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The Honorable Sir Maestro Dr. Brightlord Seixa, Ph.D., M.D., LL.B., J.D., D.Phil., O.D., Psy.D., D.D.S., D.C., D.P.M., D.V.M., Pharm.D., N.D., S.J.D., Esq. spotted a pack of rabid canines rushing toward him. He immediately pulled out a tranquilizer gun, fired thrice, and went toward the still forms to inspect them. They all had spikes in them, which apparently made them stronger. After a moment of consternation, he decided that they were unnatural and pulled them out. The dogs shrank down to a triplet of adorable chihuahua puppies, about the size of a fist. He picked them up and returned them to their owner.

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      Lil' Meester Wafa hit the ground running.  They're gaining on me!  I'm going to die this time, aren't I?  Earlier Wafa had been spying on some inquisitors, and saw them stab a man with a spike, similar to the ones on Wafa's elbows.  The inquisitors did this over and over again, bringing in new people every time.  These people did not always die, but when they left, they would walk out in a stupor, as if their soul had been punctured, and was deflating with every step they took.  After many people had been impaled, the inquisitors brought in a new man, who looked triumphant, excited, and excited, as if his life goal was to come here.  They tied a man to a metal table, and abruptly stabbed his eyes with two spikes, and the man shrieked, writhing on the cold metal, as blood poured down his face.  It took Wafa awhile, as he was a bit slow but eventually started to make connections about his sudden powers and how it had happened the same day he had got his spikes.  He had figured out the secrets of hemalurgy.  Flaring his luck, he snuck into the room and managed to grab two spikes before an inquisitor noticed him.  "Kae!" an inquisitor yelled, angry, charging at Wafa  "There's a boy in the room!  Don't let him out!"  Fafa stuffed the spikes into a pack he brought, and still flaring his compounded chromium, he also burned regular chromium, and directed it at the two inquisitors chasing him.  The inquisitors had been momentarily stunned by their loss of powers, and Wafa jumped out the window, stained glass shattering, and Wafa the ground running.  

      I'll need to hide, I can't face them all, unless I use my shardblade or awakening.  The inquisitors were gaining on him, and soon he found himself cornered in an alley, three inquisitors looking triumphant.  "It must be my lucky day!" An inquisitor said coldly, with a smirk on his face.  "A Leecher.  I myself don't have Chromium!" the inquisitor added, taking a spike out of his robe.  "No," said Wafa, trembling, but determined not to show weakness "It's my lucky day.  I'm also a Spinner,"  So, with a tremendous flare of compounded chromium, Wafa knocked the spike out of the inquisitors hand, just as a shardblade appeared in his hand, wet, like as if it had been left out in the grass over night.  With that, Wafa seperated the inquisitors head from his shoulders, severing his soul.  When he looked up, he saw that the two other inquisitors had left, evidently scared (Yeah Winter, Wafa sacred Kae and Cleo!).

      Wafa sat down on his bread, braciing himself, as he stabbed two spikes into his sternum, one above the other.

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Um. Cleo is not an Inquisitor. Kae doesn't practice Hemulargy any more, not since Ruin was shattered. This is directly after the last game in my cannon. There would've been no time. Before, Cleo and Kae were mortal enemies. Cleo's just a worldhopping Smoker.

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As it stands, there are currently 600 different match-ups.



That math only takes one on one PM's into account. You also have to remember the three person Pm's, the 4 person PM's, all the way up to the 27 person PM's. There are too many comnibations to count.


So I'm going to request that Alvron makes every single possible combination as soon as the game starts.

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So I'm going to request that Alvron makes every single possible combination as soon as the game starts.

We have our first casualty. :ph34r:   Poor Joe, if only he had watched his step.

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Let it be known that Ren never backs down from a faction game!  ...Just like I never create characters who have rational thought processes.


Restless looked up from his coffee at the ruins of the city.  “Whoa… where are we? Is that a camera? What’s going on? Is this going to be a painful experience? Who’s cheering? Are they cheering for me? I hope so because I have no idea what’s going on and it’s really bothering me!”  Restless took a huge swig of coffee.  “So what are we doing? What are we waiting for? Let’s do something! This is boring! Let’s just jump up and down and up and down and up and down like there’s no tomorrow! Is there going to be a tomorrow? Maybe not, because I don’t know what’s going on! Someone help me! I’m so bored I don’t think I can stay awake! I’ll die! No! No! NO!!!”


“You alright there, pal?” someone asked Restless.


“Oh don’t worry, I’m fine. Absolutely fine.” Restless took another swig of his coffee before opening his eyes. “Okay, no, I’m freaking out now! I’m freaking out! I’m OUT OF COFFEE!!! Ahhh! NO!!! The end is nigh! The caffeine has fled us, leaving only destruction in its wake! We’re going to be put to sleep! AHHHHH!!!” Restless ran around in circles, screaming in terror.


Also, a question: what happens when someone tries to find the Serial Killer's faction?

Edited by Renegade
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Also, a question: what happens when someone tries to find the Serial Killer's faction?


I previously asked this question and Alvrons answer wasn't the most enlightening.


