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Facepalm-worthy Moments during Readings

Patrick Star

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My point is that if you pronounce his name EE-lend then the nickname El doesn't fit.  But since El is used so frequently (yes, I'm looking at you Ham) then the pronunciation has to be EL-end.  As in El(ephant)-End.


I think the pronounciation should be El-end as in Elephant. This is how I said it in my head and I am French, for whatever it is worth.

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I pronounced Elend as ee-lend when I read it despite his nickname. But my grandfather is German and said that Elend would be pronounced ay-lind. The audiobook says E-lind. ee-lend sounds more royal to me but e-lind fits the nickname. Also, Brandon wrote Elend as a character before he knew that it was actually a word in German, so technically we can ignore that. It was just German-inspired.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently went to a signing and heard Sanderson pronounce Sadeas' name 'SAD-eeas', although I'd always pronounced his name 'sad-E-as'. In my mind, almost all the bridgemen are also quite lanky, although carrying bridges has definitely made them more muscular. And I completely fail in imagining Renarin and Adolin with any kind of blonde in their hair. When I picture Adolin's date with Shallan, his hair is either completely blonde or completely black (Shallan is reddish-ginger, not completely red) and Renarin is always black, although both have a confusing mix of both. 

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The French pronunciations is just for Central dominance names (So Kelsier, Vin, Demoux, etc.).  Spook is just the English translation of his nickname (I'm pretty sure the French translations refer to him as "Spectre").  And the Northern dominance, where Elend and Straff are originally from, uses more Germanic pronunciations so "EE-lend" and "STRAHFF".


Huh... One would think that the production staff over at MacMillan Would have corrected this in the audio books. In all of the Mistborn audio books, Michael Kramer pronounces the name Kell-see-er, as does the Graphic Audio products. Kramer does pronounce Demoux "De-mew" while Graphic Audio says "Dem-mo." But then, I also don't care for other pronunciations in GA, like Duralumin -- Kramer says "der-al-la-min" while GA says "dura-loo-min."


As far as Stormlight names go, I'll stick to Michael Kramer and Kate Reading's pronunciations until Brandon says otherwise.

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I honestly think I'm some kind of savant (not allomantically). I've been able to pronounce Rock's name since the first time I read it. This is also true for most things people think are hard to pronounce. I can just read things and say them perfectly.

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I honestly think I'm some kind of savant (not allomantically). I've been able to pronounce Rock's name since the first time I read it. This is also true for most things people think are hard to pronounce. I can just read things and say them perfectly.


Someone has a high opinion of themselves...how do you know that you're pronouncing Rock's name perfectly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It took me three or four rereads of WOR to realize that when Yalb tells 'the new guy' how important galley duty is, he is merely trying to foist off an unwanted job on 'the dumb newb'.. I always read Pattern's comments about yalbs lies to be referring to his exaggeration about meeting the king.. He is probably actually admiring yalb's ability to manipulate the new guy.

Also, back in Kholinar pai and lhan walk through the oathgate room. ( interlude 12)

Other things i noticed that may or may not be real.....

Jasnah unconsciously nods and shakes her head a number of times... Is she responding to something Ivory has said to her?

Shallan's 'i am terrified' truth always seemed weak to me.... What if Pattern took it, not as a statement of 'right now, i am terrified', but rather ' my standard state of being is terrified'?

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I just realized something: Horneaters are part Parshendi, so maybe that is why their names are poems.

SAY WHAT, NOW?! Where do you get that from?! I've been through both books dozens of time and have never picked up on that. Is this something we have by Word of Brandon?

But now that you mention it, they are large like parshendi, a mixed heritage could explain the odd red hair, and this could also explain why they can see spren. My head's on fire...

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Here's your WOB, from the 6-month AMA that Brandon gave:





can somene be born half-parshnedi or maybe even half-spren??



[–]mistborn[S] 4 points

6 months ago  


The Horneaters and the Herdazians are both descendants of Parshendi/human interbreeding.


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That's weird... 


Meanwhile, mine was when I saw Hoid in Warbreaker, and thought "Huh. Brandon's run out of names, it seems." and stuck with that for a month, before finding out about the larger Cosmere.

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