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I would like to announce....


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I would like to announce that I just took my last exam of the semester, and now will have 24 days of break. I'll be a bit more present here and plan (hope?) to do a full mistborn trilogy reread during the break.

Edit: I would like to edit my announcement to announce that my grades are in and I have all A's (one of which has a +, one of which has a -, one of which is actually a P on a pass/fail course, and the rest of which are normal, unalloyed A's).

Edited by Musicspren
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I would like to announce that I finished my Quantum Mechanics 2 final (which went pretty well!) and thus, I am finished with physics.


I would like to announce that I'm on holiday until January!

I only have to do a project on Bioethics... and some investigation thing about anatomical anomalies... and some research about protein quality control in the ER... and study for a couple of exams...

... but hey, it's Christmas, right?

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Sure, if I want to fail. The teacher doesn't have a sense of humor, and it doesn't help that she is bipolar pregnant.

What's a little thing like academic failure when compared to taking suggestions from a stranger on the internet? Clearly we know who has your best interests in mind here.

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Indeed, but I only have to put up with her a little while longer. It is just unfortunate that her class is the only one that really matters until I graduate.


Speech given. Horribly. The teacher had us use a different format of outline, something to do with Monroe's sequence, and that messed me up since I had practiced with an entirely different outline, I had to start over after getting halfway through the speech and realizing I had no Idea what I was saying. Grr.

Edited by Emeralis00
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I don't think a DDOS even counts as "hacking".

well, I think that depends on the manner of how the DDoS was executed.

If, for example, the person wrote up and distributed a virus and enslaved a giant botnet, and used that botnet in a DDOS, then yeah, I would say it counts.

If it was from a script kiddie who downloaded a little program that attempts to SYN flood a server and spoofs the originating address, then probably not so much :P

Edit: though, obviously, i'm going to lean towards the latter than the former, since most random attacks are just from someone who thinks they're awesome because they downloaded some little "hacker" program :P

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