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[Theory/speculation] 'Main' Characters + Knight's Radiant


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Hi, so I'm pretty new to this forum, so I apologise if I anything I mention is incorrect/proven already. Anyway, it involves the 'main' characters, (to clarify) characters who will have a book for them e.g. Kaladin for book 1, Shallah for book 2. 


It seems reasonable to me that each of these characters belong (perhaps the 'leader') to each of the Knight's Radiant? Going over what we know




Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Szeth and Eshonai will be the 'main' characters for the first 5 books, while (supposedly) Jasnah, Lift, Renarin and Taln will be in the second half. We already know that some of these characters correspond to KR orders


Windrunner - Kaladin

Skybreaker - Szeth

Bondsmith - Dalinar

Truthwatcher - Renarin

Elsecaller - Jasnah

Lightweaver - Shallan

Edgedancer - Lift

Stonewards - ?

Willshapers- ?
Dustbringers - ?




Based on the above information, it seems we've been promised a book for each of the first 7 characters I've mentioned above with their orders. From this, I speculate that each of the main characters belong to different orders of the KR


Thoughts on this? It has implications, which mean that Eshonai will become a KR (seems reasonable), also that this 'Taln' character might also be one? I feel that he might be more complicated than simply the Herald of War who has returned. Maybe a reincarnation or something similar, as it seems Sanderson refuses to acknowledge him as the Herald expressly.


From this, maybe we could guess who the 10th character will be? It seems a lot of characters who are speculated to become KR will be less likely. Of course, main characters could be in same orders...

For example, if Adolin was also a KR, or shared an order with another main character, it seems off because I feel like he'd get his own book and order since he is a pretty big character if that makes sense. Plus it'd be boring if Adolin didn't get his own order


Anyway, sorry my thoughts are pretty unorganised, but what are you thoughts on this? 


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There's actually been lots of discussion on this topic, and it seems to ebb and flow like the tides of the oceans  :D   Here's a couple things that we know, that people sometimes forget or begin equating with each other.


1.  There will be 10 books.

2.  Each book will have a 'flashback' character.  This book will be 'their' book, as WoK was Kaladin's and WoR was Shallan's.  This character will not necessarily be alive in the 'present,' or may not survive the end of the book.

3.  Each book is, separately, dedicated to one of the Orders of the Knights Radiant.

4.  We will almost definitely be seeing far, far more than only ten Radiants by the end of Book 5.  After all, we're already seeing Squires by the end of Book 2.  Hell, we've seen more Heralds by the end of Book 2 than Radiants, and I highly doubt that trend will continue.  Considering there used to be hundreds of them, it would just seem--well, really wrong to have only ten by the end.  So, just because they're a Radiant doesn't mean they'll get a book to themselves.


Because so far points 2 and 3 have been the same (Shallan's book was also the Lightweaver book), people tend to assume that this will hold true for all.  Two data points is not sufficient to make good predictions.


I find it likely that Adolin will not have a book. There's already a lot of Kholins in there, and it seems like much of what we would see through his eyes would be redundant (seen already by Dalinar or Renarin or Jasnah or Eshonai.)  Also, I'd lay money that Eshonai will be a Willshaper.


Edit: Forgot one thing.  A Herald is associated with each Order of the Radiants.  The Heralds are still alive.  It's entirely possible for a Herald to also become a Radiant.  Heraldry and Radianthood are entirely separate, and granted by entirely different (if similar) mechanisms.  And the man who thinks of himself as Taln might be crazy, or might be a Herald.  We don't know, and Brandon seems to enjoy us not knowing a little too much.

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As far as the Heralds are concerned, I think they were determined long ago and they 'can't' be changed? Not positive about the 'can't' part, but they haven't yet. Also, I sure hope we see more Radiants than Heralds, because otherwise we get less Radiants than there are Orders. That would be all sorts of unfair.


Anyway, so far as the book's flashback character being in the same Order of the Radiants as the book focuses on, Brandon has said that isn't always going to happen. Or rather, that it might not happen.

As for the flashback characters each belonging to a different Order and having one character shown for each Order, I would assume that would be the case, but we don't know for certain. Actually, I'm not even sure if all of the flashback characters will necessarily belong to the Knights Radiant. Again, I would assume so, but again, no certainty. Unless someone else has a WoB...?


