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Silus - Shard of Flame

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With the rise of the new day, i set about readying myself for the on coming day. Once settled and ready, I head over to check out the brackets to find my place in the first match. Once i've got that sorted out, I begin to search the halls to see if i can find someone who knows anything more about this tournament than i do, preferably someone on the employee roster, in an attempt to gather as much information about it as possible.

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You're shown as entrant number 4, and your first opponent, number 3, is simply listed as "Darla".

It's around ten in the morning, or so the large clock on one wall says, so you head to the Dining Hall to try and find some sort of employee. Off to one corner is a table that's deserted except for two people, the armored man - now no longer armored - and his mysterious female companion with the flowing robes, chatting over breakfast. It's obvious that everyone is curious about them, glances in their direction are visible wherever you look, but no one seems to want to bother them. Whatever can be said about them, they definitely know how to leave an impression.

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The first match... interesting. I step away from the bracket. I am unfamiliar with Peter's skill level, but am fairly certain I should be able to take him in a fight. Still, I decide I had best find out some information on what spheres he has if possible. I ponder my strategy all the way to the showers and back. Perhaps if I can find him before I see the bracket I could get him to disclose...

All thoughts of that doddering drunk are banished the moment I see the man and woman chatting over breakfast. They don't need the entire table to themselves to show their power, any more than the man needs his armor. I am faced with a dilemma. If I approach them now, I could very well blow my chances of ever joining their circle of power, however if I take the risk now, perhaps I can capitalize on an opportunity before anyone else has a chance. I debate with myself as I appear to go through the breakfast line absent mindedly, discretely checking in on the pair whenever I can. What am I supposed to do? I ask myself. Finally, I begin to saunter across the room, looking for a table. Most others are fairly full, and I pretend not to notice the eyes of others as they trail towards the two seated there.

Smiling, I wave to no one in particular, and sit down without really looking at either of them.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask casually as I begin to meticulously spread some jam on my toast.

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The two of them look at each other and grin, then start to laugh. The man takes a small gem from one pocket and tosses it to the woman.

Preempting any confusion, the man speaks. "We've had a bet going. Every time someone sits with us, I give her a rupee, and every day that someone doesn't sit with us, she gives me one." He chuckles again. "You're only the third person to sit here in the whole month that we've been here."

The woman laughs. "And that first one hardly counted. She had no idea we were here and scurried off again as soon as she saw us."

"And I think that second one only sat here as a dare. He sat off to one end and never said a word."

"He might have passed out for a moment when I offered to get him a refill on his juice."

They laugh again.

"But you have some definite nerve," says the man. "Trying to be nonchalant, it's a bold move, but hardly unexpected. Though you might want to check a little more closely next time."

"Notice the ten foot gap around the table where no one's even standing? You're hard pressed to cross that and have it come across as a coincidence."

The man reaches out a hand for you to shake. "I'm Piscun."

"Jezebel," says the woman, nodding to you.

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Their laughter grates against my nerves. They might be important, but even still, who are they to treat me like a child. Nonetheless, I nod to each of them in turn. Of course they've been here a month you fool! Did you think this tournament started with you?

"I won't insult you by assuming you don't already know my name. I'm pretty sure you two know everything that goes on around here. "However, out of courtesy, it seems it would be best to make introductions anyways. I'm River, and I'm glad I've managed to make Lady Jezebel a little richer and provided amusement for you both." I speak casually and without any bitterness to the sleight they have given me. My sisters taught me how to swallow my pride when needed.

I pause for a moment to take a bite out of my breakfast, and use the time to organize my thoughts. Playing them false won't work. I'll just have to be honest. "So," I say as I swallow. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you two come to be involved in the tournament?"

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Piscun gives you a shrewd look. "It's...complicated."

"Complicated hardly begins to cover it," Jezebel says, running her finger around the edge of her juice glass, staring at nothing in particular.

"We've been here from the beginning, lets say that," says Piscun. "I recognize you from last night; in that last group I brought through. I assume you've thrown off your false name since then?"

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As everyone else checks the bracket, I say to Ambrosius, "Veronica I think I met briefly last night. She's quiet, and I don't know what kind of Forms she has, though I know one has an omni-tool. My opponent... I don't know. I'll check him out soon, I've got an errand to run. See you at the arena? If I survive, I'll watch your fight. Having a supportive audience always helps, I hear."

