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So...since Matt Smith is in it, do you plan on seeing the new Terminator movie?

He is? :blink:

....now that you mention it, I seem to recall my brother saying as much....but no, I don't plan to see it. Terminator isn't really my cup of tea, and I'd rather watch Matt Smith in something I know I'll love than in something that'll probably make me say "Meh" while leaving the theater.

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How do you pick what/who to write in WHiO? Do you have any other writing pet projects besides the RP?


Usually, I choose who to write by whose perspective is needed to move the scene along, which makes it simple when one of my characters is holding a conversation or performing an action that's needed to the scene to progress. When I have multiple characters in a scene, though, I'll usually choose whose perspective would be the most interesting. I don't outline, but I do play and replay a scene in my head, picking out snatches of dialogue or description that I want to use, tweaking them until the scene I've envisioned is the one I want to put to paper. If I have two characters in a scene, I'll test the scene from both of their perspectives to see which one gives the scene a more interesting flair. 


The one exception to this rule, I think, was Funtimes. Her personality and behavior were very clear in my mind when I began writing her, but I hadn't quite pinned down her internal dialogue or motivations yet. I like to think that I hadn't gotten to know her yet—but I did know Nathan, so I wrote solely from his perspective for a while. I've since learned what makes her tick, but at first I used Nathan and Remington to narrate her actions. I didn't want to write her perspective until I was sure I could handle it. 


I don't usually plan my posts ahead, since we pants so much, but I have been working on Funtimes' flashbacks and a sequence I've been planning to incorporate into her arc for a while. I'm doing those ahead of time because, with the flashbacks, I'll be sprinkling them in here and there and I want to make sure I have them ready for when I find a place they'll fit—rather than shoehorning them in because I need to move her backstory along. And for the future sequence, I'll want to structure her posts in order to build up to that, so I'll need an idea of what I'm working toward. 


As for non-RP projects, I do have a story I've been planning for a while. You know all those scientists in WWII-era comics who create a superpower-granting serum, use it once, and then either die or have something happen to their formula so it's never used again? I'm working on one where the scientist succeeds and releases it in secret, granting about a third of the world's population superpowers. I haven't really written anything for it, since I'm still hashing out character motivations (and trying to come up with a decent plot :ph34r:) but I'm definitely going to pursue that one. 

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How do you think your participation on this site would be different if you'd read a Cosmere book like Mistborn or Warbreaker before reading Steelheart? Would there be a Cosmere RP instead of What Happened in Oregon?

Probably not. I know some people might consider this strange, but I don't like Brandon's Cosmere books as much as I like the Reckoners. This doesn't mean I don't like Cosmere at all; to the contrary, I've thoroughly enjoyed every Brandon book I've read so far, and I've been consistently impressed with the worlds he creates.

Still, I've always been an urban fantasy girl. I thought I was geeking out when I read LoTR, watched all the movies, and started a Middle-Earth RPG as a teen, but I didn't know what geeking out was until I read the Harry Potter series a few years later. Since then, and since various Marvel movies captured my imagination, I've found the idea of supernatural things happening in our world fascinating. So for me, the Reckoners books are as close to perfect as a series can get--cool powers, engaging characters, a wonderfully disastrous twist on the traditional superhero setting, hilariously bad metaphors, and a central theme that really makes you think. I love the Cosmere, but I don't know that it would have captured my imagination the same way.

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Back to blatent recruitment for me, but how can I help encourage you to join with the coppermind and help us out?


Um, point me to some articles that need my expertise and give me a rundown of the format and whatnot? I remember thinking that the Firefight articles needed some serious TLC, but I was afraid to edit them for fear I'd do it wrong and leave someone else with an even bigger mess. :P 

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The Reckoners articles could definitely do with some love yeah. Here is a list of articles which need help, but really any of the character articled need fleshing out with history and other details. If I can help you feel less intimidated by the place then I will :) youb really don't need to feel scared of breaking, as it really just needs paragraphs to be written. I hope you take the chance and join us :D *cuddleswarms*

On and dont fret leaving a mess XD my wholejob is to help show people how to clean up and figure out how it all works :)

Who's your favourite non Brandon character?

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The Reckoners articles could definitely do with some love yeah. Here is a list of articles which need help, but really any of the character articled need fleshing out with history and other details. If I can help you feel less intimidated by the place then I will :) youb really don't need to feel scared of breaking, as it really just needs paragraphs to be written. I hope you take the chance and join us :D *cuddleswarms*

On and dont fret leaving a mess XD my wholejob is to help show people how to clean up and figure out how it all works :)

Who's your favourite non Brandon character?