Oh, this may be belated, but welcome to 17th Shard! Don't worry about things like theories being in other places, disorganized thoughts, or how 'correct' something is too much. People here are generally understanding about it all and are happy to help you out, like giving you links to other information on the topic. Also, if I might suggest, spend a little time just looking around. You will find lots of information and theories that can inspire new ideas, and as I'm sure many here would agree, new ideas are one of the most wonderful things in the world.


Well, have fun!

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WoR spoiler:

Sorry to completely disprove your theory, but Eshonai can't be a Radiant. We have WoB that Voidbringers can't be Radiants. (For the new 17th Sharder, WoB means Word of Brandon, a.k.a. Brandon has specifically said this in an interview.)

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WoR spoiler:

Sorry to completely disprove your theory, but Eshonai can't be a Radiant. We have WoB that Voidbringers can't be Radiants. (For the new 17th Sharder, WoB means Word of Brandon, a.k.a. Brandon has specifically said this in an interview.)


Would you mind linking to the interview where this was said? I don't recall seeing this before. The closest I know of is this one, which does not say what you've said.

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WoR spoiler:

Sorry to completely disprove your theory, but Eshonai can't be a Radiant. We have WoB that Voidbringers can't be Radiants. (For the new 17th Sharder, WoB means Word of Brandon, a.k.a. Brandon has specifically said this in an interview.)

The following is the only WoB that I am aware of on the subject. It doesn't seem to say that Parshendi can't be Radiants, but that they haven't. If you have a more definitive quote, I would like to see it.


How about the other way around? Can a Parshendi bond a KR spren?


Historically, the Parshendi were not made Knights Radiant, or the parshmen weren't.


Can they become squires maybe?


Historically they did not, but it's not impossible.

Edit: ninjaed

Edit 2: the interview database has other quotes that are similar, including the following:


Is Eshonai going to be a Radiant?


In the past, parshmen/Parshendi were not allowed to become Knights Radiant. However, what I said might imply that that could change. But no promises.

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Because so far points 2 and 3 have been the same (Shallan's book was also the Lightweaver book), people tend to assume that this will hold true for all.  Two data points is not sufficient to make good predictions.


Anyway, so far as the book's flashback character being in the same Order of the Radiants as the book focuses on, Brandon has said that isn't always going to happen. Or rather, that it might not happen.

As for the flashback characters each belonging to a different Order and having one character shown for each Order, I would assume that would be the case, but we don't know for certain. Actually, I'm not even sure if all of the flashback characters will necessarily belong to the Knights Radiant. Again, I would assume so, but again, no certainty. Unless someone else has a WoB...?



Brandon has confirmed the pattern of book 1 and 2 would not repeat itself for all books. I have posted the WoB a few times on the forum, but is someone wants to see it again, I can fish it out. It is hidden quite deep within the Tor reread...


Therefore, the announced flashback characters do not have to be Radiants nor does it mean they will be the characters (or the only ones) used to explore their order as Kaladin and Shallan were. We have been assuming it would be the case, but we have been wrong to do so. Brandon has also confirmed we would see multiple Radiants per order as soon as book 3. 



From this, maybe we could guess who the 10th character will be? It seems a lot of characters who are speculated to become KR will be less likely. Of course, main characters could be in same orders...

For example, if Adolin was also a KR, or shared an order with another main character, it seems off because I feel like he'd get his own book and order since he is a pretty big character if that makes sense. Plus it'd be boring if Adolin didn't get his own order



I find it likely that Adolin will not have a book. There's already a lot of Kholins in there, and it seems like much of what we would see through his eyes would be redundant (seen already by Dalinar or Renarin or Jasnah or Eshonai.)  Also, I'd lay money that Eshonai will be a Willshaper.



Adolin won't be getting a book. It has not been confirmed without the inch of a doubt, but it is very likely to be the case. His story is solidly anchored within present time: his big break down /melt down will occur within the main story plot whereas we are still in the dark for the circumstances surrounding Renarin, Jasnah and Dalinar's forming a Nahel bond. Adolin, I think, will be rather obvious. We will see him crash down and we won't know if he'll rise up again whereas, in the case of the flashbacks, we already know how the story ends. 