After waiting a moment to hear a response and bidding Ambro farewell, I check the time - still six minutes until Tori is done with her investigation. May as well check out the competition. I head down the corridor of the sleeping quarters, looking out for Thomas' name on a door. I find it four doors down from our room and knock. The door opens to an unfamiliar face. "Hi. Are you Thomas, by chance?"

The stranger looks at me quizzically. "Thom's out. You must be his opponent, no one else would come looking. You'll see Thom in the arena. Goodbye." Before I can even get a word in edge-wise, Thomas' roommate closes the door in my face.

Well that was uninformative. Still a few minutes until Tori's done. May as well grab a drink or two. Back in the Dining Hall, I notice 'Adolin' sitting with the escorts. His back is facing me, so as far as I know he can't see me.Funny how I still think of him as Adolin, though I know his name is River. Oh well. I grab a drink from the taps, and sit at one of the empty tables, careful stay behind 'Adolin' the whole time. I keep my gaze carefully off to one side, but I'm clearly eavesdropping. Mor'ah always said eavesdropping was a disgusting habit, but she never learned where dear brother Un'po kept his, uh, illicit magazines. Ah, misspent youth. I smile at the memory, taking a sip of my beverage.

"It's... complicated." A male voice, not Adolin. Must be the armored man.

"Complicated hardly begins to cover it," the woman says. Our eyes meet for a moment, and she quickly winks at me, almost as if she knows what I'm up to. Not like you made it hard to figure, Jay. Any information is better than none.

"We've been here from the beginning, lets say that. I recognize you from last night; in that last group I brought through. I assume you've thrown off your false name since then?" The armored man again. Heh, not like he had a choice with the doors. Interesting to see how he responds, though. I may stick around for a bit, I've still got three till Tori said she'd be done.

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I shrug and shift into a more relaxed posture. "At the time, it seemed like a wise precaution. Now, it seems unnecessary as I am already known here. Besides, with these fancy doors and the lists, my name would have been discovered soon enough. Especially since I am seated to compete first." I take note of Jezebel's quick wink over my shoulder. Someone watching us? Or just a friend? I resist the urge to turn around.

I plan what I say carefully. One wrong step with these two will put my in hot water, I'm sure of it. "It's quite something, a tournament of spheremorphs. Just gathering us here was a feat. I had thought myself well hidden when your little invitation found me, and you already seem to know who everyone is. I'm curious as to how you managed it. A scrying form perhaps?" I watch their reactions carefully as I continue. "Feel free not to answer. Your secrets are still your own. I'm just curious."

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"You ask tricky questions, Riverheart," says Piscun, "but I'll have you know that our benefactor has certain connections that allowed us to find you. Everyone leaves a trail. Yours was one of the thinner ones, but traceable all the same."

"But what does it matter, really? We're not trying to kill you, this is an opportunity, greater than you can imagine."

Edited by Silus - Shard of Flame
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What matters, sir, is power. Whoever the benefactor was, he was exceedingly powerful. Even if he used conventional means to find all these spheremorphs, the cost of such a network of informants would be staggering. The 'certain connections' Piscun spoke could very well be several different networks involving hundreds if not thousands of people.

"And I am very grateful for that opportunity. I have certain enemies, that is all. And however thin, if there is a trail for one man to follow, others may follow it as well. While this time, my being found seems to have worked in my favor, next time I might not be so lucky." An opportunity greater than I can imagine? I think I have a pretty good imagination. Wealth and power for one. Wherever spheremorphs gathered, those two things were close behind. If I could obtain a more powerful grid, or spheres like the ones Piscun and Jezebel had already displayed, even Artur would not stand a chance against me. Then, whatever I want will be mine.

But what do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is power, but somehow that seems uninspired. Power is merely a tool, and all the power in the world is worthless if you have no use for it. I take another bite of my toast to give me time to think. With this thought in mind, my goal of power alone seems awfully uninspired. Most only desire power as a means to get other things that they want, but I have been chasing power itself. I realize I've been going through life without any direction since Riverheart. Finding power enough to protect myself was only supposed to be a place holder. When had it become my primary goal.

You're a better person than you pretend to be... Robin's voice whispers in my head. I haven't thought of her... no, I haven't allowed myself to think of her since I left. She betrayed me. I think. What would she know of being a good person? In the end, Robin turned out to be even more cunning than both my sisters combined.

"What kinds of opportunities?" I hear myself asking.

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When Jay'el left, Ambro went searching for more information on how the tournament actually works.

