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Which Brandon Book Would do Best on TV or the Big Screen?

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Say your crazy uncle passed away and left you with $200 million dollars.  The only stipulation is that you have to spend the money bring your favorite author's book to TV or the big screen.  Which story line would you want to put money toward?


I would probably pick the Stormlight Archives to be brought to HBO or Showtime as a serialization ala Game of Thrones.  I would also ask Brandon which book he would want used for a TV or movie.

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Steelheart. The trilogy would make awesome supervillain movies.


High fantasy, especially something like SA would be close to impossible to be made into a movie or series. They would have to change things, and I most certainly don't want that.

Besides, look at the Cosmere universe. It's HUGE. You'd HAVE to leave out something, entire episodes in movies or TV shows. And that's absolutely impossible to do. SA alone is too big and complex for that. You'd have to wait for it to be complete to know what can be left out and what can be changed. And considering my previous experiences with Sanderson's works, a single rock that Kaladin stepped on on some random bridgerun could be Odium himself.

I just don't believe that SA would ever WORK as a movie.


Elantris or Warbreaker maybe. Mistborn ... yes, I think. But Cosmere itself is too big to FIT into movies. They could never ever get every connection, and in Sanderson's books EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT.


Really, I root for Steelheart.


And on HBO: I love ASoIaF, but the TV show was a disappointment to me. Please, no. Don't do to Sanderson's work what was done to GRR Martins books.

Edited by Winds Alight
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Say your crazy uncle passed away and left you with $200 million dollars.  The only stipulation is that you have to spend the money bring your favorite author's book to TV or the big screen.  Which story line would you want to put money toward?


Pay a YouTuber $50 to produce a Stormlight puppet show. Categorize the rest of the money under "Other Expenses."


I'll spend a hundred million of those dollars into purchasing the entire 17th Shard website, paying the majority of the money towards Chaos for giving me a special site-wide flair. Then each of my family members and inner circle of friends would receive a million dollars each, and what money remains would go to charity.



Overall I think I'd spend more time complaining about the inadequacies of a Sanderson movie than I would enjoying it, so I'd rather see a hilariously low-budget puppet show than a special effects extravaganza that Hollywood's walked all over. :P

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Pay a YouTuber $50 to produce a Stormlight puppet show. Categorize the rest of the money under "Other Expenses."

I'll spend a hundred million of those dollars into purchasing the entire 17th Shard website, paying the majority of the money towards Chaos for giving me a special site-wide flair. Then each of my family members and inner circle of friends would receive a million dollars each, and what money remains would go to charity.

Overall I think I'd spend more time complaining about the inadequacies of a Sanderson movie than I would enjoying it, so I'd rather see a hilariously low-budget puppet show than a special effects extravaganza that Hollywood's walked all over. :P

I think we could do a pretty decent job with glitter as Stormlight. If we just rolled Szeth's puppet in glitter for a Surgebinding scene, the glitter would all fall off by scene's end. Oh! And when he draws it in, we could use sock puppets so that the puppeteer can just wrap their hand around a sphere (glittery bouncy ball) preferably with "NOM NOM NOM" sound effects!

It would be a masterpiece. :P

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I think we could do a pretty decent job with glitter as Stormlight. If we just rolled Szeth's puppet in glitter for a Surgebinding scene, the glitter would all fall off by scene's end. Oh! And when he draws it in, we could use sock puppets so that the puppeteer can just wrap their hand around a sphere (glittery bouncy ball) preferably with "NOM NOM NOM" sound effects!

It would be a masterpiece. :P


Well, I think I know who's getting 50 bucks when weird Uncle Bartholomew leaves me his fortune. :P:lol:

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Overall I think I'd spend more time complaining about the inadequacies of a Sanderson movie than I would enjoying it, so I'd rather see a hilariously low-budget puppet show than a special effects extravaganza that Hollywood's walked all over. :P


Yeah... this on my end too. I'm a bit of a picky fan, I think.

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Steelheart or Mistborn. In all honesty, I don't see SA doing too well and here's why- its so long and complex. Each movie would have to be at least six hours, or else they'd ruin it. It would do better as a show, but even then its pushing it, in my opinion.

