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Windrunner Ultimate Weapon: Pocket Sand


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As everyone knows, pocket sand is already a devastatingly effective weapon. Now imagine if you were to add a full lashing to the sand as you threw it. Not only would your enemy be blinded, but they would have grains of sand stuck to their eyeballs - ouch! And however they might try to blink it out, it wouldn't go away until its stormlight ran out. Maybe you could also use both a full lashing and basic lashing to make the sand float in mid air like a deadly eyeball landmine.


Anyone else got any ideas for unconventional uses of surges?

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Lightweave someone's chair to be halfway to the right of where it actually is (helps aim the landing with the angled collision). Spread tacks about where his head will land and lightweave the floor on top. Watch. If lethality is desired instead impale a dagger into the floor pointy side up.

Or the classic Lightweave a bridge over a river or canyon before fighting someone that can't fly.

Lightweave a spiked bed into a normal one and swap the guy's bed with it.

So much kill potential.

Edited by natc
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Lightweave a spiked bed into a normal one and swap the guy's bed with it.


Spiked bed? What Hemalurgical properties does this bed have?


In accordance with a method of ancient Chinese torture, you could use Progression to grow bamboo shoots through peoples' bodies.

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Lightweave illusions of yourself everywhere, cause general mayhem, seize the throne of Asgard


oh wait.


Abrasion gives the ultimate banana-peel effect anytime. Great for use on people, cars, possibly even Windrunners if changing friction applies to air as well. 


Edgedancers could turn a surface slippery whilst simultaneously causing a natural spike to grow. Forests are no longer safe.


Never allow someone with Tension to hit you with a wet towel.

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Spiked bed? What Hemalurgical properties does this bed have?


In accordance with a method of ancient Chinese torture, you could use Progression to grow bamboo shoots through peoples' bodies.


Speaking of torture, with abrasion you could completely coat a room to make it completely frictionless, then throw someone in there. They'd just keep sliding around bouncing off the walls forever! Actually air resistance would slow them eventually... So just cover the person completely instead. They'd slide around forever and never even be able to stand, never sleep 'cause they're always bumping into walls.


Actually it might not even be that impractical to make someone's arms and legs frictionless to stop them going anywhere... unless they could worm themselves around using only their torso. Plus I imagine it would be hilarious watching them flail their limbs around trying to get up.


If you want to weaponize abrasion, here's something for if you're in an enclosed room: get a ton of small objects - spheres would work well but you'd need a lot. Make them completely frictionless, then scatter them on the ground. They'd keep bouncing/sliding around, and if anyone stepped on one they'd slip. It's like the superpowered version of scattering marbles.

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For torturing:

Lash Nutella to someone's face where they can reach it with their tongue but it won't come off.


Or lash their face to an ebook of 50 shades of grey, then keep flipping the pages, and make them read it out loud.  But make sure you have earmuffs and use voice recognition software to make sure that they're reading it.  You're torturing them, not yourself.

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Remember that childhood fear of swallowing watermelon seeds growing a watermelon inside your stomach? Childhood fear, meet progression! Though it seems to work by making things exposed to its light grow, so this might involve sticking a hand down someone's throat.

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If you want to torture someone. Well we know that Progression can bring someone back from the dead, so you could just flay them till they die, bring them back and use another method. Continue this for about 3 years and anything they know you will as well. You would also gain valuable information on what techniques are the most effective at achieving different results.


E.g. What gives maximum pain in minimum time. What gives maximum pain for maximum time. 

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I suggest using Cohesion or Tension to cut holes in all the barfbags on airplanes and then Lightweaving them to make it look like there's no hole.

Just remembered that this is weaponizing we're looking for, not pranks...I'll just leave it in though, because it's a funny idea.

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I suggest using Cohesion or Tension to cut holes in all the barfbags on airplanes and then Lightweaving them to make it look like there's no hole.

Just remembered that this is weaponizing we're looking for, not pranks...I'll just leave it in though, because it's a funny idea.

Just do it to the wing mechanisms instead of the barfbags.

Lightweave elevator interior one floor lower than it's actual location, then hack the door to open anyway somehow?

For Roshar-applicable things do the pocket sand trick with coal dust lashed to float. Put on gloves, apply abrasion to gloves for increased friction (you can increase the friction as well as go slick right?). Proceed to Roy Mustang them.

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Take a rock, lash it twenty or so times towards an enemy some twenty feat away.

Fight someone on a ledge, simulcast the edge into something slippery.

Make someone frictionless and have a friend push them down a slanted hallway long enough so that they run out of starlight before they reach the end but are still going fairly fast. Cover the last felt feat with sand paper.

Japanese bamboo torture to the extreme!

Simulcast a bunch of people into stone and make your enemies think that if they lock at you they will face the same fate

Push somebody into a shallow pool, enough so they are mostly covered but not enough that their face is under. Simulcast the water into stone and leave.

Cut of a dude's arm simulcast it to stone and beat him with it.

Full lash something onto a enemy then lash that objet straight up just enough so that the are not sent flying but have to struggle to move.

Use liGhtweave to fake evidence against enemies.

Lightweave a weapons then proceed to freak a captured enemy out by pretending to stab him and using a fabrial to make it real like he was stabbed

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You know, what with the associations between scorch marks and Dustbringers I'm thinking their primary creative use for their power to destroy and increase friction might legitimately be the aforementioned Roy Mustang style dust explosions. It's a fun ability to contemplate at least.

Stonewards can likely reduce cohesion to turn an area into quicksand/mud, let their opponent sink, then apply tension to bury them in solid rock forever.

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