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Heirs to the Final Empire: A Generational RPG


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They woke up to find the world on fire.

The shelter they had constructed to keep them safe from the Deepness opened, and one brave soul looked out. The mists had gone. There was not a single trace of them. The volunteer let off a grin and opened the door fully, stepping out into the world, into the heat.

He did not get far before collapsing, letting out choking, gasping breaths. The naked sun burnt down unrelentingly, searing his flesh and scorching his spirit away. In a final act of strength, he tried to push himself around, his eyes turning to his companions, hand reaching out as if to grasp them, begging them for help. But none was forthcoming; they had already closed the door again, the great stone barrier wedged tight to shield them from the heat. The man died, cursing his friends with the breath he could not even take.


Hours later, there was a knock on the door from the outside. One of the occupants declared it to be the ghost of the dead man, come to tempt them to their deaths. There was little dissent, and the door remained closed.

A second knock. This time, more insistent. The terrified refugees once again ignored it, though some clutched anything they could use as a weapon, their hands whitening as their grip tightened. They had few weapons, and no trained soldiers to wield them effectively. It was a gathering of the elite of the world, of nobility and priests, and Alendi had insisted it was a peaceful gathering, a shelter of equals with none able to intimidate the rest in the new world with a show of force. Neither did they have the strange magic of the Terris people to defend them, for the Worldbringers of Tathingdwen were safe in their own shelter under the city, and could not help them now.

Three knocks. This one dislodged some of the earth at the top of the portal to their sanctuary. The group as one took a step back, their collective gasp drawing them together in their trepidation. No-one spoke.

On the fourth knock, a crack appeared in the stone slab. It spread outwards radially, forking into tens and then hundreds of small breaks as it spread across the door. It reached the edge, and it held, briefly. Then it shattered into a myriad of pebbles and dust, a dull light bursting in from the outside. It was hidden slightly by a shadow in the doorway; a man.

“R-Rashek?” One of them asked, incredulous. “It’s… It’s you! But how? What happened? Where is Alendi?”

A scowl flittered across the man’s face, but before long it was replaced with a sigh. “Alendi failed,” He said. “That is the truth of it. The prophecy was a lie, as Kwaan said. My uncle saw far more than any other Worldbringer ever did.”

“Then we are doomed. You’ve let the outside world in and now we will burn, like that poor fool.”

“Poor fool? Ah, that explains the bones outside…” Rashek nodded to himself, dismissing their worries, and indeed the death of a person he most likely knew. “Yes, he was unfortunate indeed. He left while I was making… minor adjustments… to the world.”

“Minor adjustments? What are you talking about?”

“The Hero of Ages has failed,” Rashek nodded. “But I did not. For a brief moment, I touched infinity, I held a sliver of the power of god.” He shivered a little. “I moved the world closer to the sun.” He said, every syllable holding enormous weight behind it. “I left it too close; I have fixed that problem.”

There was silence in the cave as each digested the meaning behind his words. Rashek had saved them, but apparently at a terrible cost. He had then fixed that, but all of them remembered Rashek’s impulsive behaviour, his arrogance. What price did the world pay to fix his mistake?

Eventually, Rashek spoke again. “Come. We have much rebuilding to do, and a world to forge.”

“A world to forge?”

“Yes…” Rashek smiled. It was not a particularly nice smile, but nor was it malicious. It was grim, and foreboding, but it appeared he was far more harrowed by his experience than he would like to let on. He was less brash than usual, that was certain. More mature. “Consequences must be dealt with. We must bring the people of this world together under a single banner if we are to have any hope of surviving.”


“You’re talking about conquest. Of war! The Worldbringers will never agree to this! We will never agree to this!

Rashek spread his hands, almost apologetically. “We are in a new world. Each of us must evolve to face it, or die with the old one. The Worldbringers have already made their choice.” He put his hands into his pockets as a new silence descended, before being shattered once again in an instant.

“You’re insane!” Someone exclaimed. “You destroy our world, and hope to bend us to your will. Well, I'm not going to be your slave! I’m going to bring an end to your madness here and now!” they declared. A sword was drawn from its scabbard, and then they rushed at him with a sword in his hand. He swung it at Rashek’s head, an untrained but heavy-handed blow. Rashek did not move, did not even acknowledge the man. As his assailant drew close, the sword he held was flung from his grasp, soaring across the room to embed itself in the wall, still oscillating from the sheer force behind it.