Just took a look at the Steelheart article. :wacko: I'll make an account soon. 


Um….that's a tough one. Let's see if I can narrow it down a bit….


Books: ERROR: Unable to decide between Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin and Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), Brother Francis (A Canticle for Liebowitz), and Liesel, Rudy, Hans, Rosa, and Max (The Book Thief). Please try your request when Twi's brain has recovered from this impossible decision. 


TV: Donna Noble. Famous for being the Doctor's "best friend" companion, there is nothing terribly special about her. And that is what makes her so extraordinary. 


Donna isn't a hero. She doesn't push the Doctor to save entire planets, or set out with him to try and convince him to retcon major world events so the death toll becomes zero. She travels with the Doctor because she wants to see the stars. When they land on a hostile planet offering tours in Midnight, she spends the day in a spa. She longs to escape her mother's nagging, brings along mountains and mountains of suitcases, and speaks Latin to a Pompeiian vendor just to see how the TARDIS' translation matrix will handle it. Like the Doctor, she has no real motive besides having fun and forgetting her troubles. 


Yet she expresses more empathy than many TV characters. When the Doctor, at her request, allows her to hear the Ood's song of mourning, she begs him to take it away after only a few seconds, because it affects her so deeply. In Pompeii, when the Doctor is about to leave the city to be destroyed, she begs him to save one family. "You don't have to save them all, just save someone!" Donna doesn't focus on the big picture, because to her, individuals are the big picture. She pushes the Doctor to ordinary acts of heroism, and this is what makes her so beautifully human. 


Movies: Steve Rodgers, aka Captain America. In the movies, "being nice" may as well be his primary power. When still scrawny and sickly, he takes on a group of men jeering at a wartime newsreel because it is disrespectful to the men sacrificing their lives. He throws himself on a dummy grenade, thinking it's real, even though his fellow recruits have treated him with nothing but scorn. He treats everyone around him with genuine respect. There are some characters you like to watch, some you love to hate, and others you would love to have a cup of coffee with. Rodgers is at the top of the latter list. 


Radio: Eugene Meltsner, from a radio show called Adventures in Odyssey. Eugene is a genius. He graduated high school at the age of twelve, uses big words, and never uses turns of phrase without adding "proverbially speaking" or "to borrow the old colloquialism." Yet unlike most portrayals of intelligence, these mannerisms seem natural to Eugene. I've read some books where the requisite "smart" character uses big words in an attempt to showcase his intelligence, and it only makes it sound like he swallowed a thesaurus. The Odyssey writers gave Eugene other indicators of his intelligence: He is utterly devoted to logic. He takes many common phrases literally. He reaches conclusions far more quickly than other characters. And he isn't arrogant about his learning. He simply knows a lot and learns faster than most, and that is how he is. 


Do you want sparkles?



When I was a little girl, I loved sparkles. I still hold this love of sparkles, as evidenced by Doctor Funtimes' habit of putting them in her hair. Yet when I became a teenager, the rest of the world had fallen in love with Twilight, where the "vampires" held all the sparkles and sparkling gave you the skin of a killer. So, to put off suspicion that I too loved the sparkly vampires, I added "SansSparkles" to my username of "TwiLyght." 


Of course, I would probably be safe in making myself "TwiLyghtPlusSparkles," now that Twilight Sparkle has reclaimed sparkles for the side of rightness, but everyone knows me as the one without sparkles, so I might as well continue. 


All that is to say, yes. I do want sparkles. Very much. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I very much look forward to your editing :D *cuddleswarms* thanks for offering to take a look.


Donna is a great character yeah, and if it helps your brain not explode, my question didn't need to only have a single answer so your great selection of characters is all great :D 


*sends you a big box of sparkly cuddlebots* I hope you have a wonderful day :)


What is your favourite kind of weather?

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I very much look forward to your editing :D *cuddleswarms* thanks for offering to take a look.


Donna is a great character yeah, and if it helps your brain not explode, my question didn't need to only have a single answer so your great selection of characters is all great :D


*sends you a big box of sparkly cuddlebots* I hope you have a wonderful day :)


What is your favourite kind of weather?


The kind we don't get in Arizona. 


Okay, if you insist on a longer reply :P….


My favorite kind of weather is when there's just a little bit of a chill in the air, or when it's outright cold. I like fall, and I love winter. I think my favorite kind of day is one where it's sunny, but there's snow on the ground, and it's cold enough that you need a coat and gloves but not so freezing that you have to wear a scarf over your mouth and can't enjoy the crisp, clean air. My favorite type of night is one where snow is on the ground and falling gently from the sky, and everything is so still and you can see the lights from the nearby city reflecting off the clouds above. 