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Big Screen - Emperor's Soul 


Sort of cheating because it's a short story. But never the less I think's that's idea. I also recall him saying that of all his work that had the most traction (at the time of the comment). I'm not surprised. 


TV - Mistborn


I think it can be done and would be great. Not ideal for movie imo b/c I wouldn't want to sacrifice the world building and side characters...if you do that it could easily be a trilogy and/or slightly more....but that's what makes this one great. I doubt a screen play without that will jump of the page. 


Alternate Big Screen - Warbreaker


Not so far off from the most recent fads with female leads. Especially if they altered Siri's character. 

Edited by dayman
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Alternate Big Screen - Warbreaker

Not so far off from the most recent fads with female leads. Especially if they altered Siri's character.

If that's a prerequisite to getting adapted, I hope they don't do it. Altering Siri's character in any way might attract viewers who prefer their strong female leads to be of the butt-kicking variety, but I think it would risk harming the integrity of the story.

Part of what makes her so perfect for her position is that she is rebellious enough to not accept pat answers and seek the truth on her own, but also open-minded enough to rise above the blind nationalism defining Idris and Hallandren. Change that, and you could change the whole story for the worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Screen - Emperor's Soul 

Seconded. I'd forgotten how visual Forgery could be - a movie adaptation could show off Shai's interior decoration powers pretty well, and it would be interesting to see her various guesses about the Emperor's backstory actually playing out. I can see the movie trailer being assembled around that scene where she presses the stamp into the wall and the mural blossoms out around it. It would be beautiful.


I wonder if Mistborn would do well as an anime series. A Japanese reviewer remarked that the characters were very light-novel-like, which isn't what I would have expected - but then I looked over how the Japanese version was presented, and I can see how that might work. The overall tone of it was moulded to the light novel format. Going from that to an anime wouldn't be much of a stretch.

Hmm... Whichever studio it was that animated Attack on Titan should have pretty good experience by now with people leaping dramatically through the air. It would require a very different art style, though - perhaps more in ufotable's field, along the lines of what they did with Fate/zero. Soundtrack by Kajiura Yuki?

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I'm going to agree with Winds Alight. The Reckoners would make the best movies. Brandon even said so.

SA: A GoT style show might work, if it weren't for the whole Cosmere thing.

MB: Too much of this occurs in the character's heads it would be doable, but it would be tough.

WB: Still reading this, but the bright environment would make for interesting cinematography.

Elantris: This would make a very good movie, imo.

I think the best material for a show would be Infinity Blade. The story is very rich, and there is so much that wasn't explored in the games and novellas. A show based on this franchise would have a lot of potential.

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I wonder if Mistborn would do well as an anime series. A Japanese reviewer remarked that the characters were very light-novel-like, which isn't what I would have expected - but then I looked over how the Japanese version was presented, and I can see how that might work. The overall tone of it was moulded to the light novel format. Going from that to an anime wouldn't be much of a stretch.

Hmm... Whichever studio it was that animated Attack on Titan should have pretty good experience by now with people leaping dramatically through the air. It would require a very different art style, though - perhaps more in ufotable's field, along the lines of what they did with Fate/zero. Soundtrack by Kajiura Yuki?

I want a Mistborn movie done by Studio Ghibli. Too bad that won't ever happen; the Wind Rises was the last movie they're making.
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I want a Mistborn movie done by Studio Ghibli. Too bad that won't ever happen; the Wind Rises was the last movie they're making.

Um. . . they've already had two movies since then last I checked. Just not by Miyazaki, who IIRC has retired after The Wind Rises.

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I don't even watch anime and I know SA couldn't be adapted to anything but anime. I guess it was intentional on Brandon's part.


SA can be adapted as a live action mini-series, but it would require a strong budget, which may be feasible in a few years from now. I personally do not watch anime as I am not fond of this art form. I feel that, no matter, how good the art is, animated characters will never be able to convey the same emotional range as live actors would. There is also the fact that, when I read SA, I imagine real persons in a real setup, not animated characters in the anime style which may have its followers, but again it is not a depiction I personally enjoy.


In any advent, we have had this debate before, over and over and over again and there is not getting out of it. Those of us who pushes for live-actions strongly believe it would appeal to a large audiences and good CGI at a decent budget (GoT style) may be possible in 5-10 years from now. Many of us also dislike anime, for personal reasons: it is not an art form that appeals to everyone. I also fear anime would make it appear too cartoonist, which I know it is not always the case, but they tend to go overboard with anime, so the risk is there.