“I’m insane?” Rashek asked, looking at the man finally. “You attacked someone who was very recently an avatar of god. That makes you the mad one from where I am standing. No, not even that - It makes you treasonous and heretical.” Rashek drew his hand back and struck the man across his face. There was a crack as the neck snapped and the man hit the floor. As did a small metal bead.

“Ah yes.” Rashek put his hand out, and the metal bead willingly obeyed his command, raising itself into the palm of his hand as though it had a mind of its own. He closed his fist around it, then turned his hand out so his palm was facing the roof when he opened it again. Within were eight more similar beads as well as the ninth he had dropped.

“I know that not all of you feel the same way. We have new opportunities here, a chance to rechart the course of the world according to what we desire,” he sneered, “not what some philosophers prattle on about in their pathetic dotage. There is power here, and glory and wealth, for those of you who want to seize it. Allomancy is a strength beyond Feruchemy, beyond anything you could ever dream of. I offer you this gift if you help me.””

“I count many of you here as my friends, and so I trust you will make the right decision. Know that I say the truth when I say that the only way for humanity to survive is together, as one people. You followed Alendi when he said the same thing. Will you follow me?”


The game starts just after the Ascension of The Lord Ruler, in the year 0 of his reign, and will end in the year 1020 - about two years before the events of Mistborn: The Final Empire. Players begin as one of Rashek’s closest companions, directly after the events of his Ascension.


The game is designed as a 'free-form' RPG, inspired by a variety of sources - mostly city-builders and simulation games. Your actions will not only affect your House, but also those of other Houses, and perhaps even the very course of The Final Empire in the long-run.


For the sake of roleplaying, it should be noted that your starting characters have no experience of Allomancy, and that if something hasn't been explicitly introduced, it probably does not exist (or is not known of) yet. Nor are any of the secrets of the books yours to exploit, at least at the start. The Final Empire's most (in)famous aspects will slowly unfold before you over Generations, and it's up to you to capitalise on that gradual roll-out.


Any number of players can play this game - It is effectively drop-in/drop-out, in many ways. Whenever a player signs up, they will be added to the game at the beginning of the next Generation with a new House to govern. Players who sign up after the game starts will have a slighter weaker House than most players, as they cannot govern how it has developed over the years (and so it will be a bit randomly generated) - but that won't stop you from competing with entrenched players.



How to Play the Game

At the start of the game, up to nine lerasium beads will be given out to random players - If there are nine or less players, each player will be given one. If you wish to sign up for the start, then go ahead! RP away (or don't. While RP is highly encouraged in the thread, it's not necessary before the game starts). If you need help with name(s) for either Terrismen or Nobles, I can provide the name tables from the Mistborn Adventure Game, with a bit of effort. I also need the name of your House. There's no restrictions on this as to whether it's an official one or not, just as long as another player hasn't picked the same House name already.


The game will take place over eleven Generations, one per century (in order to make it not last four years...), and each Generation lasts a total of four Turns. Each Turn lasts a week. Thus the game will last a total of 44 weeks.


There is no 'win' condition for the game, as such (nor is there a loss condition). How can you compare the strength of one House to another, after all? This is more-or-less an evolving roleplaying setting, with statistics used to take measures of things. At the end of the game, such information will become public knowledge, and I may make a judgement on the 'winning' House, if such a thing can be seen easily.


Players may discuss in private conversations as well as on the main thread, though I would like both to be in on such conversations, and for them to be on a Google doc so they can be posted at the end of the game for general perusal. These conversations may not be edited in any way except for spelling and grammar.


Some rules may be added or changed depending on the course of the game - This is as much an experiment as it is a game. If so, they’ll be added here. A link to all the rules and writeups, including this one, can be found in my signature for relatively quick reference.


During each Turn, players may choose up to three Actions for their House to take. These are taken by messaging the GM to inform him of what you are doing. One of these must be stated publicly in the thread as well. If this is not done, none of the Actions will have any effect.


There is no set list of Actions for players to take - It is a game of exploration. I will be converting any Actions taken into effects on numerical Statistics. Usually actions will succeed, unless they are opposed by another player (such as assassinations), or your House is in dire circumstances (such as being utterly broke). In that case, I will use a combination of the data and RNG to decide the outcome. Whenever you take an action, as it relies on my interpretation, it's always best to be as clear as possible about it. In most cases, try to answer the following questions:

  • Who? - Who is performing the Action, and in what manner? Lord Heron is performing this action, in his capacity as House Lord.

