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The heralds, where are they now(spoilers)


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 We know that nine of the heralds, stayed on the world while the tenth suffered. The leader of the skybreakers is now hunting new radiants. the 10th herald is a crazy guy. Apparently one of the heralds is a mistress, that breaks into location to mutilate images of her own face.

 It is said that all ten heralds have been seen in the main era of the books. Since most dont have their honorblades, i am betting they are all dark eyes. So which background characters could potentially be heralds. Due to their age and positions, and from what we see of the other heralds they will have their own issues. One disfigures her own image, while the other created an order of men to hunt down potential radiants. It is possible that other heralds could have purposely or accidently caused the sons of honour or the ghostbloods to form.

 If you think about it, heralds are dark eyes, while knight radiants their servants are light eyes. So the alethis social order is upside down. Shard blades dont elevaye a person, they lower them.

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Since they kept dying during Desolations, they reached a critical death mass and suddenly got transported to the Game of Thrones Universe.  All of the heralds we've seen are actually GoT characters that were replaced by our Heralds.

That coud be a possibility:)

Nalan: Winter is coming

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 Since most dont have their honorblades, i am betting they are all dark eyes.


I have to object to this; as far as I know, we don't know anything about any of the Heralds eye colors. For some reason, I do think "Taln" is dark eyed, though whether that's true, stated in the text, or something I just made up I'm not sure.


As for the rest of them, I think the only thing we really know for certain, in terms of social classes, is that Jezrien is/was a king (which makes Shalash a princess)- though even there, whether he was ana ctual king, if he retained that title after joining the Heralds, or if it was a case of "the Heralds leader is awesome, so he should be called a king" and he gained political power after that isn't clear.


(Side note: damnation. We know that being on Braize is pretty awful; now I'm suddenly wondering how it must have felt to have been Jezrien there, watching your child being tortured, day after day, for centuries, if not thousands of years, and knowing the only way that it'll stop is if you unleash voidbringers and thunderclasts on the citizens of Roshar. Creepy.)


Anyway, I think the drunk at the feast is the current favorite for "Jezrien", while one of the scholars or healers at Taravangians library is suspected of being another.



Since they kept dying during Desolations, they reached a critical death mass and suddenly got transported to the Game of Thrones Universe.  All of the heralds we've seen are actually GoT characters that were replaced by our Heralds.



Well. That makes narrowing down who Odium is a lot harder.

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Since they kept dying during Desolations, they reached a critical death mass and suddenly got transported to the Game of Thrones Universe.  All of the heralds we've seen are actually GoT characters that were replaced by our Heralds.


"He is the Herald that was promised, and his is the song of crem and stormlight.  There must be one more.  The chasmfiend has three heads."

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Since most dont have their honorblades, i am betting they are all dark eyes.


I've always thought that the Heralds had the eye-color of the Order they Patron. I dont really have a good reason for this other than that, to me atleast, it makes sense. Its possible that their innate Investiture changed their original eye color to the color of their Order, but i dont really have or need much justification for believing this. 




EDIT: when i say "innate Investiture" i hope you know i mean the Investiture that Honor or the Oathpact or whatever the Damnation it was granted them

Edited by jefftucker0525
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I wonder if hte heralds or even the knights ever created a way to brighten their eyes, so to pass unnoticed amongst other knights, or even their descendants. SAy a amll application of stormlight to the eyes.

 We know there were 10 silver kingdoms, so i wonder if each herald looks like they come from each kingdom, so one herald looks shin, another alethka, and so on.

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...Their mistress walked ahead of them, the only other person in the hallway. She wasn’t Emuli– she didn’t even seem Makabaki, though she had dark skin and long, beautiful black hair. She had eyes like a Shin, but she was tall and lean, like an Alethi. Av thought she was a mixed breed.

Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive) (p. 707). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

Her eyes were so faintly violet they were almost white.

Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive) (p. 708). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

Baxil's mistress has light eyes, and doesn't seem to fit any racial type. 


..., and a lock of hair moved from the side of his face, exposing his eyes. Dark brown eyes, like a man of the lower class. Those eyes were wild, dazed. The man finally noticed the two guards, who stood, terrified, with spears leveled at him. He raised his empty hand toward them. “Go,” he said raggedly, speaking perfect Alethi, no hint of an accent. “Run! Raise the call! Give the warning!” “Who are you?” one of the guards forced out. “What warning? Who attacks?” The man paused. He raised a hand to his head, wavering. “Who am I? I… I am Talenel’Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of the Almighty. The Desolation has come. Oh, God… it has come. And I have failed.”

Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive) (p. 1002). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

"Taln's" identity is in question, so we can't draw too much from his description. 


The heralds predated the Silver kingdoms, so it seems unlikely that they would fit the racial stereotypes when periodic desolations would wipe out entire countries.

I believe they may have come from off-planet, as the Vorin mythology suggests.  "Baxil's mistress" could have borne a dead sprenblade during the millenia, so even her light eyes may not be significant. 


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I wonder if hte heralds or even the knights ever created a way to brighten their eyes, so to pass unnoticed amongst other knights, or even their descendants. SAy a amll application of stormlight to the eyes.

We know there were 10 silver kingdoms, so i wonder if each herald looks like they come from each kingdom, so one herald looks shin, another alethka, and so on.

Why would a knight need a specific method to fake light eyes?

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OK not the knights. the mistress might just be using her fake bright eyes all the time.


 I wonder if there are descendants of heralds out there. Do we know how long they fought the voidbringers? the male heralds would have had a lot of female fans. The female heralds could occationally possibly have children. Light eyes came from the descendants of knight radiants, so what if the potential to become to surge bind come from them. We know the knight radiants were not planned for, they were created by other spren. So it seems they came after wards. What if the heralds, created fabrials to aid humanity, pattened on their abilities. Later, the spren mimic the knights using their descendants. Descendandts of knights and heralds are likely to survive, and spread, till the whole population has been mixed. THe desolations happened many times, enought that a limited gene pool each time, then just a few descendants would quickly spread. So in modern times, any broken man has the potential to become more.


 Shallash, her order had many artistic types, she is destroying her own image.

 Nale an order of judement, judges and execute any criminal potetnial knight radiants.

So other herald might be in a linked experience.

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They either die on a regular basis (dammit Taln) or they return to Braize when the fighting stops. And powerhouses like that would have no time to stop fighting really.

They're religiously roughly equivalent to Jesus. If they had affairs during a war people will know.

Damnation nearly every broken man and woman in the cosmere can channel investiture, look at allomancers.

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allomancer also passed along powers through a bloodline, so did the terrismen. I am not saying it absolutly, but potentially their might be something to the whole linege and bloodline potetniallly. The heralds were warriors and soldiers against the forces of odium, if they won some victories now and then, they would celebrate. This potentially lead to physical celebrational activities. Heroes do get alot of fans, who would do anything to please the one who slayed the monsters.

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Bloodline connection to magic is stated specifically to be something Sanderson is avoiding in Stormlight Archive.

Who has time to celebrate with the apocalypse going on for the hundredth time anyway? People are dying in droves here. If you can celebrate after that I question your sanity. Especially not the Heralds that have to go back and forth between desolations and eternal torture.

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 What if the children were not the result of celebration, but comfort and solace. THere are alsorts of reason why people get to gether, the desolations are very emotional straining, so people would do alsorts of things.

 I am not saying that every descendant could become a knight, just that the potential for knight hood, or the origins came from the interbreeding of heralds wit hthe general population. Once the fist knights were formed, the spren learned to bond to any human not just herald descendants.

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Which part of the author not wanting to involve genetics in this story did you skim over storm it T_T

Personally I find letting your best warriors (who basically happen to be equivalent to Jesus Christ here so I'm not sure anyone would even dream of getting that intimate) get in bed with people with an army of voidbringers at your doorstep to be a really stupid idea.

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The Heralds would be around for years before and during a desolation.  If I had a life of being tortured with interludes consisting of desperate struggle, I could see wanting to enjoy the torture-free time to the fullest.

I think Brandon wants the investiture to match Shardic intent.  In a world influenced by preservation, inheritance fits for the magic system.  Honor seems to fit better with being invested by one's actions. 

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Its also worth note that depending on ones view point Physical relationships without Oaths and bonds to each other and Flipendant Philandering could be seen as dishonorable and counter to the intent of a certain important shard.
While that may or may not have an effect on the Heralds it would certainly affect at least some of the Knights Radiant. Add in the whole heading back and forth too and from Supper Hell and it just does not seem likely for the majority of the characters in the Stormlight Archive.

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With all of the turmoil in the world, the Heralds are now watching Daredevil, Better Call Saul,  and Game of Thrones season 5 over at Cultivation's place.


They want to go to the Tranquiline Halls Theatre, but it won't have any good movies until Age of Ultron comes out.

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