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Yes! Great game from everybody! This entire Elimination Match has definitely wreaked havoc on my sanity! This truly has been a bloodbath, and was a blast to play! Many thanks to our GM Almighty for running such a great game, and for everybody for signing up and participating! This game has indeed shown that nobody on this sub-forum is to ever be trusted. And I love it! ;)

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Player and Role List:
Joe (The Only Joe) Forger 
Malcom (Mailliw73) Disguise Lens Wearer Librarian
Vin Yard Awg/Vya (Vineyarddawg) Accelerated Healer Epic
Tristal (Tuilr) Romance Novel Monster Librarian
Eol (Eolhondras) Traitorous Crystal Knight Librarian
Dow (Dowanx) Mitosis Epic
Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Forcefield Epic
Cleo and Kae (Winter Cloud) Shardblade Welder Cosmere
Ank (Clanky) Soldier Rithmatic
Keira (Little Wilson) Accelerated Healer Epic
Arall (Araris Valerian) Oculator Librarian
Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) Forgotten Rithmatic
Count Piffula (Lord Pifferdoo) Mistborn Cosmere
Tammy Kingswright (A Smart Guy) Corrupt Rithmatic Rithmatic
Todd Smith (twelfthrootoftwo) Lifeless Cosmere
Ash (Ashiok) Trapper Cosmere
Bortholemew (Bort) Detective Rithmatic
Dr. Brightlord Seixa (Phattemer) Offensive Specialist Rithmatic
Atreides Agamemnon (Ostrichofevil) Illusionist Epic
Lil' Meester Fafa (Splinter) Matter Disruptor Epic
Naran (Aonar Faileas) Lifeless Cosmere
New One the Toddler (Newan) Infiltrator Librarian
Figgldygrak (Gamma Fiend) Soldier Rithmatic
Ferrin (Feligon) Romance Novel Monster Librarian
The Shard (ShardbearerFanatic2014) Shade Cosmere
Samhain (Seonid) Warrior Lens Wearer Librarian
Restless (Renegade) Hoid Independant
Keldre (KalaDellexe) Incorporeal Epic
Lu (Luckat) Defensive Specialist Rithmatic
Edited by Alvron
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Good Game all! 


About Wilson's defection: Wilson did actually defect for a short while, since I wasn't giving her information about our team, and we ended up taking advantage of the defection to the Agents of Chaos and she became a double agent. At least, that's what I think she was doing.


Anyway, I'd like to nominate Wilson for the Puppet Master Award.

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Congratulations, Gamma!  I'm totally not surprised that someone from Team Odium was the last one standing.  :ph34r:


Yeah, Wilson was like a triple/quadruple/quintuple agent for a while.  I second Jain's nomination. We wouldn't have crept right up to the very edge of winning if she hadn't pulled the strings so well.  Well done, Wilson.

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Great job everyone. It really was close at the end. Especially excellent job to Gamma for pulling off the win!


And thanks Alvron for running such an intense game so smoothly. It was a lot of fun.


Alvron, when I click on the Watchers Lair doc, it says I don't have permission to access it.

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Congratulations to Gamma for a game well played and for having a formidable stock of items. :P


I'd like to (jokingly) nominate the Librarians for a half-win, for having a player who had never been killed alive for the longest time. You zombies shouldn't count. :P:D


Thanks, Alv for a great game. This was a lot of fun to play for the short time I was alive. 

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First off, congratulations Gamma. That was very, very well-played.


Wilson, I will blame you for our loss.  If you hadn't thrown the Flash Bang on me, Vine and Piff would be dead a cycle earlier.


I actually helped you out there. Neither of them would've died if you'd hit them the cycle before. Piff had the Spike and Vine had two lives. The only reason Vine died the next cycle was because he'd entered the lottery. And as for blaming me for your loss, I think we're all kind of to blame for our own team's losses. You guys had a chance to take out Gamma with the lynch and you chose to go after me for a second time when I was being completely honest about only having one life and no protection. :P



Nobody ever attacked me... I almost feel insulted. I had a multi-role and didn't get targeted until the very last round of the entire game!


If we hadn't had that alliance, I would've. At one point, you were my prime target for the syphon. If I'd used it on you, you would've died halfway into the game. But I didn't. Also, I'm amused that you made such a big stink about me potentially breaking the alliance when you'd already tried to both kill me and lynch me..... What were the words you used for that alliance again? "Or, we could go for a full blown alliance and say neither of us is allowed to kill/vote for the other for any reason for the entire game."....Note to self: never trust Araris. Ever. :P

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First off, congratulations Gamma. That was very, very well-played.



