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Started Reading Elantris Recently And..


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I am really liking it.  It took me forever to get around to reading it.  I'm still in the middle of it so I am avoiding all of the other threads, lol.  


I can say one thing, you can definitely see from this book all the way to 'The Stormlight Archive' how much Mr. Sanderson has improved as a writer.  It's a great book, don't get me wrong, I love it, but the quality of his writing definitely got better.  Which is saying a lot with how good Elantris is.  


I do have a question.  Is 'The Emperor's Soul' good?  I mean, it's a novella, and on my kindle they are wanting $5 for it.  That's a significant amount for a 177 page story.  Is it worth it?

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It's not a typical Brandon story - it's much more about the characters than it is about the setting, or the plot, or the worldbuilding (which have a much bigger focus in his longer works). This being said, it did win the Hugo award, and that's kind of a big deal. At $5, it's probably a good idea too - scale its price and page count three times and you get the length of your average fantasy novel, but above-average quality.

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It may be a novella, but it's well worth the read in my opinion. It really does a great job of providing some more information for Realmatic Theory. I would love to see the main character get her own book one day, because she, in my opinion, was wonderfully written and developed. 

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I liked it. Worth it for me, in my opinion.


Also, off topic, when I saw your picture I was like "wait, I didn't post that." It's weird not being the only one on the 17th Shard with a wolf-pic anymore. (wolves are awesome, aren't they?)

Yes, they really are.  ;)


Thanks for all your opinions people.  I will go ahead and buy it based on what I have heard.  :D

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It's a good story but it would be unfair to compare it to Stormlight because BS has been writing it for like 10+ years


You should look for the deleted Scene on Brandons webpage it was the prologue but it was removed.

Well worth a read.

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