Might as well gather information, since there is nothing more interesting to do. I'll deal with finding out more about this Veronica later.

Ambro notices River talking with the two hosts, as well as Jay'el eavesdropping.

It looks like Jay'el has things covered and he will most likely share what he knows. Unlike River....

(Edited for event flow)

Edited by Emeralis00
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"Well, that's the question, isn't it?" Jezebel smiles at you. "If you want to find out what rewards will come to you, you'll just have to stick around."

A voice seems to radiate through the room, from the very walls.

"All participants are invited to the Waterfall Arena, where they will be informed as to the tournament procedure."

Piscun stands, offering his arm to Jezebel. "That's our cue." They walk away, mingling with the crowd now flowing out of the doors.

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"All participants are invited to the Waterfall Arena, where they will be informed as to the tournament procedure."

And there's my cue. Time to skedaddle. And still a few minutes till Tori's done... I sigh lightly as I stand and join the crowd flowing towards the Waterfall Arena. At this rate I won't have time to get the component upgraded. Eh, so be it, I can still fight with the Cradle and a Gated. Better see what all's up here.

In the crowd I catch a glimpse or two of the armored man and the woman, but they're gone by the time I arrive in the same room we entered through last night.

And now we get to the meat of the matter. Now it gets truly interesting. And I am in no way prepared... But I will be over time. My stance settles into the confident air I learned as part of being a Shaman - showing utter confidence, and not an ounce of what I'm thinking. I wait patiently in the middle of the crowd for whatever is about to happen.

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"All participants are invited to the Waterfall Arena, where they will be informed as to the tournament procedure."

Well, that was...easy. Ambro moves to the Waterfall Arena, taking a position near the back of the crowd, but with an easy view of the entire room.

Depending on how fast a match should take, I might be able adjust my strategies and perhaps get a few surprises ready.

Ambro looks around the room, trying to spot the armored man and the woman from before or the 'benefactor'.

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The wall bulges out into the balcony as before, but the man with the red shirt is not alone with the Bronze Shadow anymore. Jezebel and Piscun are behind him to either side, just within the shadows.

As before, the man's voice is magnified to fill the cavern. "Greetings, Spheremorphs! I am glad to see that you seem to have rested well, for today's activities will be most strenuous.

"In this room, and in the rooms to either side-" he gestures to the doors to either side of the balcony, which is just above the door to the Living Quarters, "-is where the matches will take place.

"On the lists that you will most likely have seen, you will notice that the list is broken into three sections: Red, Yellow and Blue. These are the divisions of the tournament. The champion of each of these groups will compete for the final prize. For now, though, which group you are in will determine where your matches will be held. Red matches will be held here, in the Waterfall Cavern; Yellow matches in the Glyph Cavern to my right; and Blue matches in the Mist Cavern to my left."

You can remember that different parts of the list were differently colored, Position 1 through position 16 was red, 17 through 32 was yellow, and 33 through 48 was blue.

"Now on to the matches themselves. Whatever-" his eyes narrow, "-conduct you may be used to observing outside of these walls, know that there are rules here. Rules that will be followed or be met with harsh consequences. First of which is this: we do not kill here. We are not barbarians, beating each other with sticks. We are warriors, comfortable with our power, and we don't need to end lives to prove it. Lethal force will be met in kind.

"Matches end either in submission or unconsciousness. If you are no longer able to fight, you're done. And that should held in mind both by those who win as well as those who lose.

"You start when instructed, early action will be penalized. But apart from these rules, there is very little regulation of how you fight. We are, after all, flexible beings, with many different methods of combat.

"The first three matches will begin shortly. Combatants, please report to your designated arena. The rest of you may observe the matches or return to the Living Quarters as you so desire." He turns and leaves, the others following, the balcony retracting.

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After having checked my number, I meander about the halls for a bit observing the action and daily routine of those i recognize. Upon hearing the announcement to report to the waterfall arena, i head out immediately to attempt to make myself as close to the front as possible to make sure i miss nothing.

After having heard the announcement, I attempt to catch up with whichever of my collegues I can to attempt whatever planning is necessary and to find out where they lie in the brackets.

It seems I'm one of the first three matches i consider to myself briefly. So i rush out of the arena to see if I can catch up with either Jay'El or Ambro, or even this so called 'Adolin'.

I'm not entirely sure if I can trust him, but if i figure out who he plays for at least I know where he stands....

With that, i head off to find anyone of my party I can.

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Ambro glances at the door to the Glyph room, thinking.

