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What do you call a cross between Adolf Hitler, Satan, and Nighthound?


Diluted Nighthound.


If Nighthound, Timeport, and Lightwards were all in a sinking rowboat in the middle of the ocean with their weaknesses, who would be saved? 


The world. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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So Illuminati, I heard you don't like to mix Pokemon and Ponies?

Ponymon? Seriously?

Here are some of the things that were completely WRONG about the video.

*They were battling in basically nowhere. Just some random field in an abandoned area with one fracking house.

*How can ponies hold pokeballs if they don't have, ya know...OPPOSABLE THUMBS, or fingers, for that Matter.

*Apparently, this creatures with no hands managed to dress themselves and somehow put on boots and Even comb their hairs into various (obviously dyied) Hairstyles. Ponies=1, Logic=0.

*It looked like they were sending their own pony friends into battle and somehow forcing them to only speak their "pokemon" names.

Don't get me wrong, im all about ponies chewing their tails off and getting on top of each other, but who in the world would force a child

into acting like a pokemon, and making him stick around enough to get freaking 3rd degree burns? Not cool Dash Ketchum

(Haha, pony name pun. So funny, haha, sarcasmo and stuff)

*Doduo looked nothing like a Doduo.

*Ponyta despite of having a very close resemblance to rapidash looked NOTHING like it's evolved form. Ignorant ponies. (Sighs)

*Pokemon don't evolve until the battle is over, no matter how much experience they get.



*Rock Slide does NOT make rocks appear out of thin air ya know, in the games that move appears (Basically all of them) the move is always said to consist of the user launching rocks and boulders at an enemy, as well as creating an avalanche.

*i can't Even tell who is a boy and who is a girl.


*Who the heck in his right mind would catch a Magikarp with a Masterball?

***Pokemon just proved It can't be copied.

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Illuminati, hater's gonna hate, Oregon RPers are gonna keep posting ponies. I say this with love, but you should have figured out by now that the Question thread isn't exactly the right place for dissing ponies and pony-related parodies.  ;)

Edited by Kobold King
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Illuminati, hater's gonna hate, Oregon RPers are gonna keep posting ponies. I say this with love, but you should have figured out by now that the Question thread isn't exactly the right place for dissing ponies and pony-related parodies.  ;)


Precisely. You might as well channel Conflux. You know….




….face your fear of our pony and pug overlords and play along? ;)

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I still can't ignore the fact someone captured a magikarp with a Masterball. :o

It is Team Rocket we're talking about here. I don't remember much about Pokemon from when I was a Child, but I do remember their incredible Incompetence. Maybe that was the only ball they could manage to catch anything with.

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:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Now, for the random epic of the day (Based on random ítems i find laying around):


Primary Powers:

Drowsy Death:

The epic wraps a misty cape that grows out of his skin around a selected target, epic or vanilla, and slowly all the willpower of the target will be sucked out, his will to fight and or to escape will slowly decrease until said person sleeps and or dies.

Targets with large ammounts of willpower can easily escape his attack, the larger the willpower of a target is, the more effort Blanket taken into making him give up. If Blanket doesn't release her misty cape soon after said target sleeps, the target will die, making It easier for her to kill people already sleeping.

This power can only be used on one epic/vanilla at a time.

Silky Skin:

It appears her body is made entirely of blanket, as guns and knifes used against her have all proven to be futile at harming her. It is said she is a really good knitter, as all the bullet wounds, burns, cuts and other damage she usually receives are knitted by her within an hour. Nobody knows for sure, as many who have tried observing her have died.

Blanket Transformation:

Can turn herself into a blue colored blanket/carpet that says in yellow letters "Sweet Dreams", upon a closer inspection, an image of an old fashioned drawn Moon with a smiling face and deep red eyes reported to "Be super creepy and unsettling" can be seen. There have also been reports of the moon's eyes apparently "Following one's look" and "Staring into one's souls. It is believed that a mild paranoia is caused by Staring into the smiling moon's eyes.

Secundary powers:


She can float like a ghost a few inches of the ground.


She can make clouds form around a 100 feet area from her, darkening the area around her.

She is known for her haunting appareance and mysterious powerset. She doesn't show her face in public a lot and is used to draft from town to town, always at night or when mist covers her up, Although she enjoys making an appareance in towns where few people live in, darkening the sun around her, hovering above the ground and standing ever so still, Causing fear and anxiety to anyone who dares look into her red eyes for too long. She usually grabs children when they are alone, and takes them to an área where they can be alone. Then they are never heard of again.

Every once in a while, however, she sneaks into rooms before people go to sleep, taking the form of a mysterious carpet or blanket that without explaination appeared. The smart people throw them outside, the few idiots who keep them....they don't end up well, or being anything really. No one hears of them again.

Weakness: ???????

Edited by Random_illuminati
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I still can't ignore the fact someone captured a magikarp with a Masterball. :o

Meh, they copied it with the help of Missingnumber, so no problem.(And on a side note, of course they fought in the middle of nowhere. They are Pokémon trainers and their eyes meet. Fighting in that random desolated spot was the destiny of their boiling blood.)

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You still can't explain how they put their clothes on or grab their pokeballs in general.

Also, forcing a toddler into fighting until he gets 3rd degree burns is NOT okay. (Even if said toddler has lighting powers)



If we're gonna get into the ethics of our respective fandoms, I'd be forced to point out that in MLP the dominant morality is "friendship is magic," while in Pokemon the dominant morality is "force pets to battle one another in brutal superpowered combat."


I guess what I'm saying is, at least the terrible things in the MLP universe are all non-canon. You can't say the same about Pokemon. ;)

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You still can't explain how they put their clothes on or grab their pokeballs in general.

Also, forcing a toddler into fighting until he gets 3rd degree burns is NOT okay. (Even if said toddler has lighting powers)

Probably the same way Farfetch'd carries that leek stalk

Eh, Earth ponies are though and as Kobold points out Pokemon is an entire universe of animal abusers, so I don't think you have much room to complain, mister.

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You still can't explain how they put their clothes on or grab their pokeballs in general.

Also, forcing a toddler into fighting until he gets 3rd degree burns is NOT okay. (Even if said toddler has lighting powers)


Sigh... the Pikachu always gets it. I've tried multiple times to take a Pikachu with me all the way to the Elite Four, but it's just too slow and too weak. I always end up releasing it around the sixth gym or so.


In other news, I'm going to be wandering around in the wilderness for 12-ish days, so it'll be kind of difficult for me to respond to anything until I get back. Toodles!

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On the topic of animal abuse and pokemon.

Sigh... the Pikachu always gets it. I've tried multiple times to take a Pikachu with me all the way to the Elite Four, but it's just too slow and too weak. I always end up releasing it around the sixth gym or so.


In other news, I'm going to be wandering around in the wilderness for 12-ish days, so it'll be kind of difficult for me to respond to anything until I get back. Toodles!

Don't forget that this random electro mouse could theoretically beat up the god of the pokemon universe... the "canon" given by the pokedex is really all over the place.


Good luck and success. are you going today?

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Have fun, Mckeedee! ^_^

On the pony front, they're probably not going away anytime soon, which makes complaining about them about as effective as complaining about a pug's smushy face. ;)



So what you're saying is that Illuminati used "Criticize Ponies"... and it was not very effective? B):P

Edited by Kobold King
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