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Which Brandon Character Would You Date?


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Aw, man. I was hoping for less competition for Shallan. I expected some, but you guys are hounds! If I were a little older than my modest 23 years, I might settle for Jasnah (I like them smartypants, for my own level of intellectual capabilities is also rather elevated) too, but at this point the age different would murder me...

You could always store age in an atiummind.  ;)

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I was wondering when somebody would say that...

Also, couldn't help but notice the interesting lack of Sarene and Vasher mentions in here.

I could see myself dating Vasher, though he's so dang grumpy all the time, that dork. Denth could make a good kismesis... I wouldn't mind exploring something a little more caliginous with him.
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Sarene is definitely an option for me, I like her personality. Unfortunately I am not the tallest of men and she is kind of on the tall side... But that aside I would have no problems with her. Shallan is still my #1 crush though :-)

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No Legion? Ivy, anyone? Kalyani? No? No one wants to be with a hallucination?


But seriously, I would probably go with either Shallan or Siri. Shallan's biggest problem is that she doesn't know if she wants to be more or less proper, something that will probably change as she spends more time with Jasnah (now that she's gotten over a bunch of her angst).

Siri...just think about it. She has hair. That changes colors.


Color-changing hair.

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/>Why has nobody metioned Megan?

She's pretty kick butt.

Heck yes!!! As David says, she's hot, can handle a gun, and keeps explosives in her top!

No girl thinks Steelheart is good looking? He has HUGE muscles apparently. (yes, I know, he's evil)

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Heck yes!!! As David says, she's hot, can handle a gun, and keeps explosives in her top!

No girl thinks Steelheart is good looking? He has HUGE muscles apparently. (yes, I know, he's evil)

HE. IS. NO FUN. HE.HAS.NO.HUMOR.WHATSOEVER. I mean what you can do with a guy that don't get a joke and is likely to kill you out of frustration? Sames goes for Miles, Lord Ruler, Hrathen and many other. No wonder they're not popular among girls.

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HE. IS. NO FUN. HE.HAS.NO.HUMOR.WHATSOEVER. I mean what you can do with a guy that don't get a joke and is likely to kill you out of frustration? Sames goes for Miles, Lord Ruler, Hrathen and many other. No wonder they're not popular among girls.

Ah, but we know Denth has a wonderful sense of humor, so is he a viable option  ;) ?

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No Adolin takers? He's supposed to be handsome, charming, honorable, good to watch in a duel, soon to be highprince, etc.  Of course, you'd have some competition...but the challenge just makes it more fun. 

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