My match won't happen till later, I should check out the rooms to plan ahead.

And maybe pick up a few surprises.

As Ambro begins to move toward the Glyph room, he sees the spheremorphs from Frozen Foothills skulking around the door.

Well that puts a snag in things.

Turning sharply, Ambro nearly runs into Eerongal.

"Oops. Hey, Eero. Have a nice sleep?" Ambro's tone is normal enough, but there is a slight mocking tone.

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Ambro glances at the door to the Glyph room, thinking.

My match won't happen till later, I should check out the rooms to plan ahead.

And maybe pick up a few surprises.

As Ambro begins to move toward the Glyph room, he sees the spheremorphs from Frozen Foothills skulking around the door.

Well that puts a snag in things.

Turning sharply, Ambro nearly runs into Eerongal.

"Oops. Hey, Eero. Have a nice sleep?" Ambro's tone is normal enough, but there is a slight mocking tone.

Coming around a corner, i stop suddenly as I nearly collide with Ambro.

Face brightening slightly at my sudden fortune of finding one of the others quickly, i respond, "Ambro. Exactly one of the people I was looking for."

"When is your first match?" frowning at the sudden realization of Ambro's question, i continue, "Oh...uh, yeah I suppose i slept well enough in this strange place."

"Anyways, to more important matters, did you find out any information on our new 'friend'?" I finish and look to Ambro expectantly.

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Coming around a corner, i stop suddenly as I nearly collide with Ambro.

Face brightening slightly at my sudden fortune of finding one of the others quickly, i respond, "Ambro. Exactly one of the people I was looking for."

"When is your first match?" frowning at the sudden realization of Ambro's question, i continue, "Oh...uh, yeah I suppose i slept well enough in this strange place."

"Anyways, to more important matters, did you find out any information on our new 'friend'?" I finish and look to Ambro expectantly.

"My number is 23, I fight in the glyph room."

Ambro smiles. "I have much information about 'Adolin': His true name is River. He offered to help me kill you, if I so choose; I think he doesn't like you. He had a 'friend' or someone who recognized him, I didn't get to see the other mans face since I had to deal with some distractions. I saw River's number, it was 1. A few moments ago, I saw River talking with our two hosts, Jay'el was eavesdropping so he has better information from that point."

Ambro rushes out of the Arena.

Going to the bar, Ambro asks the bartender if Ambro could buy a mug from the bartender, preferably glass or ceramic. After much haggling, Ambro obtains a cracked glass mug for the rest of Ambro's coins.

Taking his mug to his room, Ambro wraps the mug in a rag of cloth, then smashes the mug into many small shards. Then, ties the bag of shards to his waist cord.

Surprise one complete.

Ambro unwraps one of his leather cords, then wraps it loosely around his hand to be used as a garrote.

Surprise two complete.

Pausing just before leaving, Ambro walks over to his bed and rips a sizable piece of the headboard off, making an impromptu stake. Surprise three. Just in case.

Ambro leaves the room, then returns to the waterfall arena, to go watch the first matches.

Edited by Emeralis00
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I head towards the Glyph Cavern, thinking Knowing some tricks of the arena ahead of time couldn't hurt. Every little advantage, every little bit... I run into Veronica on my way towards the door. "Oh, hey Veronica. You all rested up and ready for today?"

"Ready as I could be, Jay. More mysterious goings on, you know how it is. I'm not comfortable with this sort of thing. Give me logic and a bit of tech any day over the Wild Magic and its whims. I don't know how you and Burly do it," she says.

"I didn't exactly have a choice - it was either bow to the will of the Wild Magic or die of dehydration." Not that I really had to bow much, the Price was something I'd have done anyway. "You want to check out this mysterious Glyph Cavern with me? I noticed you were fighting in it right after me."

"I was going to do that solo, but... eh, might as well. Information travels fast around here anyway." With that we enter the Cavern and start exploring.

I whistle quietly over the complexity of the glyphs that cover the walls. "Must have taken a lot of effort to put these up. It looks like they stretch to the ceiling, and even down to the arena walls. I wonder if they do anything..." I approach a glyph, reaching out to touch it.

"That seems so very safe, Jay, really. Touch the glowing emblem that you know nothing about," Veronica says. The sarcasm comes across loud and clear, but I ignore it.