Adolin being a redundant Radiant will not be boring! For one, he is not boring, so whatever he does, it is sure not to be boring. Second, Adolin may be the first and only one to revive this dead-Blade, which is a rather cool thing to do on his own. It gives him a special place, different than having his own flashbacks. However, if Brandon truly goes with the Blade revival story plot (pleeeeeeeeeease do), I hope we are going to get glimpses of his first duel where he won it. That is the one flashback I would love to have for Adolin: how an inexperienced teenager beat down a weathered duelist in a fight everyone thought he would lose.


As for him reviving his Blade, it would make him an Edgedancer, which I do not think is redundant as our other Edgedancer, Lift, is only an interlude character (for the first half of SA) and a 13 years old girl. Adolin, the refined duelist Prince with a kind heart, learning to slide and to heal would be awesome in the main story plot. I do not think it would remove anything to Lift as they are two VERY different characters.

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As for him reviving his Blade, it would make him an Edgedancer, which I do not think is redundant as our other Edgedancer, Lift, is only an interlude character (for the first half of SA) and a 13 years old girl. Adolin, the refined duelist Prince with a kind heart, learning to slide and to heal would be awesome in the main story plot. I do not think it would remove anything to Lift as they are two VERY different characters.


As far as I'm aware, both Truthwatchers and Edgedancers have the Progression surge and so could engage in healing (I'm assuming that's the reason you chose Edgedancers) of their dead spren.


However whilst I'm of the opinion that Progression is more of a restoration than and organic healing (as in if your arm was cut off it would grow back the arm and not seal the wound) and hence if it was strong enough (and it was even possible) could restore the spren, I have doubts about it as a plot point.


Firstly, it seems unlikely that the revived Shardblade would hang about (Adolin would already have a spren), so it would serve little purpose apart from lore and being awesome (Edgedancer confirmed). Secondly, in the case that Dalinar as a Bondsmith can revive it and create the Nahel bond between it an Adolin, this is in my opinion a cooler plot point (especially if it requires Adolin to change as a person for the better to fit his archetype).


And lastly from a Realmatic perspective I wonder if it is the Progression Surge or Feruchemical Gold or Allomantic Pewter or any one of these effects that needs to be responsible in order to heal the blade. If the Investiture could be returned to the spren and its Cognitive form reawakened and made more sentient (by way of a forced bond, Spiritual power passed through the 'dead'/unawakened spren and Adolin?) through some other means (like a Bondsmiths express abilities, or a general use of Investiture/fabrials) then they wouldn't be necessary abilities to have. If the spren 'died' because the Radiant abandoned their oaths, could them picking them up again and aligning oneself with the Ideals of their Order reawaken them (combined with whatever is responsible for a notable increase in the number of Radiant of late)?


This could potentially lead to many many more Knights Radiant (the kind of numbers present in the past and Dalinar's visions) and explain how so many people could become bonded when supposedly most of the bondable spren 'died'. 


Also, NB perhaps Adolin becoming Squired/any Shardbearer becoming Squired could help to restore their 'dead' spren?



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Its been confirmed by WoB that Adolin's blade was that of an Edgedancer (citation needed).

It follows that resurrecting / restoring ithe blade would require the proto-radiant to swear the oaths of an edge dancer to renew / re-form the Nahel bond with the dead spren in the blade.  Whilst I have no WoB this is conjecture based on the fact that Kaladin swearing the third oath restored / renewed Syl, following her slide back to a lower level of sentience / investiture when Kaladin was struggling with fulfilling his second Windrunner oath to protect.


Therefore IF it is Adolin who restores the blade he would have to swear the oaths of an Edgedancer - by definition he would therefore be an Edgedancer.


Since we already know the second oath of the Edgedancers, as spoken by Lift: " I will remember those who have been forgotten." we could speculate on who in Adolin's life would need to be remembered...

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As far as I'm aware, both Truthwatchers and Edgedancers have the Progression surge and so could engage in healing (I'm assuming that's the reason you chose Edgedancers) of their dead spren.


However whilst I'm of the opinion that Progression is more of a restoration than and organic healing (as in if your arm was cut off it would grow back the arm and not seal the wound) and hence if it was strong enough (and it was even possible) could restore the spren, I have doubts about it as a plot point.