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Personally, I'd love to see Mistborn brought as a Movie Trilogy, and perhaps, the Stormlight Archive brought to Netflix or HBO as a series. Then again, I think the easiest Brandon Sanderson work to be adapted into a movie would be The Emperor's Soul, as it would probably be the one with the least explaining needed to be done.

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Honestly, I think it would be amazing to have a tv series focusing on the Cosmere books as a single series, and with each season being one book.

Season 1:Elantris

Season 2:Mistborn

Season 3:Well of Ascension

Season 4:Hero of Ages

Season 5:Warbreaker

Season 6: Way of Kings


Edited by KamorianKandra13
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Big Screen - Emperor's Soul 


Sort of cheating because it's a short story. But never the less I think's that's idea. I also recall him saying that of all his work that had the most traction (at the time of the comment). I'm not surprised. 


Seconded. I'd forgotten how visual Forgery could be - a movie adaptation could show off Shai's interior decoration powers pretty well, and it would be interesting to see her various guesses about the Emperor's backstory actually playing out. I can see the movie trailer being assembled around that scene where she presses the stamp into the wall and the mural blossoms out around it. It would be beautiful.


As much as I would love to see Twi's ChasmPugs come to life on-screen, I'm going to agree with Dayman and Colours. TES is short enough that no major plot points would be lost, it has a small but well-drawn cast of characters and a very interesting central dynamic between Shai and Gaotona.


But if you will permit me a slight digression ...


Stormlight spoilers

How I Met Your Mother: Roshar

(Alternate titles: My Stormlight brings all the girls to the yard; How I became King of Alethkar)


After Odium's defeat and the end of the True Desolation, Lopen sits down with his children, nieces, nephews, and cousins to tell the epic story of how he met the love of his life. The world-changing events of the cosmere books are described through the unique perspective of everyone's favourite one-to-two armed Herdazian.


Lopen: Now kids, you've all heard the official story of why Torol Sadeas hated Bridge Four. But it's time for you to learn the truth ...

Rock: Crem. I put this thing in his soup.

Lopen: Except he didn't say crem. He said a bad thing. A very, very bad thing.




Kaladin: I'll bet you can't go a week without flirting with somebody

Adolin: Challenge accepted, bridgeboy. I can keep my eyes front for a week.

Lopen: But he couldn't.

Lopen: You might think the challenge wouldn't be too difficult for Adolin, since he'd already offended every eligible woman in the warcamps. But he had yet to meet-

*the camera sweeps dramatically over a crowd of lighteyes, finally settling on a woman with her back turned at the edge of the crowd. Suddenly the camera pans downward to reveal-*

Kaladin: My boots

Lopen: Storms. I remembered to tell you that story, didn't I?

Lopen: You know how every year, Uncle Kaladin buys Aunt Shallan a new pair of boots? Well, there's a reason for that ...




Lopen: Sometimes, people say things that turn out to be untrue


Elhokar: Assassins cut my girth strap!

Lopen: But they didn't


Sadeas: Dalinar is dead

Lopen: But he wasn't


Sigzil: Lopen, sticking you to the wall is the only way to quantify the power of a Lashing

Lopen: But it isn't

Lopen: And so I began to plot my revenge.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to write that, it just ... happened.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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As much as I would love to see Twi's ChasmPugs come to life on-screen, I'm going to agree with Dayman and Colours. TES is short enough that no major plot points would be lost, it has a small but well-drawn cast of characters and a very interesting central dynamic between Shai and Gaotona.

But if you will permit me a slight digression ...

Stormlight spoilers

How I Met Your Mother: Roshar

(Alternate titles: My Stormlight brings all the girls to the yard; How I became King of Alethkar)

After Odium's defeat and the end of the True Desolation, Lopen sits down with his children, nieces, nephews, and cousins to tell the epic story of how he met the love of his life. The world-changing events of the cosmere books are described through the unique perspective of everyone's favourite one-to-two armed Herdazian.

Lopen: Now kids, you've all heard the official story of why Torol Sadeas hated Bridge Four. But it's time for you to learn the truth ...

