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Shy about it? The only thing you're shy about is the truth. 


I hadn't. Also true. Surprising, from a liar. 


Liar? Why, I am insulted! As a rule, I never tell lies in SE games! I do tell half-truths.



You're dead. In fact, one might say you're splintered. And he probably is good. 



Oh, I don't know. He just might be the last OC.  ;) 

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Alas,  I had forgotten to ask almighty Joe, if I, the ghost of Captain Qayshar Junglewood may speak, but I now have.  At least I have given nothing away, with my ghostly comments, but you are right, oh Winter of the Wolfkind, I should have asked the great Joe for permission.

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Try as you might, you cannot lynch a ghost like me, or my fellows like the ghost of Ostrich.  As I am incorporeal, the most harm you could ever do to me would have to be verbal.  I am sorry to tell you Mailliw, but as much as you wish to live once again, you are as much of a ghost as I, Captain Qayshar Junglewood, previous carrier of the Shard of Honour, and have no right to vote.  If you wish to vote for me, you may vote for Fafa, a friend of mine playing in the next Sanderson Elimination.  I will be his adviser, and would love for him to die, so that we may wander the Cosmere together as ghosts, Fafa and I, side by side, as EQUALS!  I will live forever (as a ghost)!


EDIT:  Spelling

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Who, me Winter of the Wolfkind?  Are you speaking to I, the ghost of Captian Qayshar Jungelwood, previous carrier of the Shard Honour?  Yes, I do believe with all my incorporeal heart that I will live forever as a ghost, forever tormenting those who have wronged me during my life.


EDIT:  I forgot to use epithets, which the the ghost of Captian Qayshar Jungelwood, previous carrier of the Shard Honour loves.

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You've asked Joe for permission, right?

 Since The players of the game believe they have found Odium, I will let each dead player make One Ghost Post, as Long as it doesn't reveal any information.


Unless the information is hidden in trolling. 


And Splinter, Did you not see the Size 94 Font saying Don't post without permission?

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Jain sat cross legged in his hut, thinking about the morrow. The village would likely lynch him, though he wasn't who they were looking for. He knew who they were looking for, but it didn't matter, they would never believe him anyway. He barely believed it.


He looked up at his toy panda, and wished for strength. The strength of the stones. He doubted he would be surviving the coming day, even if by some miracle he wasn't lynched. But what to do? He could not act, so all he could do was think. Think and create. As he waited the long hours of the night, He scrawled Keteks on the ground of his hut.


Dying Players in a Game, Dancing to Laughter, Survival Laughing, Dancing in the game, Players dying


A game to be won? Acting on instinct, Devotion Saves Devotion, Instinctively acting? Winning the game


Hateful Odium, shattering Shards, controlling friends, Controlled by Shards, Shattering Odium, Hatred


Jain smiled grimly at what he had written. Perhaps he would survive the coming day, but it was unlikely at best. But, he should try anyway.



Nothing happened this night.


The Day will end on Thursday the 5th, at 10pm PST.





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