Firstly, it seems unlikely that the revived Shardblade would hang about (Adolin would already have a spren), so it would serve little purpose apart from lore and being awesome (Edgedancer confirmed). Secondly, in the case that Dalinar as a Bondsmith can revive it and create the Nahel bond between it an Adolin, this is in my opinion a cooler plot point (especially if it requires Adolin to change as a person for the better to fit his archetype).


And lastly from a Realmatic perspective I wonder if it is the Progression Surge or Feruchemical Gold or Allomantic Pewter or any one of these effects that needs to be responsible in order to heal the blade. If the Investiture could be returned to the spren and its Cognitive form reawakened and made more sentient (by way of a forced bond, Spiritual power passed through the 'dead'/unawakened spren and Adolin?) through some other means (like a Bondsmiths express abilities, or a general use of Investiture/fabrials) then they wouldn't be necessary abilities to have. If the spren 'died' because the Radiant abandoned their oaths, could them picking them up again and aligning oneself with the Ideals of their Order reawaken them (combined with whatever is responsible for a notable increase in the number of Radiant of late)?


This could potentially lead to many many more Knights Radiant (the kind of numbers present in the past and Dalinar's visions) and explain how so many people could become bonded when supposedly most of the bondable spren 'died'. 


Also, NB perhaps Adolin becoming Squired/any Shardbearer becoming Squired could help to restore their 'dead' spren?




Maxal said it would make him an Edgedancer because the blade was originally an Edgedancer spren (as confirmed by Brandon).


As for the original topic I've not seen anyone post this:



What are the other books in The Stormlight Archive going to be about?

Brandon Sanderson

Well each one is going to cover a flashback sequence for one of the characters and each one will focus on a different order of the Knights Radiant. And that's not always the same, like the flashbacks for the first one were Kaladin and it was also Windrunners, but we won't always have them be the exact same.




By the way the current plan is for the focus characters to be: Kaladin, Shallan, Szeth, Eshonai, Dalinar, Lift, Renarin, Jasnah, Taln, and Shalash.

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Its been confirmed by WoB that Adolin's blade was that of an Edgedancer (citation needed).

It follows that resurrecting / restoring ithe blade would require the proto-radiant to swear the oaths of an edge dancer to renew / re-form the Nahel bond with the dead spren in the blade.  Whilst I have no WoB this is conjecture based on the fact that Kaladin swearing the third oath restored / renewed Syl, following her slide back to a lower level of sentience / investiture when Kaladin was struggling with fulfilling his second Windrunner oath to protect.


Therefore IF it is Adolin who restores the blade he would have to swear the oaths of an Edgedancer - by definition he would therefore be an Edgedancer.


Since we already know the second oath of the Edgedancers, as spoken by Lift: " I will remember those who have been forgotten." we could speculate on who in Adolin's life would need to be remembered...


Here is the WoB.


Me- So I noticed during my last read through of WoR that when Adolin summoned his blade, it formed from mist in the shape of vines. Does this mean that the Radiant that the blade was originally bonded to was an Edgedancer?

Brandon- Yes, yes it does. (He also had a huge mischievous smile)

Me- So I was wondering, if Adolin were to make the same exact oaths, could the Shardblade be revived?

Brandon- Something more would have to happen.

Me- So it could happen if something else also happened?

Brandon- Yes. 


If Adolin revives his dead-Blade, he will be an Edgedancer, no questions here. 


As to who Adolin needs to remember, here are a few ideas fans have had in the past months: his mother his father "forgot" via the necklace he carried on him now presumably lost, his dead soldiers via his internal monologue (especially the part when he recites their names, Rand Al'Thor style) where their deaths clearly affects him more than Dalinar, his Blade whom everyone has forgotten the name, except him who does not presume to be worthy of naming it.


In other words, Adolin cares, but does he care enough to revive his dead-Blade? That is the question.





By the way the current plan is for the focus characters to be: Kaladin, Shallan, Szeth, Eshonai, Dalinar, Lift, Renarin, Jasnah, Taln, and Shalash.


Correct me if I am wrong, but these are the flashback characters which may differ from the focus characters. For example, Kaladin was both the flashback and the focus character of book 1. Ditto for Shallan in book 2. As far as we know, there is nothing precluding Adolin (for example) from being the focus character of one book while not having his own flashback. Brandon never said the two were correlated, in fact he said SA was the merging of three story plots: flashbacks, main plot and interludes. So it is likely some focus characters will not be flashback characters, especially since two Heralds are in the line-up and they are not Radiants.


