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Mistborn Series 3

Ethan the Zinc Compounder

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This is a Topic for discussing (Primarily) Military tactics in the 3ed series of Mistborn novels (speculated to be based around 1940-2000)  


I was thinking, what would be the perfect Twinborn Sniper team, (Or any other elite military strike force) Modern US sniper teams have 4-6 members: A Sniper, A Spotter, 2-3 Normal (ish) Solders and a radio/fill in the open spaces with mayo worker.


Im thinking: 

Sniper: is a Tineye/Sparker, (Tin/Zinc)

Spotter: is a Tineye/Archiveist (Tin/Copper)  

Guards: are Pewterarm/Sentry (Pewter/Bronze)


Edit: No no no, the sniper has to be a Spinner (Store Chromium) Also known as Luck, 

Edit 2: This thread is now for all things 3ed Series!

Edited by Ethan the Zinc Compounder
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Feruchemal ability to store identity would come in handy...he's right there...but nobody pays any attention to him...

It is storing Connection (Feruchemical duralumin) that has that effect, not storing Identity.

I think a Pewterarm-Windwhisper Twinborn could be a good enough sniper in most cases. Using Feruchemical Sight, he'd see distant objects even without a scope. It's also handy to augment only the Sense that you need for sniping.

Also, I don't think I could trust a Spinner to not store luck at an inopportune time and inadvertently sabotage an operation, so I wouldn't use them when building any team.

Edited by skaa
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For snipers maybe a coinshot who was also a tin ferring


And since you've put the idea in my head here's some other ideas for the Misting/Ferring SWAT team in the third trilogy.



I would want some pewter arms or bloodmakers to act as bullet sponges and to keep the more squishy members of the team safe.


I would probably want a Nicrosil misting to boost the rest of the squads ability.


For some reason I imagine the captain as being a steel or iron misting with a spike allowing him to burn the other metal in the set no idea why since at this point we don't even know if Hemalurgy will be widely known by this point, it just seems cool.


I would guess that they have a Zinc ferring or better yet a compounder working the coms or computers to help keep the rest of the team in contact and to do security hacking or something like that.


A bronze ferring could be useful for keeping guard since they can stay awake far longer than anyone else so they'd make good night watchmen a tineye could work here as well.


Duralium or Aluminum ferrings (not sure which) could be spies or scouts since no one would notice them while they were storing. An Atium ferring could work here as well since they can change their age imagine you chase a young man around the corner and standing there is an old geezer who tells you that the young man went that way (note this would be a lot easier if said ferring was also a cadmium misting like Wane).


You'd probably want a copper misting to hide the teams actions and probably a rioter or soother as well (better yet both) for when you need to interrogate someone.


Also a crasher for demolitions purposes, this would be a lot easier if you gave them a spike to let them compound iron letting them become supper heavy and then simply blow down a building with one steelpush.

Edited by Unhinged
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It is storing Connection (Feruchemical duralumin) that has that effect, not storing Identity.

I think a Pewterarm-Windwhisper Twinborn could be a good enough sniper in most cases. Using Feruchemical Sight, he'd see distant objects even without a scope. It's also handy to augment only the Sense that you need for sniping.

Also, I don't think I could trust a Spinner to not store luck at an inopportune time and inadvertently sabotage an operation, so I wouldn't use them when building any team.

Scopes are so good already (In real life) that he would not *need Tin. 

And part of the luck is training, thats like not trusting a pewterarm to hit the right guy or a coppermind ferring to look the right way....

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Just looked it up, In WW2 Some snipers could shoot 2000 yards, (6000 feet about 1800 meters) thats a long way to shoot a hunk of lead by all measures.

Also US snipers use something called command fire form time to time, (They put it in documentaries hopefully I don't get shot by one) anyway, its when 4-6 snipers all focus on the same target form different angles, (they all shoot at the same time) one shooting the head the next the neck, chest (Sometimes 2 on the chest) stomach and legs. basically turning the target into a puddle of blood.  

Edited by Ethan the Zinc Compounder
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Scopes are so good already (In real life) that he would not *need Tin.

I'm pretty sure a tinmind costs a lot cheaper than a scope. But maybe a sufficiently advanced scope would be worth it.

And part of the luck is training, thats like not trusting a pewterarm to hit the right guy or a coppermind ferring to look the right way....

Maybe. I guess I'm just irrationally distrustful of any type of luck magic.

Also, that command fire thing sounds awful. I mean, what's the point of such overkill?

Edited by skaa
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If you're going to run a Spinner, you absolutely have to find a way to vent their bad luck while they store. If you can find a way to do that, you shouldn't have a problem. They'll make excellent combatants no matter where you choose to stick them, though personally taking point seems like their best use.


Also, that command fire thing sounds awful. I mean, what's the point of such overkill? 


If you have a lot of snipers on hand and in position, is there any reason why you wouldn't make totally sure your sniper-worthy target dies? No kill like overkill, especially with somebody who's important enough to call in 10 snipers on.

Edited by Observer
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Nobody wants to fight you if you just turned there commander to soup.

Imagine if Nightblood transformed things to blood instead of smoke. *shudders*

Sorry for being off-topic, but that was the imagery I thought of when I read your reply. Also, Soulcasters would be very effective at this kind of fear tactics.

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Archers (Being one) aim by looking at the head of the arrow and aiming about an inch above it. It might work but we are talking hundreds if not thousands of yards, a modern archer with a compound bow can only accurately hit a man sized target at 100 yards. and they have sights. 

But you do have a good point natc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think a sniper needs Allomantic pewter more than tin. pewter enhances dexterity too, and it doesn't matter how well you see your target if your hand is not still enough to hit.


That would allow you to hit amazingly skilled shots. Coin shot + tin would allow impossible shots. 


Then again, if tech-magic will become a thing--arguably, tin would be the easiest to replicate (at least for vision). 



I know its military topic...but think about some other stuff:


  • emotional allomancy in entertainment (...and advertising)
  • hemurlogy and other things in medicine
  • spinners in gambling and sports

Just to name a few. I think those will be every bit if not more intersting. Really I think mistborn has the potential to leave a very significant world-building legacy (pretty much the one thing it has yet to even approach after 4 novels). Really show world building over time but rather than one vast vision through evolution driven largely through plot and magic evolution. 


Nicrosil ferring seems weird. Burning investiture. 

Edited by dayman
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Ferrings can't burn anything though.

And who in their right mind would justify tearing pieces of someone's soul out of a guy and stapling it onto someone else for medical purposes? Not to mention best results would require a hemalurgic spike of lethal size. Like running someone through with a sword and proper aiming.

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