"No way to know without a little risk, Victoria. But hey, check it out. I can't touch it." My hand is being pushed away from the glyph by some unseen force. I try to force my hand closer to the glyph, but I make no progress at all. Pulling my hand back, I punch towards it. My hand comes closer, but is pushed back with force practically equal to my punch. "Huh, some sort of repulsion magic. The harder you try to hit it, the more it pushes you away." Could be useful, maybe bounce a drone or some bullets off of there. And I bet if things came in at an angle to it they would bounce off at an opposite angle... Yep, definitely not sharing that idea with the competition. But if Victoria is as intelligent as she looks, she's already figured that out.

"So, Victoria... Can I call you Viki? Victoria's a lot of syllables, and... well, my name's like two letters. Please?"

She sighs at me like I'm some sort of simpleton. "You can call me whatever you want if it's based on my actual name. Just no 'sweetie' or 'dollface' or things of that ilk. I'm not beautiful like some women, and I know it, I'm comfortable with it. So don't try to butter me up. I assume you had an actual question in there?"

"Yes I did and will do, Viki. You meet your opponent yet? I tried to find mine, but he's something of a recluse it seems." I think Ambro's her opponent, but let's see what she found out.

"I haven't tried, really. I know it's some character who goes by Ambrosius, but pinning down one person in this crowd is pretty tough. No, I've been focused on modifying my capabilities. Speaking of which... I've got some errands to run. I'll talk to you later, Jay?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem." As Victoria walks away I catcall, "Don't die in your fight!" I chuckle to myself as I head back to the Spheresmithy.

Two minutes later - a minute after Tori's investigation of my Grid is supposed to be complete - I push the button near the door to the Smithy. An unfamiliar young man greets me, "You must be one of the competitors. How can I help you?"

"Quinn, I presume. Tori has my Grid for examination and I'm in the third set of matches. I may need it back fairly quickly."

"Ah. My mistress did tell me to expect someone. She said she was taking some liberties with your Grid, and that she didn't think you would mind..." I glare at Quinn, obviously angered. How DARE she take liberties with my Cradle? If she debased it in any way... Quinn continues, "Don't take your anger out on me, sir Spheremorph, I had nothing to do with this. My mistress was half way through the process by the time I reported for duty."

I sigh, saying, "Nothing I can do at this point. I'll talk to Tori, just take me in." Quinn is obviously irked, but he also clearly knows the reason why I'm so angry. A short while later, we arrive in the forge of the smithy. Tori is in a similar position to the one I found her in earlier, and again she's finishing something up. "I really hope that's my Grid you're working on, Smith, since your apprentice informed me you took some liberties with it. What have you done to my Cradle?"

Tori stands up straight from her work and flips up the smelting mask she is wearing as she turns towards me. "Oh calm down, Morpher. I deduced some possibilities from that Grid of yours and just went to work on the option you most likely would have chosen anyway. If you don't like it, I won't bill you, so don't get your knickers in a twist. Now, take a look." Tori grabs the Grid she was working on - my Cradle - with a pair of tongs. The magisteel it's made of is still hot from the unnatural flames of the SphereForge. The Fuser that used to connect my Shaman and Gunner Forms looks altered, but I don't know what it does yet. There's something else, not a Fuser, between where I usually have my Gunner and Engineer Formspheres.

"Okay, Tori, tell me what you've done. And then tell me how you did it, because that's really why I'm here. Teach me, please." It still looks like a Fuser, sort of, but what is the other thing? I'm worried...

"What we have here is a triple modification. I had the supplies on hand, and you're at a disadvantage with just a Gated Fuser. So I expanded the Fuser, altered the version at the original location - it's Auto now - and transformed the other in to a Mono-Directional Itemizer. So now you can start off here," she points to the spot where I keep my Engineer, "transform, and keep an item into your Amalgam of these other two slots. It's not a lot, but it's something."

My jaw drops as I'm stunned speechless. A moment later, struggling to get my voice back, I say, "T-Tori, I, I can't afford all of this. I could afford one of those changes and that was it. I can't pay you for this." My legs fold under me as I start to curl up into a ball. You're useless again, Jay'el. Useless third brother, always poking at things you know nothing about. You found a Spheremount and poked at it, you ran away so no one could stop your poking and now it all ends because you trust someone to modify it without you looking over their shoulder the entire time. Stupidstupiduselessuselessstupid.

