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Delightful is feeling the pressure


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Joe: Oh, I thought those were the same story.

Kaladin because he's awesome. Like I don't think I'd want to be his friend because he's kind of scary, but maybe as a member of Bridge Four.

Jasnah because she's smart, intellectually honest, and charismatic. She's also powerful, feminine and really cares about her inner circle. She would be a great friend, or at the very least someone with whom to have a really interesting conversation.


Quiver: Not regularly, but I do know the feeling.

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It's not, itIt's because I was feeling peer pressured into creating an AMA.

So I thought I didn't know any queens songs; Wikipedia tells me I do (bohemian rhapsody, we are the champions, we will rock you). I couldn't say which is my favourite though.

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(Oh, finally found the starter question! Well, I played Gold and Silver a few times, but my favorite starter for that series was usually Totodile; I liked Feraligator a lot. Since I had one copy and my brother had the other, we would always start and reset the games a few times so we could get all three starters from the begining lol)


You managed to name three Queen's songs without mentioning my favorite. (Princes of the Universe)

Do you delight in mocking my musical preferences?

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(Oh, finally found the starter question! Well, I played Gold and Silver a few times, but my favorite starter for that series was usually Totodile; I liked Feraligator a lot. Since I had one copy and my brother had the other, we would always start and reset the games a few times so we could get all three starters from the begining lol)

You managed to name three Queen's songs without mentioning my favorite. (Princes of the Universe)

Do you delight in mocking my musical preferences?

Upvote for a decent pun!

Of course. It is my life's mission to purposely mock the unknown-to-me musical preference of my friends. How could you possibly think otherwise? :P

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Upvote for a decent pun!

Of course. It is my life's mission to purposely mock the unknown-to-me musical preference of my friends. How could you possibly think otherwise? :P


Please direct all questions to my largely inactive AMA, dear. 


Anyway... favourite animal?

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Don't answer this if you don't want to, but... are you Jewish? You wrote an exquisite and realistic story about a Jewish girl for that writing prompt thing, you've expressed a desire to see Israel, and you've expressed personal hurt over the anti-Semitism that abounds dark corners of the Internet. Are you, then, of Hebrew descent?



What's your favorite thing about living in Australia? Have you ever come across any of the unique fauna or flora of your continent?

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Don't answer this if you don't want to, but... are you Jewish? You wrote an exquisite and realistic story about a Jewish girl for that writing prompt thing, you've expressed a desire to see Israel, and you've expressed personal hurt over the anti-Semitism that abounds dark corners of the Internet. Are you, then, of Hebrew descent?

What's your favorite thing about living in Australia? Have you ever come across any of the unique fauna or flora of your continent?

I am very much a Jew. And definitely of Hebrew descent - I know via family tradition that I'm a direct descendant of Moses' brother Aaron, which is awesome, if not uncommon.

I've seen some Australian flora and fauna. I don't know if they're Australian, but I've seen these adorable tiny monkeys in the zoo - they're smaller than your palm.

I've also seen kangaroos, in zoos, in the wild and once remarkably on the street (it was a pretty remote location though). I've aeen dingoes and platypuses, and once stroked the back of a tiny cute echidna.

I'm not as good with flora, but I've seen a ton of eucalyptus trees and other trees I could define as "they look Aussie" but I have no idea what they're called.

My favourite thing about Down Under.....it's a physically beautiful place, and also the people are pretty laid back and friendly. Also, Vegemite, and fairy bread. :P.

Edit: and how could I forget the kookaburras? I don't see them too often, but I sometimes hear them.

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Toss up between Elantris and Warbreaker.

Elantris actively annoyed me, I thought the prose wasn't all that good, and the POV structure drove me a little crazy. I've still read it twice, and I like the plot and characters. This is actually probably

My least favourite, though it's still decent.

Warbreaker doesn't exactly bother me, but I don't find it super memorable or immersive, I don't fall into that world like I do Scadrial or Roshar. I thought the whole Susebron/Siri thing was super awkward rather than funny. It's a cool book, and id read the sequel and recommend it, but I'd put it in a mental category of "hey, this was a great book and I'd pretty definitely read the sequel" as opposed to "ITS SANDERSON AND AMAZING FANGIRL SQUEAL", you know?

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