  • What? - What is the Action itself? Lord Heron is buying mines and smelters.

  • Where? - Where does this Action take place? Near the mountains of the Northern Dominance.

  • When? - Not just the general sort of time in-RP you are performing the action, but what numbered action is this (in case of conflict)? This is my 2nd Action for the Turn.

  • Why? - What do you hope to achieve if all goes perfectly? I want to buy the mines so I can sell Allomantic metals for long-term benefit at a short-term cost.

There are a few things that can also affect the outcome of a Turn other than your Statistics and your Actions. For example, how many other people have attempted something similar this Generation may have a strong effect on the cost and benefits of your actions (say, if lots of property was bought at the same time). Sometimes the RP you perform may grant you an additional bonus.



Statistics are simply a measure of your House and how strong it is. These will change over the course of the game by quite a bit, and all are directly affected by you using Actions.

  • Allomantic Strength - A measure of the number of Mistings and Mistborn your House has, and their general strength. This will globally tend to decrease over time, and it can also decrease by marrying with Houses with lower Allomantic Strength. All players starting as Mistborn in the First Generation have an Allomantic Strength of 10000 (with just a single Mistborn, of course). Other players have a starting Allomantic Strength of 0 and no Allomancers.

  • Martial Prowess - This basically counts the strength and skill of your guardsmen and so on. Martial Prowess is used for military action, assassinations, and defending yourself from attacks. This begins at 10.

  • Wealth - This is a measure of how many Imperials (Boxings) you have access to at any immediate time. It is used to purchase Goods, Properties and services (or perhaps bribes). Most Actions will either have a Wealth cost or generate Wealth. A low Wealth value may lead to actions failing. This begins at 10.

  • Goods - Goods keeps track of how much you have for trade deals and the like. Certain Properties will help generate Goods. Goods provide minor benefits and may have other uses as well. You do not begin with any Goods.

  • Property - Properties can be used to gain additional Wealth or Goods over time. They cost Wealth to purchase, and can include housing and businesses. Property has a beneficial effect on your House or their statistics. You begin with just your House Keep in the city of Luthadel.

  • Respect - This is a measure of how known you are for good business dealings and impressive feats to NPC Nobles and, to a lesser extent, other players. Any Action which gains or loses you Respect will be public knowledge, as is the value of the statistic itself. This begins at 0.

  • Infamy - This statistic is a measure of how good your House is at repaying insults and slights, and also of how ruthless you are. Any Action which gains or loses you Infamy will be public knowledge, as is the value of the statistic itself. This begins at 0.



Reputation is a statistic that is not known to you, and generally you are not informed of when it changes (though you may be able to make an educated guess). Reputation is a measure of how well liked you and the family in charge of your House are. There are five different Reputations, and each begins at 50%:

  • Reputation (House) - This is a measure of how well liked the family in charge of your House is liked by the other members of your House. If it becomes too low, you are in danger of facing attacks from the inside.

  • Reputation (The Lord Ruler) - Obviously you want to remain on The Lord Ruler's good side.

  • Reputation (The Steel Ministry) - This covers all non-Inquisition Cantons. There is no Steel Ministry at the start of the game.

  • Reputation (The Inquisition) - You want to remain on their good side too. There is no Inquisition at the start of the game.

  • Reputation (Skaa) - Too low, and you risk a rebellion. Too high, and questions may be asked.


The Generation Game

As was previously mentioned, you as a player are the Lord or Lady in charge of your House for each of the eleven generations we play. Not only do you have to take command of your House and what it does, but you also have a duty to create the next Lord or Lady.


During each Generation, you can Try For An Heir as an Action (assuming you have a wife/husband). This may be done once per Turn for a Lady or the wife of a Lord. If you have no Heirs yet, this Action is automatically successful. The chance is halved for each Heir you already have. There is an equal chance that the child will be male or female. It would be helpful if you had names in mind for the Heir.


You may choose a Designated Heir at any time - If you do not, then the eldest male inherits. Children being born and Heirs being Designated are both public knowledge. If a character has no Heirs at the end of the Generation, Designated or otherwise, then the line is traced back up their family tree to give them a randomly-generated Heir, one not of their choice. Their House will also suffer slightly for it.


