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What are you known for on the Shard?


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For philosophizing about existential nihilism.


For making me think of Red Dwarf every time I see your username.


Ace Rimmer (the improbably dapper alternate universe version of Rimmer):  "Smoke me a kipper!  I'll be back for breakfast!"

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Apparently for shipping KaladStick :P

I know you must have meant Kaladistick. That's a much easier to pronounce, and much more fun, name for that particular ship.


For noticing neat tidbits like that later observation

I… haven't really noticed you yet, sorry, but I will not forget that very odd looking avatar, nor the Don Quixote title above it, so now that's what you're known for in my mind.



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Mind if I PM you?

Kipper, for being great at controversial conversation.

Also for having a name that autocorrects to killer :o

Harsh accusations :P

But I have enjoyed our conversations.


The above:

For having a freaking awesome member title!

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Ha, yes that was. Weird for me too. I still might change my name to Winnie the Pooh. o.O :ph34r:


For being a generally awesome person who isn't afraid to be random, but still is a voice of reason and comfort for others in times of need.

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*does a wordsearch for "Feather" across the forums to check in on things*
Huh, that's weird I wonder why my handle came up in this thread...


It was a joke ship... Plus, it makes more sense than Feather's Kalarin ship anyway, especialy if Szeth gets less insane and Eshonai leaves stormform.



So wait. Apparently... I'm known for Kalarin of all things????


Really? Me? Kalarin????


This very odd to me, since I have been a fairly vocal opponent of Kalarin for way longer than I've been a semi-begrudging supporter of it. I mean, I once tried to convince someone away from the "treacherous waters of Kalarin" in a long-form essay. Seriously. How did I get associated with this ship? If anything I should be associated with Shallarin, which I practically captained and defended to the death for years.


I didn't start "shipping" Kalarin until WoR, and it was entirely begrudging and annoyed at the fact that I could halfway see that they could be cute maybe A LITTLE BIT OKAY. MAYBE. Here I was, having to concede ground to my mortal enemy the Kalarin ship. And then the rest of Words of Radiance stomped on my poor Shallarin loving heart in spiked cleats so I kinda just decided I was going to be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  about Stormlight shipping in general. Shallarin? I've got nostalgia. Kalarin? Sure they've got some cute moments. Dalinavani? Always good. Shasnah? Not really my interest, but I could write a fic if I had to. Shadolin? Cuter than expected, so alright. 


Honestly the only Stormlight ship that I actually care about with like, emotional responses is Shaladin, and that's mostly negative because I'm really not a fan of Shaladin.


So... I'm wondering how a ship that I was dragged into kicking and screaming until I begrudgingly admited it had some merit could be... "Feather's Kalarin." 




I've got plenty of friends who do ship Kalarin with an extremely passionate and well-thought out reasoning, and while I don't do much contributing to their ranks, I'll stand beside them. Even if I'm not a front-line shipper of it, I'll defend its right to exist and be recognized as a valid pairing. I know the arguments and I agree with pretty much all of them. Now, I'm not going to do that here, because I don't want to derail. (PM me if y'all need Kalarin explanations/meta/talk. Or... any other Stormlight ship stuff. I'll hook you up with the good ones.)


Mostly, I came in here and wrote all this up to say... please don't be dismissive of other people's ships. Yeah, I'm not a stalwart fighter for Kalarin, but there are many who are. To say "Haha, well this was a joke ship that I wasn't even serious about, but it's still better than that one" is... very hurtful actually. You don't have to agree with the Kalarin shippers. Or any of the other shippers. But you should be respectful of them, please.


And if you are going to be rude about ships, for the love of Harmony, don't put the shipper's name beside it where they'll probably find you. Seriously.

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If it helps, I associate you with Shallarin, general Renarin-loving, writing great fanfic and owning a soulcaster.

Oh, and Splintercast of course.


See those are great things to be known for. That, and destroying the souls of the innocent with really horribly tragic AUs. 


...speaking of, I should be editing Splintercasts. We've got a new series coming up and I need to get them done. 


And I associate you with one of the earliest members of Newcago and also forgetting that you're not my RP character, Eliane Casuana, from Elendel... since she used Chloe Bennet as a face claim. I keep seeing your icon and thinking "It's my adorable barista Seeker!" Heh, not so much.

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Yeah, the Elendel RP had writers choose an actor to represent your character. And I chose Chloe Bennet. So Skye is like... half Eliane in my head at all times. Ha. 


Edit: Can I RAFO the Splintercast question? I'm gonna RAFO. (First episode should be up sometime this week, I think ;) )

Edited by FeatherWriter
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He asked for cookies? Man the one intro thread I miss...

For being a frequent discusser of Random Stuff, consoler of people in the Bad day thread, complimenter of people and of course the featured members list.

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