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Kobold King is Actually Brandon

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Oh, you have no earthly idea what the majesty of an Octo-Brandon-Bot in his full glory looks like.


...Nor do I, of course. :ph34r:

Well, Mr. Kobold-Octo-Brandon-Bot, I would be impressed if you had seen yourself typing in keyboard shattering glory. Unless of course, you keep a mirror handy for when you write? In which case I applaud your sense of foresight.  :P  :P

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In fact, every member of this forum is actually Brandon, except for you, if you're reading this.

Edit: and probably me.

Brandon would say something like that... ;)

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So...... good. I just laughed and laughed at that. Of course, if you are actually Brandon, you are just spreading misinformation, with which to ensnare unsuspecting 17th sharders! Don't listen to him people!

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You hear about people secretly being Brandon Sanderson... but you never imagine it could be someone you know.


PSA time: 1 in 4 Americans may actually be Brandon Sanderson in disguise (1 in 3 if you live in Utah). Don't let the Bandersnatch catch you unawares. Create passwords for identifying any of your loved ones in a suspicious situation, resisting the urge to use phrases from Cosmere books. Be sure to create passwords that would be impossible even for a genius level author to guess.


Next, perform regular drills with your family and friends on how to react if a Sanderson is spotted in your area. It's safest to remain indoors in such an event, avoiding bookstores at all costs until the author has passed the area. 8 out of 10 victims of Sanderson replacement were fans attending a signing--don't become a statistic!


When indoors during a Sanderson alert, resist the urge to read his novels. Reputable sources indicate that Brandon Sanderson is capable of manifesting as an astral projection from any of his written works, including blog posts, articles, and the Alcatraz books.


If he appears in your home, do not ask him questions. Questions such as "What are you doing in my house" or "How did you get in here" will prompt him to respond with his infamous RAFO, sealing your fate in an instant. In 9 out of 10 cases Sanderson begins his replacements by RAFOing the victim. Again, don't become a statistic! Remember with the rhyme "Questions abandon to avoid being Brandon!"


If you suspect a friend or family member of being Brandon Sanderson or spot the man in your area, contact 17th Shard authorities immediately. Do not attempt to engage Sanderson yourself. This is not a man--this is a demigod who has reached the perfect physical, cognitive, and spiritual ideal of humanity. 10 out of 10 Sanderson-mortal encounters end with the mortal's defeat.


By reading this, you have successfully raised your chances of getting through a Sanderson encounter unscathed. Join the legions of Sharders aware of the Sanderson menace, and educate your friends and family of the threat he poses to you and society at large!



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  • 6 months later...

The only way to determine who Sanderson is is to figure out which Sharders know other Sharders in real life. I, warriormark16, and Zephyr are clean. I am sure there are other Sharders that know each other. Then, we take the remaining list of Sharders, corner them, and go all witch-hunt on them.

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The only way to determine who Sanderson is is to figure out which Sharders know other Sharders in real life. I, warriormark16, and Zephyr are clean. I am sure there are other Sharders that know each other. Then, we take the remaining list of Sharders, corner them, and go all witch-hunt on them.

But he can just make 2 accounts and lie to give himself an alibi.

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Good luck with that. There are 11,000 accounts on the Shard. Even though most of them are abandoned at any given time, that leaves... about 1,000 people in a pure estimate that remain a 'regular' part of the Shard (i.e. They will log on again in future.)


I call for clarification from Rubix. Do you mean other than the account that is publicly known to be Brandon's?


It's also sort of pointless. Using a David-level metaphor, it's like playing a whack-a-mole game if a new mole was created any time an old one was destroyed, except there were 1000 moles you aren't supposed to hit, for every one you should. And you're wearing a blindfold.


It's a work in progress.

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On the subject of the metaphor, it actually was quite good, if a bit unwieldy.

We need the Admins to vouch for each other, then get them to give us a list of regular Shard users (those who have gotten on in say, the past year) and eliminate those that spend a lot of time on here. My logic for the second part is that Sanderson takes a while to respond to fan mail due to writing, why would he be spending hours on end combing through Shard forums?

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