I ain't telling.   :P

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Ferrin looked at his new sword.  The size of the greatsword would normally have been cumbersome, but Frank was a master smith.  Even though the entire sword was made from an alloy of Tungsten and Titanium, the blade was lighter than steel and much, much, stronger.  The most impressive thing about this sword, according to everyone, ever, was the soft, yet powerful glow the sword emits.  Grey, the neutral color.  Overall, the workmanship was extremely fine, the blade, at first glance did not appear to be sharp at all, but if one looked closely, they could see thousands of micro diamonds lining the edge; sharp as a razor.  The name inscribed on the pommel, the name of the best sword from the best smith: Novaculam.  Ferrin sold his house to get this sword, and by golly what a good trade it was.

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Keira sat against a broken wall, in the shadows, watching. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out why she was here. If the cameras and cheering hadn’t given it away, the voice blasting out about placing bets would’ve told her everyone in the ruined city was about become lambs in a slaughter. A slaughter of their own making, it seemed. She wanted no part of it. She wasn’t even sure how she’d gotten here.


She sighed. She’d counted 27 other people. Most didn’t seem too threatening. One of them was even running around screaming about falling asleep and the world being destroyed. He wouldn’t be a problem at all, not if he kept up like that. There were only three that seemed particularly worrisome.


The one with the dogs could be problem. The man himself looked harmless enough, but those dogs…..If she could take them out of the picture somehow, she was nearly certain he would be too grief-stricken to hurt her before she took care of him. Assuming she needed to. If she could get him on her side, she could use those dogs to her advantage…..


Then there was the one with what looked like spikes piercing straight through his head, right through his eyes. She wasn’t sure how the man could even see after something like that, but anyone who could withstand that much pain and survive was a threat. She’d have to watch him closely. And keep as far away from him as possible.


And then the horrific thing called Figgldygrak. It reminded her of the creatures from her childhood nightmares. All random parts, nothing matching. It didn’t make sense. Whoever created it certainly had a twisted sense of science. Some things should never exist, and that creature was definitely one of them. She hoped one of the others took care of it soon, because she had no desire to be any closer to it than she already was. It was hideous.


Keira forced herself to stop thinking about the others. She wasn’t a killer. She couldn’t be. She’d just have to stay away from everyone.


She stood up, crouching against the wall and keeping to the shadows so she wouldn’t attract any attention. Best if everyone forgot she was there. She might just survive that way. Maybe. She dodged around some rubble, and entered one of the buildings lining the street, heading up to the partially collapsed second floor. She found a place to relax, where she could watch anyone entering the building, but no one could see her. She sat back and wrapped her arms around her body to keep warm in the chill air. After a few minutes, she unknowingly started quietly humming a strange tune.


I'm going to try to RP more this game than I usually do. At least, that's what I'm saying right now. We'll see if it holds true to the game, but I'm hoping it does. I've got a pretty decent arc for Keira and I want to see it play out in the course of the game, whatever happens. :)

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The bustle of activity filled the air as contestants scattered to and fro, feeling out their environment and competition and slowly adjusting to the situation. There would be the occasional low-humming whir signifying the approach one of the many camera drones as they made their way around the arena, seeking out the players and highlighting the spectacles for the crowds enjoyment.

The monstrous Figgldygrak slowly worked his way through the ruined city, lumbering through the debris and refuse, it's hulking form seeming to prevent it from moving too quickly. Each action was carried out with a slow deliberation, as any primal or instinctual thought had to work it's way through the miring labyrinth of it's potpourri-scrambled mind.

But it did have a destination.

Figgldygrak slowly made it's way up a set of stairs in an old, abandoned building. There was no dust, but It still followed a set of dimly glowing footsteps. It reached the landing at the top of the stairs, and It's giant shadow fell over one of the other contestants who was huddling in the shadows in the corner of the room.

"I am Figgldygrak!"

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"What's Figgle Gak doing?" Cleo asked Kae, stepping forward. 

"I think... There's someone there." Kae replied. "I think that we should start to collect allies."

"Sounds good. But none like you." 

"Or you. Of course." Cleo and Kae ran after the Figgle Gak guy. 

"Stop!" Kae demanded, Steeljumping in front of him. Cleo dashed after him. 

"Yes, please do." She added, then turned to the person. "Hi,  I'm Cleo. That's Kae. He's a reformed Inquisitor from Scadrial and I'm a Smoker from Scadrial." 

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"Figgldy?" The burly creature asked, perplexed by the pair of newcomers that had rushed in front of it, as it seemed to contemplate what to do next.

It decided.


"Grak!" It cursed, swinging it's large lumbering arm, trying to knock them out of it's way. The spike-eyed one jumped out of the way, carried smoothly along a graceful line of trajectory, easily dodging the anticipated attack.

Figgldygrak opened it's mouth, and everybody covered their ears, anticipating the loud, barbaric yawp. Instead, there was a choking sound as It appeared to have something caught in it's throat. Then suddenly, wild chalking creatures began to pour out from the monster's mouth, crawling and scampering over each other and down It's front and pooling on the floor. Their jagged, roughly drawn shapes and figures matching the grotesque nature of their arrival and origin.

The monster let out another roar. "Figgldygr-achk!" It coughed at the end of it's yell, choking on and spitting out one last straggling chalking.

There was nothing more terrifying than the deep, rumbling maniacal laugh that followed. It was devoid of any reasoning or logic, and had a ring of madness to it that pierced the ear drums and haunted the minds of those who heard it.

Figgldygrak was truly a creature of nightmares.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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A voice booms over the speakers.


"The betting windows are now open.  Place your wagers."


24 hours until game time.  Sign ups will close an hour before the start.

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