Before the end of the Generation, you are advised to Marry your Heirs off to the children of other players or NPCs. Your first character automatically begins married. Female Heirs tend to marry into other families, and cease being your Heirs (in special circumstances, this may not be true for either). If your Designated Heir is not married at the end of the Generation, they will be quickly married off in less favourable circumstances.


Players may make their own arrangements when marrying their Heirs off to each other. A player who receives a Marriage request (via an Action from another player) has one Turn to accept to it. This does not use an Action.

In the case of NPC marriages, the husband of the pairing will pay a dowry. This dowry will be dependant on various factors to do with the player's statistics. You may spend additional Actions finding a more favourable match-up (or currying favour) if you wish.


In a staggering coincidence, it turns out that the child of the character of a Generation is exactly the same as the next Generation's character. Your Designated Heir will be your next character during the following Generation.


Between Generations, a few other things will occur as well - A small randomisation of parameters to represent the passing years. In addition to this, at the start of the Second Generation, Houses still without Allomancy will obtain some Allomantic Strength, and their character will be granted Allomancy. This will be weaker than if they married the descendant of one of the original nine Mistborn.


Events can occur which may demand a response from the players it affects. The response locks up an Action for that Turn, but generally has a more powerful effect than a normal Action would. There are two type of Events that may occur in the game:

  • A Global Event is something that happens in the world at large. Generally speaking, this will tend to occur at the beginning of each Generation.

  • A House Event is something that only affects your House, due to the Actions you or other players have taken, such responding to a Skaa rebellion. This may happen during any Turn.


Each Turn finishes at 6PM on Sunday, and new turns will start three hours later at 9PM, all according to my clock (which is the GMT timezone, currently in British Summer Time), after I have posted any public information in the writeup. It is handy if I have Actions in before then, but not too vital; you can change your mind about what you’re doing right up to the last minute, and I’ll curse you for it, but I won’t complain about it. There is no preferential treatment for Actions based on when they are sent in or anything like that.

Sign-ups end at 6PM on Saturday the 6th of June, and the game will start at 9PM.




With regards to trades/contracts/marriages between players, there are two ways in which this can now occur. The player initiating the trade sends in an Action to the GM, either publicly or privately, as before. If the other player sends in an Action to respond to that trade on that Turn with exactly the same terms, then the trade will be carried out. Otherwise, the responding player will be notified they have a player requesting a trade at the start of the next Turn, and can respond to it during that Turn. The initiating player cannot cancel that trade or make use of what they are trading that Turn. If the responding player does not send in an Action to confirm the trade, then it is cancelled. Conveniently, if trading with an NPC House, you will always get the trade on that same Turn.


Alternatively, contracts may be made between players over multiple turns. All details of the contract should be kept within it. Modifying or cancelling a contract requires both players to agree to the change and message the GM, but doesn't use an action. Cancelling a contract before it is finished may (or rather, ideally should) inflict penalties on the canceller.




When you buy a Property, you will be informed of how much it cost you, what it requires (if anything), and what it produces (whether Goods, Wealth or something else) each Turn. What it produces should be what you asked it to produce. If you do not have the raw materials required for the Property, it will automatically purchase the materials using your Wealth. Properties do not produce anything or cost any Upkeep on the turn they are purchased. You can temporarily shut down a Property without using an Action. Properties will cost 2 Wealth in Generation 1.


Some Properties may produce multiple things (such as a blacksmith). If so, then you may designate what it creates each Turn. You may also choose to change production as a free Action (such as switching from swords to armour), though this will not take effect until the following Turn. You may choose to have your Property immediately sell what it produces.


During the first Generation, assuming there are no extenuating circumstances, a basic Property of some kind will cost you 2 of your Wealth. If a property is unique (such as a trade route), then it cannot be bought from the GM if someone else owns it, and if multiple people attempt to purchase the same property at once, then the winner will be randomly selected or based on purchase order. The winner will also be charged slightly more than normal for having the winning 'bid'.