Driving in the snow is another story, but I'd say it's worth the hassle. 

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that does sound like lovely weather, though I've been poisoned by English winters which are just wet and windy and miserable, and the cold seeps into your bones and my extremities hurt and so I have to wear gloves and double socks aaallll day, and the days are short and cold and dark and miserable and *blaaah*


*keeps gently encouraging you to wiki* XD >< tell me if you'd rather I stop bothering you


Where is your favourite place which you've only visited once before? (I'd prefer somewhere not near home but who am I to prefer XD)

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My favorite kind of weather is when there's just a little bit of a chill in the air, or when it's outright cold. I like fall, and I love winter. I think my favorite kind of day is one where it's sunny, but there's snow on the ground, and it's cold enough that you need a coat and gloves but not so freezing that you have to wear a scarf over your mouth and can't enjoy the crisp, clean air. My favorite type of night is one where snow is on the ground and falling gently from the sky, and everything is so still and you can see the lights from the nearby city reflecting off the clouds above. 


Um. Yes! Cool weather FTW! Though I suspect I'm more an autumn weather person than a winter one. Actually, any kind of weather between 0-80 F and with lots of clouds is my favorite.


What's you're favorite piece of classical music?

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that does sound like lovely weather, though I've been poisoned by English winters which are just wet and windy and miserable, and the cold seeps into your bones and my extremities hurt and so I have to wear gloves and double socks aaallll day, and the days are short and cold and dark and miserable and *blaaah*


*keeps gently encouraging you to wiki* XD >< tell me if you'd rather I stop bothering you


Where is your favourite place which you've only visited once before? (I'd prefer somewhere not near home but who am I to prefer XD)


Nah, you're fine. :) My plan is to get an account made and start wiki-ing tomorrow, when I'll have the better part of the day in front of my laptop. 


Favorite place I've only visited once….I think I'd have to say San Diego. I visited it once on a school trip, and I loved the mild weather, the palm trees, the laid-back atmosphere. It was the first time I saw a mall with an Armani store and a Bloomingdales, and it was kind of life-changing….in the way seeing $100 shirts changes your life. :P I also really enjoyed traveling on their light rail (or "The Trolley," as Wikipedia tells me it's known to locals). I thought it was such a fantastic way to help people get around, and cut back on traffic and pollution at the same time. I used it all weekend, and I immediately wished every city would install one. 


And there was also, you know, the scenery and everything. Point Loma was gorgeous, and the hotel I stayed in left a free cookie for each guest on their pillows. :P 


Um. Yes! Cool weather FTW! Though I suspect I'm more an autumn weather person than a winter one. Actually, any kind of weather between 0-80 F and with lots of clouds is my favorite.


What's you're favorite piece of classical music?


I actually don't listen to a lot of classical music. :mellow: I do like instrumentals, but they're all more modern pieces. I love the Piano Guys' "Batman Evolution" and their cover of "You Don't Know You're Beautiful." Vitamin String Quartet is a favorite of mine, and definitely my preferred way of listening to Lady Gaga. :P I also love Trans-Siberan Orchestra's "Carol of the Bells" and many of their other songs as well. 

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Fair enough. Soundracks?




Some, though I usually only listen when a particular mood strikes me. I had the Dark Knight soundtrack in my library for a while, but I lost it when we moved and I got a new computer. I like a few songs from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack, and I've bought a few songs after hearing them on Vikings. I think the one exception to the odd-mood rule is the Prince of Egypt soundtrack. I could listen to those songs every day. :D 

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How accurate is the following description for the Reckoners rp?


Hoid has left the building. Prepare for ponies, general insanity, Epics, ponified Epics, pugs, occasionally some Reckoners, and did I mention ponies yet?


Also, how can you stand to not have a pug in your signature? 

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How accurate is the following description for the Reckoners rp?


Hoid has left the building. Prepare for ponies, general insanity, Epics, ponified Epics, pugs, occasionally some Reckoners, and did I mention ponies yet?


Also, how can you stand to not have a pug in your signature? 


Extremely accurate. Do you secretly play without us knowing? :ph34r::P 


Because there are so many adorable pug pictures that I wouldn't be able to decide on just one. I'd wind up changing my signature four times a week, then exceeding the maximum character limit, and finally sending Chaos a picture of a sad-looking pug to request he increase the limit to accommodate my many pug pictures. :P 

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