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What Sazed Does With His Extra Essence Of Ruin


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So, we know that Sazed is the Shardholder for both Ruin and Preservation, and he took the name Harmony. We also know that, due to the pact between Leras and Ati, and Leras' breach of said pact, that the Ruin Shard is slightly more powerful than Preservation. So, what does Sazed do with the extra Ruin power to keep himself in balance?


Originally, I thought that he would invest it back into the world as Atium, or perhaps invest it directly into Marsh, as he is, more or less, a servant of Ruin, but last night, when I was reading Well of Ascension, I spotted something interesting.


In the Terris prophecies about the Hero of Ages (as mentioned by Kwaan in the epigraphs), is this line:


He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten.


What if this was not referring to the chaos caused by wars, ashfalls, and so on, that we see in Hero of Ages, but a more literal definition. Whenever Sazed 'touches the world' so to speak, what if he leaks a bit of the extra portion of Ruin into the planet.


I'll admit, I haven't really thought this through too much, it was just an interesting concept I got from reading the epigraph (WoA, Chapter 28, if you want to read it for yourself).


Another thought is that Sazed really has been siphoning off some of Ruin's power as Atium, and that Atium is the 'forgotten metal' that I seem to recall hearing speculation that the last book in the Wax and Wayne era trilogy will be named after.

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Another thought is that Sazed really has been siphoning off some of Ruin's power as Atium, and that Atium is the 'forgotten metal' that I seem to recall hearing speculation that the last book in the Wax and Wayne era trilogy will be named after.

It's actually "The Lost Metal", but yeah that is a possibility. I do hope Scadrians can get access to atium once again so that we can finally see some atium alloy experimentation.

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It is about the right time for the Pits of Hathsin to start spawning Atium again, but will it? The Pits were a way of safely siphoning off Ruin's power and hiding his physical form. Now Sazed has his power, and Sazed is Ruin's physical form.


Sure, he has to siphon off a small amount of Ruin's power to keep himself in balance, but I think this is what Marsh has been running on.

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Skaa, we already see an Atium alloy in the Mistborn trilogy - Malatium.



He is Ironeyes in Alloy of Law. If you've not read Alloy of Law, sorry for the spoiler, although it doesn't really spoil much.


From Coppermind:


Marsh survived the Final Ascension, along with his nickname, Ironeyes. He became a boogeyman figure in Elendel's popular culture. Despite this, he seemed to act in the interests of Harmony, and delivered a book to Wax through Marasi, using emotional Allomancy to make her curious enough to follow him.
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My personal theory is that the extra power of the Ruin Shard was expended in modifying the koloss into a true breeding race of humans and modifying the mistwraiths back into kandra that don't need Hemalurgic spikes to maintain a coherent cognitive aspect. This obviously has implications for the impending atium respawn but I have no idea what that could be.

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Skaa, we already see an Atium alloy in the Mistborn trilogy - Malatium

I know.

What I meant was I want to see Scadrians experimenting with other atium alloys. :)

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Perhaps Sazed broke off the extra power of Ruin as a splinter, and then put it on another planet that is not too far away.  Maybe that splinter wouldn't have a full-blown magic system, but it would do weird things that gave cognitive shadows more power to attack the living, and use metal as a focus.  


Is it possible he sent his extra power to Threnody?

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Perhaps Sazed broke off the extra power of Ruin as a splinter, and then put it on another planet that is not too far away.  Maybe that splinter wouldn't have a full-blown magic system, but it would do weird things that gave cognitive shadows more power to attack the living, and use metal as a focus.  


Is it possible he sent his extra power to Threnody?


It's an idea I've toyed around with in discussions, because Threnody just /feels/ so Ruinous.  But my main issue with it is that it seems out of character for Sazed to essentially doom another planet...


I've also supported the "it went to making koloss a true-breeding species" but I'm not longer as sure since we've learned exactly how that works and with things like the koloss-blooded.

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It's an idea I've toyed around with in discussions, because Threnody just /feels/ so Ruinous.  But my main issue with it is that it seems out of character for Sazed to essentially doom another planet...


Perhaps he broke off the power before he realized it would gain sentience, and now he can't leave his planet unprotected to go hunt it down.  

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Maybe the spitting out of some ruin essence was a reflexive thing that happened not long after he picked up the shards.  Now...this splinter has been around long enough that it has gain sentience on it's own and has hijacked trellism in order to facilitate it's ruinous intent...

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um... the power of ruin is still in the pits of hathsin. Why? Because at the end of HoA they burnt all the atium and the power went back to the pits. Harmony isnt going to go consume the beads that form in he Pits because that would make him imballanced. He will likely just let the world have their fun with it.

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um... the power of ruin is still in the pits of hathsin. Why? Because at the end of HoA they burnt all the atium and the power went back to the pits. Harmony isnt going to go consume the beads that form in he Pits because that would make him imballanced. He will likely just let the world have their fun with it.


The Pits were destroyed, they are no longer producing atium.

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The Pits were destroyed, they are no longer producing atium.

By Kelsier's vague estimates he seems to think the geodes will eventually regenerate (right about time actually. How convenient). I mean, the geodes have to have broken before, or nobody would know about what allomancy does to them. They should know whether the broken ones ever regrow.

The shardpool is likely underneath the pit anyway. Unless Sazed goes and takes that back it probably won't go anywhere. The Well is kaput and the humans are still disproportionate, so that's a very stupid course of action.

EDIT: In hindsight Ruin could've already taken it in his free time. It's a mystery really. Probably not though. If Vin could kill him with a weakened shard Ruin was probably about equal at that point.

Edited by natc
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Okay so I was actually referencing this WoB:


Does the Well of Ascension still exist in the new world? Or is it no longer necessary? I assumed that Preservation collected there like Ruin collects in the Pits of Hathsin, so if Atium keeps forming then the well should keep filling...

Brandon Sanderson

The Well (and the small wells in the Pits) is no more. For now at least.




However I seem to have forgotten the last bit of that sentence.  Brandon has RAFO'd the question of whether Kelsier was correct in his estimation.


My personal thoughts on the matter is that there is no reason for the Pits to exist any longer.  They were put in place by Preservation to forcibly drain some of Ruin's Investiture, but Sazed is in control of both Shards now so the reason for the Pits' existence is no longer relevant.

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The thing is though, the shards are still fighting over influence of his mind, and Preservation is permanently weaker unless he decides to massacre humanity (which he can't). If he needs to maintain harmony as it is there needs to be an outlet still.

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The thing is though, the shards are still fighting over influence of his mind, and Preservation is permanently weaker unless he decides to massacre humanity (which he can't). If he needs to maintain harmony as it is there needs to be an outlet still.


This.  Though when he reshaped the world, he pretty much had the power to put the Pits wherever he wanted to, so he could have plopped them down in an inaccessible place.  Or even miles underground.  So he could easily still have what basically amounts to a holding cell for his excess Ruin that nobody can get to easily.

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