Each Property you purchase will have a cost to keep it in good condition, to hire/feed workers and all that. This Upkeep cost will increase the more Properties you have. During the First Generation, each Property will add an Upkeep cost equal to half the number of Properties you own, rounded up (so 1-2 costs 1 each, 3-4 costs 2 each, etc). Your Luthadel Keep does not cost Upkeep itself, nor does it add to Upkeep. At some point, it may become economically unviable to purchase more Properties, though you may decide that you can take the hit for a while to produce Goods, etc. You are informed of what your Upkeep cost is at the beginning of each Turn. Upkeep costs will decrease over time to allow for a larger business empire.

Can you survive the sinister and deadly world of the high society of The Final Empire? Will your descendants rule at The Lord Ruler's side, or be swept away like worthless skaa in his wake? Will your actions change the very nature of the Final Empire over the course of a thousand years?
Will your House stand the test of time, and prove itself to be worthy of being an Heir to the Final Empire?

Player List

  1. Winter Cloud - Cleo Venture
  2. little wilson - Kyara Wilson
  3. spencer12347 - Walin Walin
  4. Lord Pifferdoo - Primus Pifferdoo
  5. The Only Joe - Joel Tormander
  6. Gamma Fiend - Gamic Urbain
  7. Unodus - Turukseed Uethorn
  8. Adamir - Mennet Farrsolin
  9. Blank Fate - Cyrus Artorius
  10. Venture Mistborn - Ven Orielle
  11. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel
  12. Comatose - Lutha Elariel
  13. Aonar Faileas - Aodhan Izenry
  14. Quiver - Tydan Queade
  15. wblk - Sen Wair
  16. phattemer - Cofal Erikell
  17. Araris Valerian - Hadrian Penrod
  18. Renegade - Renea Garde
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Most certainly, Winter. It's designed to be drop-in, drop-out as you want. I can even keep your House running quietly on the side for you to come back to if you can.

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"Will you follow me?”


Kyara listened to Rashek from her place in the back of the room. She'd only seen the man briefly when he left to the Well with Alendi, but he looked different. Whatever had happened up there.... Well. He was different. But different didn't always mean bad.


The room was silent, but Rashek stood still, waiting for them to answer. So Kyara took a breath, summoning her courage and spoke out. "I will."

Edited by little wilson
removed Terris lineage
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Awesome. I've put a player list in the first post with you three on it - If you can all give me a name and a House name for your guys, that'd be great. Official House names, like Venture or Elariel, are all valid as well, if you can't think of any! The only thing is that you can't pick the same House name as another player.

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The House of Pifferdoo: Origins



"Will you follow me?" 


Primus Pifferdoo, First of His Name, looked at the man on the floor, then at Rashek, then at the man again. His hand moved to his sword, and the simple blade was pulled from it's scabbard. The preacher-turned-warrior threw his weapon at Rashek's feet. 


"I will. May Kilvaros have mercy on our souls."

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This sounds awesome! sign me up! :D




The House of Uethorn


"Will you follow me?"


Turukseed Uethorn, the first of his lineage, took out his pipe when he saw Rashek. In all his years, he'd never considered this turnabout- but now he was here, what choice did he have? Turukseed remembered playing Rashek in stones when he was younger- even if he had truly touched a sliver of god himself, Rashek was going to need all the help he could get. Turukseed knelt on one knee, towards Rashek.

"I will. I cannot let you take this burden alone, there is too much at stake."

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The House of Walin


"Will you follow me?"


Walin, the First of his name, stared Rashek straight into the eyes. He looked at his two sons standing behind him, his eldest Tevidan and his second eldest Walin the second. Walin the first turned to look at the ash covered sky and thought about his close friend Alendi and how he followed him to save the world, to follow Rashek was to conquer it. 


"No I will never follow the lik-"


He was caught off for the sword stuck in the wall was Pulled forward cutting the head off Walin the First. Rashek caught the sword midair. 


Tevidan screamed, "How dare you! You will face the wrath of the Seran Kingdom" 


Rashek gave him a dull look and Pushed the sword forward cutting the one minute King down. He turned the next son who was kneeling. 


Walin the Second stared at the ground now pooled with his family blood saying, "I will follow you as a subject follows a Lord." He open his hand up and lifted it to face his new Lord Ruler. The lerasium bead struck his palm, holding the power of a God. 

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Wantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwant- Okay, Adamir, compose yourself, pull yourself together...


All right, then, my application.


Mennet of House Farrsolin (Faa-hhr-su-Lin)


'Will you follow me?'