I actually helped you out there. Neither of them would've died if you'd hit them the cycle before. Piff had the Spike and Vine had two lives. The only reason Vine died the next cycle was because he'd entered the lottery. And as for blaming me for your loss, I think we're all kind of to blame for our own team's losses. You guys had a chance to take out Gamma with the lynch and you chose to go after me for a second time when I was being completely honest about only having one life and no protection. :P

Ah, I see.  Honestly, this game as showed me who to be more distrustful of future games, as everyone did really good throughout this entire game.

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You know, I thought the game had reached a turning point and would be over in about 1 round, so when the zombies came around, that made my betrayal seem that much worse. I thought that I was deciding between my team and you at that point in the game. Regardless, if we are on different teams in another faction game then you certainly have no reason to trust me like that in the future :).

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Whew, thanks everybody! :D This truly could have been anyone's game, with all the scheming, plotting, backstabbery, betrayal, and a whole crazy cast of items! Thank the Lord Ruler for Patented Urbain ParanoiaTM :ph34r:   (Note to self: Never trust anybody in these games)


I was honestly curious to see that Special Lottery, especially with Team Zombie. ....but the flavor of a shotgun being pulled out of Grak's innards for the win was too tempting. (and for good reason!) :P

I'll try and get my interview/follow-up RP post in in the morning! :D Once again, great game everybody! And another round of applause (upvotes) for Alvron for GM'ing this fantastic game! His Inbox (and sanity!) can breath easily and go cry in a corner now somewhere, the abuse is finally over. :P


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And another round of applause (upvotes) for Alvron for GM'ing this fantastic game! His Inbox (and sanity!) can breath easily and go cry in a corner now somewhere, the abuse is finally over. :P

Sanity?  I don't think I ever had that.


For those that may be wondering, the final tally of PMs created for this game was 229. :o  Over 150 of those in the first 24 hours.

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Sorry for the double-post, but finally finished the Interview RP! This one got a little bit away from me, as sometimes happens.



The chanting of the crowd continued, a thrumming beat, punctuated by the thunderous applause and cheers for their champion. A monster who had survived against all odds, defeated death itself, and delivered the final bloody spectacle that had been promised for the fans. Figgldygrak. The creature that haunted the dreams of nightmares and feasted on the terror.


It's name was chanted, and it was beckoned and summoned, but still, the monster did not show itself. The curiosity of the mindless fans eventually took over all sense of precaution, and the watcher's flooded the field of the arena in a frenzied rush, searching for their Champion. To congratulate. To adore. To idolize.


They finally found him.


Figgldygrak was sitting atop a mound of mutilated corpses, with limbs and body parts strewn about, covered in the gore and innards of the fallen contestants. The aura of death hung around It like a shroud, the fetid stench of rot and decay heavy in the air, the gargantuan beast looming over all, it's giant shadow encompassing all and blocking out the sun. Grak was mindlessly humming a tune to itself as it feasted, occasionally rooting around at it's feet with the one arm it had left, and bringing up an indistinguishable chunk of human remains and chomping down on it with either a sickening slurp, or a bone-chilling crunch. It finally noticed the crowd as they circled around him in awe and wonder, keeping a small distance. Figgldygrak began to lick the juices off of it's fingers, savoring the flavor, and then giggled. A depraved, abhorrent laugh, void of mind and sanity.


The Crowd clapped and cheered, whooping and hollering, reveling in their Champion's glorious presence. And they rushed in on him.


One person made it to Figgldygrak first, getting a headstart advantage and beating out the rest. An upstanding gentleman, wearing the finest tailor-crafted suit, carrying himself with an air of professionalism and respect, who happened to have one suit pocket bulging in a suspiciously coinpurse-shaped obtrusion and jangled with the clinking of coins with each step.

"This is Al Vron here, reporting live from THE Arena floor. That's right fans, I am standing right next to the monster known as Figgldygrak. The fans demanded his attention, they couldn't wait to show their adoration. We're right here, Sennti fans, in the Lair of the Beast." The Announcer wasted no time in smoothly taking control of the situation with grace and finesse. "Now I'm sure our fans at home want to know a few things. Like, where did you even come from? How in all the worlds did you even come to be?" Even the tactful GameMaster was finding it hard to keep his revulsion well hidden.

