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Which Brandon Character Would You Date?


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It's the part where you see all your own worst qualities reflected back in your face, or worse yet something you enjoy about your life is annoying as heck from an outsider's perspective. It's kind of like what Miles does with gold actually. I find this kind of self-loathing to be a bit of a benefit since it lets you improve yourself.

You must be an absolutely lovable person, then.=p


Most people are just a little bit awful at some level or another and, by meeting someone like ourselves, we face those problems... I've being dealing with a HUGE problem lately with some friends precisely because we are too much alike.



   Everyone has flaws, and I am no exception. However, I learned to accept and live with all of my flaws. In fact, many of them I ended up finding amusing. And I don't do anything really bad anyway: if I did something really bad, I'd try to fix it, because i don't want to be a bad person. Except that my opinion on what is really bad is different from that of anyone else. There are a few mild flaws that are common in people and that I really dislike. I'm pretty sure there's something in what I do that other people consider important, but to me is minor. So, in someone like me, I have someone who has no major flaws. And I can't really blame him for those he has anyway, because how can I blame him for something that I do myself?

And then there is the comunance of interests. I don't care about most things normal people enjoy, and I enjoy many things that most people do not. It is very rare for me to find someone who shares my own interests.

Last, I have a strong nonconfrontational streak, and I can discuss pretty much anything without getting angry if we have a disagreement. At least unless the other guy starts being aggressive on me; then I start fighting like a wounded, cornered animal. But that is never going to happen if the other guy behaves like me.

I have this awful, AWFUL "Knight in Shining Armor" Complex that makes me want to protect and love broken girls... Also, Vin is a good person in the end, not just a broken, problematic kid.

Aww, I have the same complex. But I quite like it, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I mentioned earlier how I'd like to take vin as a little sister.

On the other hand I've never met a really broken girl, just some girls who were a bit on the sad side. Not sure how it would turn out with the real stuff.

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Aww, I have the same complex. But I quite like it, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I mentioned earlier how I'd like to take vin as a little sister.

On the other hand I've never met a really broken girl, just some girls who were a bit on the sad side. Not sure how it would turn out with the real stuff.


Speaking as a broken girl myself it takes a lot more than somebody's protection to help. A lot of times the demons are inside you, or they are words and actions from other people that you can't stop from happening. And sometimes your protection can hurt us, sometimes it can hurt you, and others it hurts both of us. I'm not sure what my point is with this, other than to put my thoughts down.

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Novella characters are hard to work with since we don't spend as much time getting to know them. Shai would probably land you with an identity crisis or something.


EDIT: I hate this keyboard -_-

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Novella characters are hard to work with since we don't spend as much time getting to know them. Shai would probably land you with an identity crisis or something.


EDIT: I hate this keyboard -_-


Very fair point. I just found her the most appealing out of all the characters. The multiple personality stamp thing and the psychoanalysis would be somewhat hectic for my already scrambled brain but yeah. Be the one I would choose out of his characters. But I've never been one to put much logical thought into these things.

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I think Shai would enjoy going on a date where you both Forge yourselves, and remember having first met and gotten there in a completely different way.

edit: "Let's go on this cruise, and be secret agents spying on each other." "Ok!"

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  • 2 months later...

It would totally be Jasnah for me.  I identify with her Veristitalian scholarship and am eager to learn more of that which is inside her mind.  While she's quite serious - even stern at times, I imagine her to move with lithe precision and I find that immensely attractive in a woman.

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Well, as of now Joel and Melody have been added to the list as (In my opinion) kinda semi-viable options for younger readers. Yay for obsessive people!


EDIT: Just be prepared to sneeze a lot.

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Oh good! Dear, sweet Renarin is all mine! I'll admit I've got a thing for sweet younger brothers who look up to their older brothers and Renarin's just such a cutie. Now, I just have to find a way to stop shipping him with Shallan long enough for this to work. 


Kaladin and Elend would also be good picks for me, but Kaladin's still got lots of trauma to work through (curse my love of broken characters!) and I'm pretty sure trying to date Elend would end up with Vin's knives in my back. So it's the younger Kholin prince for me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found Elend incredibly charming in the first Mistborn book. ;) I liked his sense of mischief and the way he teased Vin, but also his desire to do good and to break away from the system.


Realistically though, I would probably choose Raoden. He becomes incredibly kindhearted and thoughtful over the course of the novel. Elend, on the other hand, is a little too immature and selfish - he has his charming qualities, but significant flaws too.

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So I thought that I'd grown out of the whole crush on a fictional character phase, but I guess I hadn't. I had it bad for Kaladin as I read The Ways of Kings. Oh, if only he were a few years older!


I see that a lot of people are saying that they'd date Elend, but I'm not so sure that I would. Yes, I love that he's a big-time reader, but I just feel like he was too similar to my personality type. I don't need to date an intellectual twin; I want someone with some contrasting skills and passions.

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I would date the chick Dalinar has a thing for, or well it's more than a thing now, but definitely her! Or the girl who was engaged to Elend before something happened and Vin ended up killing her anyway

So Navani and Shan Elariel.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, I think I'd go for either Renarin or Elend. Renarin is more appealing than Elend in terms of character, but his 'blood weakness' would be a bit of a worry. If it's epilepsy then no real problem I guess, but if it's something like haemophilia it might be a bit off-putting.

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