Mennet glanced to the ground, slinking further back to the shadows. Rashek - Rashek! Rashek had grasped the power of Terr himself; Mennet was unworthy to even look upon his God. He had nothing to his name, no lands, no titles, only a reputation for piety. It was why, in such a small shelter, he had been allowed at the exclusion of the unworthy, those without the soul to pray for salvation, with only the axe to try to break into the shelter... No, he was unworthy to even look upon his God.


One by one, Rashek's audience stepped forwards to accept the gift and pledge their fealty. Mennet stayed at the far wall, eyes downcast. What could he offer Rashek that the others could not offer many times over? Some who bent the knee were lords, others kings. Mennet was nothing but a priest, not even worthy for a family name. A priest faced with his God, and unable to serve him...




Mennet cringed as Rashek raised a finger. Cold, black eyes that for a brief second seemed to hold the weight of eternity. If there had been any doubt before, it was gone - those eyes, they were proof. Rashek was a sliver of Terr.


'Do you deny my gifts?'


'No,' Mennet stuttered. 'I - I am but... I am but a priest, my Lord. There is nothing I can give in return for your gift.'


'Do you take me for a merchant?' Rashek hissed, his voice raking Mennet like knives onto his ears. 'Do you understand what is a trade, and what is a gift?' His voice softened, but only slightly. 'Do you know how many people have died today, so that others could live? There are nine people here whom I consider worthy of the gift. Bend the knee, and accept your place among them.'


Mennet bent the knee.


'I have brought low great kingdoms, flattened hill and raised mountain. The sky is thick with ash because of my benevolence. Who is more worthy to power than a priest who put his family name aside for his God? I... I am your god, Mennet Terr. And my priests are my family. Now stand, and accept Terr's gift to his faithful.'


And with that, Rashek opened his hand, exposing a glittering, white bead of metal.


'Mennet Terr, I name you Mennet Farrsolin - Mennet the Faithful. Rise, and accept.'

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Adding you all to the list. Oh, minor rules thing I hadn't thought about - I am assuming that your First Generation characters are already married, to make things a bit simpler at the start of the game. The same will also be true of any player who joins in at a later date, their first character will begin married.


Joe, he only turned Feruchemists into Mistwraiths and Kandra, so the rest of the Terris people are still around. You can't sign up as one of the kings, since you have to be around at the beginning of the game really, but you could just marry your children into royalty.


Gamma, I need a name to go along with that House ;)


Unodus, good to have you with us. Same to you, Adamir. Be a shame if Mennet didn't get a bead now... :P

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I'm in as Ven Venture. A reckless young nobleman. Winter is that okay? We could be cousins or something like that.


Afraid not, the only rule about naming is that you can't have the same surname. You could be a Venture who takes a new name or something, but you can't be the same House/have the same House name.

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Too tired to RP. Sorry King. Signing up as Kasilon Erikell. (Sorry lah I watched too much Doctor Who recently. Please forgive me guys.)



So this is what it is like, thought Kasilon Erikell, to stand on the dawn of a new world. He watched as person after person he would've named friend knelt before Rashek, pronouncing him their god.


He spoke of power and glory.


Kasilon was not convinced.


But this, he thought. This is a chance to make history. What use were the words of the Worldbringers if they had led them to the very precipice of disaster?


When his turn came, he gave his word and with it, his soul.

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Is there still time for me to sign up? I'd need a house name, as I don't have a copy of MAG, and I'm not feeling particularly inventive right now, but this seems like a lot of fun!


Edit: Could I play as Locke Borjigin? Actuallt a Scadrian name would fit much better

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Gamic Urbain sauntered from the back of the cave, brushing dirt and dust off of his tattered outfit, "Will we follow you?" He asked, echoing Rashek, who indeed had seemed to have changed quite profoundly."Does it seem like we have a bloody choice?"

He raised his hand to his forehead, shielding his eyes from the vicious, glaring red sun, trying to take a look around to see what was left after.... whatever had happened. Something about moving closer to the sun?

Gamic shook his head, not sure what to make of everything. "So... do we just sort of.... start over?" He narrowed his eyes took a peek around at the nonames and tag-alongs that somehow had found a way into this Rashek's Depressing Empire, or whatever he was going to be calling it. "I'm not sure how these rabble managed to be included, but I'm rather sure I shant have to worry about them."