Figgldygrak sat there for a few moments, staring dumbly past the Announcer into nothing. Slowly it's eyes came into focus, growing from two dim, crimson pinpricks, flaring up into acknowledgement and recognition. The monster slowly lumbered to it's feet, displacing the pile of corpses, unleashing a new wave of putrid, putrescent odor that smote the senses, driving even the restless crowd back a few paces. Al Vron held his ground, his eyes only slightly watering, his arm upraised as high as he could hold it, uselessly offering the microphone. He plugged one of his ears with the other.

"I. AM. FIGGLDYGRAK!" The monster roared it's predictable, singular motto. "GRAK! GRAK!" It yelled once again, looking around wildly with a primal and savage gaze.

"Can you at least try to tell us what's next?" Al Vron tried to shout over the clamor to be heard, getting in the last of his essential questions.

"Perhaps I can tell you what's next," A sly voice said from behind Al Vron. The Announcer turned to see Gambles standing there, dressed in a sharp, immaculate white suit and pants, with a black dragonskin belt and matching shoes, polished to a shine. His beard was shaved close to his angular face, his hair starting to pepper gray, wearing a fancy hat, almost like a tophat, but shorter, and more narrow, with a dipped, grooved center and a long, fiery red feather tucked in around the cap. In one hand he held a slick, polished wooden cane, ornamented with a smooth, faded stone head.


"What happens next is easy," Gambles said, waving his hand in an easy shrug. "Figgldygrak feeds."

Figgldygrak seemed to roar it's approval in response. "BRAINS!!!" It's babaric yawp was then cut off by choking, gurgling sounds, as masses of slimy and bloody chalkings poured forth from it's gullet once more. The Crowd screamed in disgust and mild panic, slowly beginning to back up a few more steps as the horrible flat creatures made their way over the pile of corpses and slowly skittered towards them. The wild chalklings reached the front lines of The Crowd as they started to scream and shout, trying to scramble over each other to get out of the way, trampling and tripping over each other in their trepidation. That was when the explosions started, sundering and rending the masses violently apart. Figgldygrak roared once again, and leapt down from it's perch and down into The Crowd in a single bound, landing among the panicked spectators, and instantly the monster began to reach in and grab victims, tearing them apart or taking a couple bites from them before discarding them and moving onto the next. Grak was in a full bloodlust frenzy, and unstoppable, relishing in it's triumph.

This was how a monster celebrated.

"Don't worry, we're safe," Gambles said, talking to Al Vron. "Even Grak knows not to bite the hand that feeds, or even the feeder," he added with a grin. Perhaps I can explain some things while It tires itself out." He took a deep breath and coughed once to clear his throat, also a well-known, cheap trick used to build suspense and annoy your audience simultaneously.


"What you see is what you get. Where did Figgldygrak come from? Don't mind if I paraphrase, but what happens if somebody -- or something -- starts off as a concept? What if you can give them that concept, that purpose? Take a man apart, piece by piece, bloody chunk by bloody chunk, and put him back together. What do you get? Figgldygrak. Gibletish. Nonsense. But what happens if you want to create a Monster?" Gambles paused and waved towards Figgldygrak as the monster grabbed up two faceless fans and whirled them about it's head like streamers until their arms were torn off from the force, sending their bodies flying through the air.

"What happens if you succeed even moreso than you intended? Figgldygrak started off as a concept for these games. A Monster. A beast to be reckoned with and feared. But something happened that wasn't anticipated. Grak stole his identity for himself! When the monster died, it actually gained it's spark of consciousness. Of sentience. It recognized Itself for what it was supposed to be, and what it is. Consumed with it's Identity, and embracing it's egregious nature, it only compounded from there. Fueled by it's Identity as a horrible monster, a nightmare returned from the grave, Figgldygrak's consciousness was once again swallowed up by it's Monstrous Intent. I'm afraid there's no stopping it."

And indeed, as Gambles trailed off, some of the corpses that had been bitten or partially eaten by the monster Figgldygrak began to reanimate and rise back up from the dead to pursue the living and eat their flesh. The poor, senseless crowd were trapped within the arena they had clamored and rushed to storm earlier, in their foolish adoration and fandom, as they were hunted down by the legions of the undead, led by their insatiable, abominable leader, The First Zombie. 


The cries of terror, pain, and horror rang throughout the arena, slowly fading over time, replaced with the groans of the undead, while the mad laughter of a creature beyond all imagining rang out in the graveyard that was once The Arena. And faintly, barely whispering on the winds, a raw, primordial warcry could still be heard echoing in the night.


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