Rock: Crem. I put this thing in his soup.

Lopen: Except he didn't say crem. He said a bad thing. A very, very bad thing.


Kaladin: I'll bet you can't go a week without flirting with somebody

Adolin: Challenge accepted, bridgeboy. I can keep my eyes front for a week.

Lopen: But he couldn't.

Lopen: You might think the challenge wouldn't be too difficult for Adolin, since he'd already offended every eligible woman in the warcamps. But he had yet to meet-

*the camera sweeps dramatically over a crowd of lighteyes, finally settling on a woman with her back turned at the edge of the crowd. Suddenly the camera pans downward to reveal-*

Kaladin: My boots

Lopen: Storms. I remembered to tell you that story, didn't I?

Lopen: You know how every year, Uncle Kaladin buys Aunt Shallan a new pair of boots? Well, there's a reason for that ...


Lopen: Sometimes, people say things that turn out to be untrue

Elhokar: Assassins cut my girth strap!

Lopen: But they didn't

Sadeas: Dalinar is dead

Lopen: But he wasn't

Sigzil: Lopen, sticking you to the wall is the only way to quantify the power of a Lashing

Lopen: But it isn't

Lopen: And so I began to plot my revenge.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to write that, it just ... happened. :ph34r::ph34r:


Honestly, I'm gonna side with the live action camp here. That's how I envisnon the books, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Edited by Glamdring804
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Honestly I think the best way to do any of these is animated, I don't want to blow all the money on special effects and set building, I also want to get good actors whose voice fits what I thought it was, and to plaster it's existence on every billboard ever. I would make The Emperors soul a short film used to bring in an adiunce, then do firstborn as a mixture of t.v. and movie. The first two books I think shouldn't be condensed into a movie, so they will be two different seasons, then the third a two and a half hour long movie. Sell merchandise and start a kickstarter to fund both alloy of law as a movie and warbreaker as a short series

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Steelheart would almost certainly come out best. I personally would much rather have mistborn or stormlight, but as we've all probably seen with book adaptations, the 'bigger' a setting is, the worse it fairs as a movie adaptation. Getting the audience to understand allomancy without tons of sort of forced exposition is gonna be really difficult. it's fine in book form because you can have long conversations, but you've got much less time on screen. it's easy to tell the reader that only vin can see her steelpush/ironpull lines, but would get really confusing and possibly silly looking when you've got multiple coinshots/mistborn onscreen, or if you didn't show them alot of your average moviegoers are going to think it's just telekinesis or that she can fly. and that's just one pairing, a slew of others pop up for the rest, emotional allomancy in particular. then there's the characters. you've got 8 or 9 central characters, the obligators, the steel ministry, the skaa, the skaa rebellion, the nobility, and the lord ruler to familiarize your audience with.


this isn't to say it can't be done well, just that it's very large scope and would be very easy to screw up badly.


steelheart on the other hand is much more compact. a smaller group of main characters, only a couple 'factions' (pretty much just downtrodden humans and collaborator humans), and epics. likewise the powers are much simpler and very easy to show exactly what they're doing in a visual medium.


It's not that I want the simpler story over the more complicated one. It's just that this is the way things tend to go with movie adaptations. look at lord of the rings for example. it's very simple as fantasy series go, was extremely well known, and had a budget of like 300 million, and they still ended up cutting and changing a good chunk of the source material. so when a 'dream project' like that goes "pretty well", I'd be really worried about a series that's extremely complex, not nearly as well known, and unlikely to get that kind of money put into it. it'd be all too easy to do poorly.


or worse yet they might butcher the source material entirely. anyone watching game of thrones at the moment is probably experiencing this on multiple fronts (main character who's supposed to undergoing an arc that opens his eyes to the horrors of war and learning to become a leader is instead having wacky adventures with his wise-cracking sidekick with terribly choreographed fight scenes). I can all too easily imagine 'stormlight archive by HBO' where they cut the veil subplot to blow up a shallan love triangle and also make sure that tons of scenes needlessly take place in a camp brothel so they can have boobs onscreen for no reason.


so i'm a cynical bastard, and I say keep it simple stupid as far as the big (or little) screen goes for book adaptations.


also while i'd prefer steelheart, since no one's mentioned it, I think rithmatist would also make a pretty cool movie.

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