He sniffed and raised his nose, walking right past all his peers, stopping in front of Rashek -- not daring to stand by him -- "I, Gamic, of House Urbain, and all my Generations to come, will always stand by your side," He said, bowing.

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Note: Do all the first turn's actions take place directly after leaving the shelter, or is there any gap between leaving the shelter and turn 1? If there isn't a gap, *insert training montage here*. And what happens if, with many/all of the survivors in the shelter being Terris, some of them manifest Feruchemy?


On another note, the Lord Ruler stated that he liked to trigger a House War every two or three centuries. Does that mean that House Wars will be inevitable? And if not, is infighting allowed? (If it is, I'll assume it will heavily damage reputation with the Ministry and Lord Ruler).


And finally, is it possible to reset House Reputation by having your own character assassinated by the heir? Would that reset it, at the cost of your character?

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Added you all to the list. Still over a week to sign up, so no rush Orlok. If you can't think of a name in the next week, give me a shout and I'll throw over a list from the MAG for you. Regardless, you're added to the list.


To answer Adamir's questions:

  1. Actions take place at some nebulous, undefined time after the start of the Generation. It may be a week after, or a year after, it may be two years, etc. In the case of the First Generation, there will be a short sort of gap for you all to entrench yourselves in his new Empire before Actions begin.
  2. None of the characters generated here are able to manifest Feruchemy - The Lord Ruler turned all of those with the potential to unlock it into kandra and mistwraiths. That doesn't mean there may not be the possibility for a descendant to develop it in the near future...
  3. House Wars are pretty much inevitable. Infighting is not only allowed, but if you really want to get into the culture of the nobility and to rise above the other Houses, it is practically mandatory. How it affects your Reputations will depend on how you go about it.
  4. An interesting question. If your House Lord is disliked by your House, then having the heir assassinate him would certainly improve what they think of the heir. Conversely, if the House Lord is well-liked, then your House will dislike the new Lord a bit more. It won't be a complete reset, but it will certainly put you more towards the middle of the Reputation scale than before.
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Mennet glanced down the hill, to the city arrayed beneath. Jeherian, once his home, and once a center for worship of Terr. And now... a den of heretics.


Once, Jeherian was a grand city of many thousands. Now, it was a shell inhabited by refugees from the hamlets, superstitious folk who believed whatever they were told. There were Kordels, Trellists, Astalsi... Everything but Terrs*1. These were men who had turned against the true believers, simply because of their clear superiority to mortal men. The new Jeherians had butchered the surviving old, simply because they were afraid. Because the old were 'cursed' by Trell, or Skai, or Ati, or whichever god they prayed to, simply because their lineage was thick with Feruchemists...


Mennet realized he was physically shaking, his arm trembling with his sword. His people... His people had survived the breaking and re-making of the world. They were the  Rashek had seen fit to move the city itself to keep it safe. And these invaders just... they just butchered them!


The sword flew from his hand, embedding itself in the ground.


Mennet stared at it. He still wasn't in full control of his powers, though he had been learning how to better use them. The others in the Nine had spread out across the world, sizing up the lands they would own, and most of them were barely past basic pushing and pulling. Mennet had advanced quickly, almost too quickly. He had embraced these new powers, and let them become a part of himself, to the point where their use was determined by instinct rather than choice.


Jeherian would be his, no matter what. He and his wife had left it as priests, but would return as conquerors. Mennet and Elona would bring the survivors to heel for what they did to the old Jeherians. Mennet sighed, beginning to plan. The governmental structure was fragile, consisting of just a Lord and a council of twenty four men. If they were to die, the city would be in anarchy, waiting for the most powerful man to seize control.


He would be that man.


  • Who? - Mennet, in his capacity as Mistborn

  • What? - Planning how to seize the city with just one Mistborn and no army

  • Where? - On the border between the Central Dominance and the Western Dominance. Nineteen hours to what will become Luthadel by pewter run, six by spike-road, a week by horse.

