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An Abundance of Doctors

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It began with Doc Piffington, an outlaw who was a doctor, but not that Doctor. He was soon followed by the Doctor, who... was that Doctor. Then came Doctor McNinja, followed by Doctor Cloud' Wintre and myself, Dr. Nowko Lestibournes. And thus was a movement born.


Soon, many had joined our ranks; eventually, we were nearly a dozen strong. In spite of this, we remained nebulous, loosely tied together by our shared doctorship. This could not stand. I came here to rally, to gather, and to unite us. We may have begun as a small sect of an insignificant outlaw gang on Scadrial, but we are well on our way to becoming so much more.


Join the cause. Become a doctor!




About the Guild


The Abundance accepts doctors from all walks of life; Good or evil, cosmere or reckonersverse, rich or upper middle-class. All that we require is a dedication to the pursuit of doctorliness. At the time of this writing, the Abundance allows for dual membership in all other guilds; as alliances shift and form, this may be subject to change.


As doctors, we are constantly seeking to expand our learning. It is this quest that defines and unites us. Should you or your guild require information of a scholastic nature, we'll have it -- and if not, we'll find it. 


A sizeable number of our members are experts in the medical professions, and we thus extend this service as well: if you find yourself injured, diseased, poisoned, or otherwise inconvenienced by the fleshiness of your body, contact us, and we will do all that we can to restore you to health.


Fees for the above services, or any others you may need, should be discussed with Dr. Rab Heatherlocke, our resident public relations aficionado.




The Rules of Guild

  1. ​Do no harm (unless you really, really want to).
  2. Don't ask for a second opinion -- yours is better anyway.
  3. Willful ignorance is never acceptable behavior for a doctor.

  4. Do unto others as you would have done unto them.

  5. One must be fashionable at ALL times to be a successful doctor.



Official Members

  • Dr. Nowko Lestibournes (Wonko the Sane)............................Guild administrator, first official member
  • Dr. Seixa* (phattemer)............................................................Guild honorificifier and secretary
  • Doctor Cloud' Wintre (Winter Cloud)......................................Guild recruitment officer
  • Doc Piffington (Lord Pifferdoo)...............................................Guild quartermaster, The First Doctor
  • Dr. Rab Heatherlocke (Haelbarde).........................................Guild political advisor and diplomat
  • Doctor McNinja (Clanky).........................................................Guild assassin and medical expert
  • Doctor Walin (spencer12347).................................................Unassigned
  • The Doctor (ostrichofevil)........................... ............................Guild spacetime expert, token minority
  • Dr. Kipper (Kipper)..................................................................Guild bamboo and hemalurgy expert

* The Honorable Sir Maestro Dr. Brightlord Seixa, Ph.D., M.D., LL.B., J.D., D.Phil., O.D., Psy.D., D.D.S., D.C., D.P.M., D.V.M., Pharm.D., N.D., S.J.D., Esq.


NOTE: Guild positions listed above are tentative. More permanent positions will be decided and added at a later date.



The origin of our illustrious brotherhood can be found here, in Sanderson Elimination Quick Fix 7.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Ah, yes, excellent job, what what! The Honorable... Seixa sneered down his nose with disdain at the unwashed hordes who wished to join the Doctors. Ha! As if they have what it takes, he remarked to the only other one in the porcelain tower, Nowko. They had reconciled their differences after a misunderstanding led Seixa, then called Axies, to try to kill him.

Edited by phattemer
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Indeed, it is as dust on the wind before the bond that exists between two doctors.


I think that the suggested name you posted in the game ('the Practitionerds'), while cute, is a little bit too cheesy for use in the long term; it would grow tired long before the guild does. 'the Practitioners', though, is a possibility, as is 'the Malpractitioners'.

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Malevolence isn't a word for a group of people! What about 'The League of Malevolent Malpractitioners'?


Hm. That feels like too much of a mouthful. 'League of Malevolent Doctors' works, if we're willing to give up the Malpratitioners part.

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Dr Rab Heatherlocke will stand with this movement on one condition. He want's a badge, and a proper one at that. His current doctorly badge is a bit 'drab'. Also, he's got a Lawman Badge he'd rather be wearing, so the team badge better be fancy.


@Lord Pifferdoo: Rab wouldn't mind some fancy white gloves and a Victorian plague mask. Particularly a mask, because masks are cool.


Regarding a name: Now we're hardly malevolent, yet anyway (we shall see what the outcome of the witch hunt is). Rather, we're the Gentlepeople of Variety Doctoring? I will time more time to consider possible names. Things to keep in mind while considering a name would be that we do not yet know of the alignment of our doctors, nor if we do actually have any doctors that do actually know how to do their job, as well as the fact that not all of us have claimed to be a doctor in a medical field.


One last matter I would like to raise is the subject of Mr. John Smith as described by Emerald101. It is well known that 'Mr. John Smith' is an alias for 'That Doctor', and his description is similar to that of his 10 iteration. This may be a case for further consideration.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Welcome, one and all!


Piff, are you volunteering to be our quartermaster? Wonderful! I know that I, for one, would certainly like a lab coat. And do you think you could see about getting a badge for Dr. Heatherlocke?


Your majesty, while we certainly appreciate the generosity of your offer, I think that we would like to get our feet under us before we even begin to consider questions of politics. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope that our eventual relationship proves to be one of friendship.

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Welcome, one and all!


Piff, are you volunteering to be our quartermaster? Wonderful! I know that I, for one, would certainly like a lab coat. And do you think you could see about getting a badge for Dr. Heatherlocke?


Your majesty, while we certainly appreciate the generosity of your offer, I think that we would like to get our feet under us before we even begin to consider questions of politics. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope that our eventual relationship proves to be one of friendship.



"Thank you. Same to you. If there's anything you require, feel free to ask me anytime."

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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We need to keep in mind, though, that not every doctor is a medical doctor.


That's precisely why I wrote that rule - a non doctor is going to have no idea how to actually doctor. So don't ask for a second opinion, cos then people will know you're not a doctor of the medical kind.

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