We know who will be the flashback character for book 3 (sort of, a choice between three), but we do not know who will be the focus of that book and which order will be explored the most. As far as I know, this information has never been made public or perhaps it is nobody asked. 

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It was originaly supposed to focus at least partialy on Szeth, given the possible titles Skybreaker or Stones Unhallowed, but Brandon seems to be considering some changes, since in more recent interviews he said that he is not fully sure.

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It was originaly supposed to focus at least partialy on Szeth, given the possible titles Skybreaker or Stones Unhallowed, but Brandon seems to be considering some changes, since in more recent interviews he said that he is not fully sure.


 He said Szeth was to be the flashback character, not necessarily the focus of the main story plot. Since then, Brandon has announced he was not sure anymore, so the flashback sequence is up for grab between Szeth, Dalinar and Eshonai, but I figured the main story plot is completely independent. 

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As long as kaladin gives up some space for Szeth, the fugitive parshendi and Eshonai, if she survived the fall, them everything will probaly flow well.

Also, am I the only one who loves Kaladin but hopes he stays in the interludes for the next book?

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As long as kaladin gives up some space for Szeth, the fugitive parshendi and Eshonai, if she survived the fall, them everything will probaly flow well.

Also, am I the only one who loves Kaladin but hopes he stays in the interludes for the next book?


I doubt Kaladin will not be part of the main story plot in the book 3... just as I doubt both Szeth and Eshonai will be major major players. So far, they have been featured into simple interludes. I suspect their importance will arise because Brandon wants to do flashbacks on them, but I do not see the currently major characters losing much plot time for them. There is much going on in Urithiru and in Heartstone, I do not see the next book main plot not taping in this. Perhaps Szeth going back to Shinovar will be included within the major plot, I dunno. He is not a character I like reading about so whatever page time he gets, I hope it won't come at the cost of any other character  :ph34r: However, my petty wishes do not matter much  :ph34r:  :ph34r:


As for Kaladin, I am hoping he will get slightly less page time, not because I dislike him, but because I fear he may be getting overused. I believe having his plot into one part out of two, similar to Shallan in WoK, would work best, but again, this is my humble opinion. The plot time he is not using could then be used by other characters such as Szeth, Eshonai and Renarin. Either one of the three or a combination of two or all.


The only thing I hope is for Adolin not to lose any page time. In fact, I hope he'll get more, but again, petty wishes :ph34r:  Sadly, probably won't happen.

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The problem is that we do NOT know what is going on hearthstone, so the most important par of Kaladins journey will probably be the riots at Kholinar, so unless Brandon just adds more complications along the way, Kaladins return to Hearthstone could be wrapped up in two Interludes, and the other two would serve as a nice setup for his plot at book four. The most relevant part of Kaladins journey now is meeting his father again, and unless he turns out to be secretely a Radiant, wich is somewhat possible, it could be finished quickly, be it in laghter or in tears.

But if Szeth, whose story is only on the beggining and whose issues are completely unsolved, takes a minor role AGAIN, them you have an ectremely relevant character for the first five books just sitting there abandoned. And the same could be said of the Parshendi. The book in the middle of a series is one of the most dangerous since if you go too far you risk leaving to little for later books, and if you play safe it can end up boring. It is the best place to switch focus to equaly important characters that have been left in the shadow.

My perfect division of chapters for book three would be 5/12 Urithiru, perhaps ftom the eyes of Adolin and Shallan, who have the most to lose, 4/12 Szeth and 3/12 Eshonai/fugitive parshendi, with Kalladin in the interludes.

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Judging from the excerpt on tor.com he literally just shows up at Hearthstone on foot out of stormlight. And that's supposed to be the literal first chapter.

Terminal velocity is pretty damnation fast, it seems. Hundreds of miles in 10 hours or so of freefall before he ran out.

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The problem is that we do NOT know what is going on hearthstone, so the most important par of Kaladins journey will probably be the riots at Kholinar, so unless Brandon just adds more complications along the way, Kaladins return to Hearthstone could be wrapped up in two Interludes, and the other two would serve as a nice setup for his plot at book four. The most relevant part of Kaladins journey now is meeting his father again, and unless he turns out to be secretely a Radiant, wich is somewhat possible, it could be finished quickly, be it in laghter or in tears.