Tori looks at me with some mix of pity and sadness, and maybe an ounce of compassion. "Oh get up boy. You will pay for this, believe it or not. You will pay me. Either you will work for me between matches or you will give me whatever rewards you get. You could even do both, if you want to get out of my debt sooner. But I didn't do this for money. You came in here, eyes bright with the sight of all the Grids, and I knew. You study it as you use it. You want information on how to modify this tech. Well, I'm giving you the opportunity to learn. It will be hard, I won't lie. We get more Spheremorphs down here in a day than most in the city-states do in a month, and we're always shorthanded. You won't sleep much and when you do you won't sleep well. You won't have any free time because it will all be spent in here, with me and my fellows, working on the orders either for our patron or for the competitors. Now. What say you?"

I gaze up at her, the steely old lady who modified my Grid, and my eyes brim with tears. No one but Ma has ever done anything this nice for me. "Yes. yesyes. yesyesyesyesyes." Tears stream down my face as I rise to hug the old lady who has given me such a fantastic opportunity, but she rebuffs me as the bare edge of a smile touches her lips. I whisper, "Thank you."

"You will repay me, boy. And I will let you know when the debt has been paid. But I'm letting you know now, it won't be until after this tournament fiasco is done and over. Now get that Grid back in your Mount. You start immediately following your first match." She hands me the Cradle, which has cooled down though it is still warm to the touch, and I put it into my Mount, returning the loaner Grid Tori had lent me.

I again try to hug the old Spheresmith, and this time she lets me, though she doesn't return it at all. "Thank you Tori. You won't regret this."

With that I exit the Spheresmithy to observe the first match in the Waterfall Cavern - River and some fellow named Peter.

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I am about to answer Jezebel when the announcement is made. They certainly don't waste time around here. I make my way to the arena, taking note of the powerful figure. I shift into my water-bender form and take note of his bronze shadow once again. What is that thing? I watch as the balcony retracts and enter the ring. I didn't have time to find out anything about Peter, but I'm not expecting too much of a fight. With the waterfall in place, I should have a constant supply of water to manipulate, and I wouldn't be surprised if he came to the match drunk.

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing... and everything at the same time.

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Peter stumbles down the bridge opposite you onto the arena floor, swaying slightly. The bridge retracts away from the arena once he gets there, leaving a bare cliff behind him.

A rumbling sound announces the return of the stone balcony, now even higher above you. Piscun stands there now, but his voice is equally magnified.

"Peter of Skell!"

Peter raises an arm, still clutching his flask. "Here and ready, sir knight!"


You acknowledge him.

"As always, fatal blows in a Form will return you to baseline, if you are seen as trying to kill your opponent at that point, you will be stopped. If you fall in to the abyss-" he gestures to the chasm between the arena and the rest of the cavern, "-you will be rescued, but you will forfeit the match. Apart from this, you may duel as you wish. On my mark!"

Peter stops gulping from his flask and looks up at the balcony, then at you. He tips the flask upside down, which produces only a few drops, then throws it over his shoulder.

"I don't need it right now anyway." He starts to glow, shifting into a Form.

"Get set!" Piscun raises an arm. Peter's glow fades.


Peter is clothed in a martial artist's tunic and trousers, both worn sloppily, and carries a tankard in one hand that constantly slops ale over its sides. His eyes are glazed, and he wears a happy grin on his face. He takes a long gulp and rushes at you with surprising speed.

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Wander for a bit after talking with Ambro, I enter into the large chamber to watch the first match take place, only apparently missing the opening few moments.

Well, looks like i get to see a little of what the 'RIver' person can do.....

Glancing at his opponent, i notice his near drunk swagger as he tosses a flask over his shoulder and the slurr of his speech, i reconsider a moment.

Well....then again, perhaps not....

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I watch Peter change forms, and listen for his pulses. My bronze reveals that his form is largely what it seems. A martial artist form, with some slight modifications. For one, as he drinks from his tankard, I sense power flare to life within him. A form that uses alcohol as a power source... how amusing As Peter rushes at me, he almost takes me off guard. Even though I know his form must be more deadly than it looks, I was still underestimating him. Only my bronze pulses warn me in time, and a dodge my rolling to the side.

As I do, I quickly form a strategy. The alcohol is obviously some sort of power source, and his physical attacks mean he will mostly need to get close to me to do any serious damage.

Using one hand, I bend water from the water fall, and send it flying at Peter, hoping to push him across the arena. With the other, I open my water skin and pull on the liquid in Peter's tankard, hoping to redirect it into my water skin.. The pull should serve both to push him off balance, and even if not, with the alcohol safely in my water skins I might rid Peter of a power source. It also might come in handy later...

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