  • When? - Around three weeks after the shelter was opened, long enough for Mennet to learn the basics of Allomancy. First action of the turn

  • Why? - Mennet is planning to conquer Jeherian, his original home, to establish a long term power base and bring another city into Rashek's final empire

  • Other Notes - Rashek actually ordered the new Lord of Jeherian to slaughter the original inhabitants, when he realized that the ones he hadn't turned into Mistwraiths could still manifest Feruchemy in their descendants, promising him a Lerasium bead in exchange; Rashek does not intend to deliver on the promise, as he already gave the nine beads to the starting characters. (Note that, before he set up the breeding programs, the Final Empire was attempting Terris genocide)


*1 This is not a spelling mistake; I meant believers in Terr, not the Terris peoples.

Edited by Adamir
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Hang on a sec, the game hasn't started yet >>.


Remember that the lerasium beads will be given out randomly when the game begins. Everyone else will have no Allomancy for the first Generation.


Though that is an excellent example of an Action done publicly.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Hang on a sec, the game hasn't started yet >>.


Remember that the lerasium beads will be given out randomly when the game begins. Everyone else will have no Allomancy for the first Generation.


Though that is an excellent example of an Action done publicly.

If I don't get a bead, mind if you disqualify that action? Thanks

Edited by Adamir
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I think I'd like to give this a try.  Might I suggest a separate story thread though?  It might get confusing if we are doing administrative stuff in text, and then doing story stuff as well.  I know I'm already a little confused.  


Anyways, I'm not sure how well I'm going to keep up with this, but I'll try my best :).  The first action isn't due until next Sunday, correct?  


Is it possible to start with our character unmarried if we choose?  Or must we start married?   I was thinking of using one of my earlier actions to secure a marriage, but its fine if you'd rather we all start married.  


As a side note, since this is a generation game, I'm not sure how close we are sticking to canon, but Brandon wrote in my copy of Alloy of Law that the Lord Ruler once tried to give up the final empire, which could be a fun global event some where down the line.  


Also important to keep in mind is that the plantation system did not begin until about 500 years before the events of Final Empire, so we have an opportunity to play around a lot.  If we are sticking to canon, of course.  We could also just stick with the plantation system for simplicity, if people would prefer.  


Anyways, here we go (let me know if there are any problems): 


Character Name: Lutha (Elariel)




Lutha stayed to the back of the shelter, watching as the others reacted to the newcomer.  She did not know the man they called Rashek, but she could see that he practically radiated power.  Power, she knew, was something to be respected.  But how did one give an appropriate level of respect to one who had seemingly assumed the power of a god?  


He's not a god, Lutha thought to herself, keeping the scorn from her face, and hiding in the back of the crowd.  There was no such thing as gods.  Perhaps Rashek had uncovered some kind of great new power, but that didn't make him a god.  It made him lucky, just like the other lord-lings scattered around the room, who had been born into power and riches.  If Lutha had experienced even a fraction of the opportunities some of the people around her had be offered on a silver platter throughout their lives, perhaps it could have been her standing at the door, acting like a god, offering strangers a chance to share in a power far beyond their wildest dreams.  


A chance to share...


Lutha's thoughts stopped cold.  Could this be the opportunity she had been waiting for after a life of servitude?  Could it be that those gods that she had scorned her entire life might be smiling down on her?  Lutha almost snorted to herself, but kept her composure.  She certainly would never come to believe in gods like some of the fools around her.  Power though, power like this man Rashek wielded, that was something to believe in.  


Standing as tall as a queen, despite her ragged attire and emaciated frame, Lutha strode confidently forward, taking advantage of some of the shock to shoulder passed those who were more hesitant.  


"My Lord and Ruler," Lutha said, prostrating herself before the man who was offering her a chance to become a God.  "Here and now, I pledge to follow you from this place, from this point until my dying breath.  I will do all I can to see that your vision of a unified world, with you leading us forward into a brighter future, is realized."  Slowly, Lutha rose to her feet, until she could have looked Rashek in the eye.  Instead, she kept her eyes lowered, as one last sign of respect.  


"I am a mere serving maid, not a powerful lord, successful merchant, or faithful priest like some of your friends here.  Unlike them, I've never seen you before, and I know you have little reason to extend any kindness or favour my way.  But," Lutha hesitantly raised her eyes to meet Rashek's for just a moment, before looking away again.  "I believe I have great potential within me.  I believe I can be of service to you, of more service than I have been to anyone, as you usher in a new age of prosperity and peace to this world.    I know that many here see you as a friend, and expect to receive your favour, but all I see you as is my God, who I will follow to ends of the earth and back, if you give me a chance."

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