I personally doubt the journey to Heartstone will fit within the interludes... Kaladin has stubbornly refused to face his parents following Tien's death and only resolved himself to do so because the threat of the Everstorm triggered his protective mode. Without the Everstorm Kaladin would have never gone back home or perhaps not never, but not at the end of WoR. I personally want to see Kaladin have closure on the events in Heartstone. I want him to make peace with his parents and, potentially, with Roshone. I want him to met again Laral and realized she was just a teenage flings and have them part ways as friends.


I do not want to have Kaladin come back only to find his parents dead bodies and rant on pages and pages on how he failed, again. Failing Tien has been part of his main story arc, I feel having him deal with the death of the remaining of his family may be a repetition of WoK's plot. 


I also wish for Kaladin to further develop his leadership skills by proving position of authority should be earned and not awarded based on rank. I wish for him to settle his little village before leaving it behind, in good hands. He would then be ripe to move onto Kholinar. The riots in Kholinar could then be exploited either in book 3 or in book 4: I would be fine with both options. I think both would work as well.


I am not saying Kaladin will not have any bumps along the road, but I wish for these bumps to be about assuming leadership, not failing at protecting loved ones. If he parents end up dying, I hope it will be after he makes peace with them.



But if Szeth, whose story is only on the beggining and whose issues are completely unsolved, takes a minor role AGAIN, them you have an ectremely relevant character for the first five books just sitting there abandoned. And the same could be said of the Parshendi. The book in the middle of a series is one of the most dangerous since if you go too far you risk leaving to little for later books, and if you play safe it can end up boring. It is the best place to switch focus to equaly important characters that have been left in the shadow.

My perfect division of chapters for book three would be 5/12 Urithiru, perhaps ftom the eyes of Adolin and Shallan, who have the most to lose, 4/12 Szeth and 3/12 Eshonai/fugitive parshendi, with Kalladin in the interludes.


This one, I am highly divided about it as I do not appreciate Szeth as a character. I have always found his interludes painful to read and my interest in whatever happens to him is slim to known. I agree he is a relevant character, but he is not one I have an emotional connection to, so my petty wishes are he does not take up too much plot time. However, realistically, he is bound to gain in importance, though perhaps not in book 3. Brandon believes another flashback character may fit better for book 3 which leads me to believe Szeth's journey will not be part of the main story plot. If it were, then his flashbacks would make sense and since Brandon thinks they may not be best... Anyway, huge speculation here on my part, so take it or leave it.


I am unsure how relevant is the lost Parshendi story plot... This one could fit within the interlude, in my personal opinion. but I supposed we are going to have to wait and see.


My personal wishes would be for: 8/12 on Urithiru with POV from Adolin, Dalinar, Shallan and potentially Renarin whom we are supposed to get more in the next book. 4/12 on Kaladin in Heartstone/Kholinar. The remaining being left for the interludes, Szeth could easily get 5-6 chapters via the interludes, no need to get such random characters there.  :ph34r: But the reality may more be something like: 6/12 on Urithiru, 4/12 on Kaladin and 2/12 on others such as Szeth and/or Eshonai. In any way, I personally hope the major plot line will be the Urithiru one as too many is happening there.

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Terminal velocity is pretty damnation fast, it seems. Hundreds of miles in 10 hours or so of freefall before he ran out.


Since Kaladin can utilize multiple Lashings in the same direction, his Terminal Velocity is effectively non-existent. The longer he "falls" the faster he goes.

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Since Kaladin can utilize multiple Lashings in the same direction, his Terminal Velocity is effectively non-existent. The longer he "falls" the faster he goes.

There is such a thing as air resistance that will eventually stop him from going to fast. Although, I suppose he can just force his body faster and heal the damage with Stormlight, as lond as he doesn't care about efficiency.

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Plus, whatever he does when he is "riding the winds" and is followed by windspren may protect him from air resistence. I doubt the surge of adhesion is only useful for sticking things together, specialy for the windrunners


Kaladin uses the surge of adhesion to deviate arrows and make them struck his shield instead of people. 

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