. If I could choose from those, I guess I'd go with Dustbringer. I wouldn't even complain and try to make people call me a Releaser. So what if it sounds like voidbringer? They try to bring the void, but I bring them to dust. \m/

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Truthwatchers are among the most tactful and considerate of orders, taking care to think before they speak. They are private individuals, but insightful. Although not generally inclined toward combat, they are invaluable allies off the battlefield. They possess the surges of Progression and Illumination, and their second Ideal is unknown.
447Elsecaller 47%
Proud and sharp of wit, Elsecallers are leaders among Radiants. They act as ambassadors to the spren and advisers to their fellows, granting them a reputation of great wisdom and benevolence. They possess the surges of Transformation and Transportation, and their second Ideal is unknown.
37%Lightweaver 37%
With their skill for the arts and their impressive memory, Lightweavers shine primarily outside of battle. They have a particular knack for encouraging their fellow Radiants and emphasize self-awareness and individuality above any well-defined Ideals. They possess the surges of Illumination and Transformation.
6%Bondsmith 6%
Wise and trustworthy, Bondsmiths unite and lead the peoples of the world. They concern themselves with the big picture and coordinate other Radiants rather than fight on the front lines. They possess the surges of Tension and Adhesion. Their second Ideal is, "I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together."


Edited by Jayariel Drillowup
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I came as a Bondsmith and Stoneward they match me I am stubborn and trustworthy as well as leading others in combat from the back lines


47% Bondsmith

41% Stoneward

38% Skybreaker

29% Windrunner

19% Edgedancer

16% Willshaper

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  • 2 months later...

Fun quiz, though some questions are... kinda strange ("spearman or duelist"?). Anyway, turns out I'm:

63% Truthwatcher,

45% Elsecaller,

34% Lightweaver,

13% Bondsmith


On a second try, I ended up pretty similar in terms of "top 4":

44% Bondsmith

42% Elsecaller

41% Truthwatcher

25% Skybreaker

5% Windrunner


Excercise for now: how could I get 100% Bondsmith?

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First test:


34% truthwatcher

25% skybreaker

19% bondsmith

16% elsecaller

13% willshaper

9% stoneward

5% lightweaver

5% dustbringer

3% edgedancer

0% windrunner


Second test:


34% stoneward

31% willshaper

31% skybreaker

25% bondsmith

22% edgedancer

13% windrunner

11% dustbringer

9% truthwatcher

0% lightweaver

0% elsecaller


Well some of these jumped around a bit. The three that stayed near the top were skybreaker, willshaper, and bondsmith. Huh. None of these had very high percentages though.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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Fun quiz, though some questions are... kinda strange ("spearman or duelist"?). Anyway, turns out I'm:

63% Truthwatcher,

45% Elsecaller,

34% Lightweaver,

13% Bondsmith


On a second try, I ended up pretty similar in terms of "top 4":

44% Bondsmith

42% Elsecaller

41% Truthwatcher

25% Skybreaker

5% Windrunner


Excercise for now: how could I get 100% Bondsmith?

I'll work on it

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting, I don't think I would be a Bondsmith as I do not enjoy being a Leader.  I would say that I identify mostly with the Skybreakers and the Windrunners.


84% Bondsmith

81% Skybreaker

76% Windrunner

72% Stoneward

09% Willshaper

06% Edgedancer

00% Truthwatcher

00% Lightweaver

00% Dustbringer

00% Elsecaller

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