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When did we establish that? Winter? I guess I don't know who to vote for if I'm going to get shot down 33% of the time for picking a shard or Hoid without realizing it. I am not going to reveal my role since I want to have some independence in this game, but I wasn't the unmade. I'll pop in next day cycle and see if anything has changed.


Edit: I wasn't on Nalthis last night, so if I had Death Star powers Sacdrial would be in pieces now.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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putting my vote on Alvron for now. I've found his logic thus far to be flawed. Saying that we should be more suspicious of people who voted for vine than people who didn't just seems silly.

I never said that we should be more suspicious of those that voted for Vine than Ant, just that there is a habit of Eliminators voting for each other when they aren't in danger as a way of separating themselves from the one about to be exposed.  With only four living members having voted for Vine then there was a smaller number to go through then the ten that voted for Ant.


And it turned out that I was right, Maill was one of those who voted for Vine and has been named as Odium.  I fail to see how my logic was flawed when it was in fact spot on.


Edit: I was also right about Team Rayse having some plan to either expose or kill Ruin.  I just choose the wrong method.

Edited by Alvron
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Not to give a foot hold to Vine's delightful final message to us all, but I am a little frustrated be the exclusivity of the shard group. At the moment the general vibe seems to be just to sit back and let the shards do whatever they feel is best, which I guess has some merit, but is also reeeaaalllyyyy boring. So onwards with the accusations.


Nalthis being destroyed is quite interesting. Sure it could be possible for a worldhopper to have destroyed it just to shake things up a bit, but after having a look at the inhabitants of that world, it seems more likely to me that there were a number of OC's on there, and they wanted to branch out. I think it's particularly likely since Mailli (Odium) was the first to bring up the option. 


"The world freezing idea is a good one, it's just that the less populated planets will be more easily manipulated if there is an OC on that planet. The Unmade could also throw a wrench into this plan if they destroy one of the groups." #269 'A Game of Shards'.


 Of those on that world (Luckat, Gamma, Peng, twelfth, and dowanx), Gramps has had my attention for quite a while, and I'm still not willing to look past Peng. That brings us to the new inclusion, Downax. With the recent information about shard collaboration and proven innocents etc, I had a look back over the moments where innocents were targeted and as such was drawn to the the day 2 lynch where Winter was in a precarious situation. Working off the assumption that Winter is innocent because she is a shard, that would make her a definite target for the OC's, and with her information reveals going on at the time, it wouldn't have taken too much imagination to identify, or at least suspect, her role.


That brings me to some vote tallys.


This one from halfway through the cycle

Meta (2)--twelfth, Sarc
Sarc (2)--Meta, vineyarddawg
Winter (2)--ArarVal, Dowanx
Clanky (2)--Panda, Gamma
Swalji09 (1)--Aonar
AntMax (1)--ostrich

Tulir (1)--Clanky


And the final tally

Clanky(5): Panda, Gamma, Mckeedee, Snoopy

Winter Cloud(3): Araris Valerian, DowanxMailliw

Sarcomere (2): Metacognition, Unodus

Swalji09 (1): Aonar Faileas

Antiller Maximus(1): OstrichofEvil

Tulir(1): Clanky


This looks to me like eliminators trying to keep their options open. Note that none of them put the first vote on anyone, rather they followed on the back of someone else's logic in order to avoid suspicion if it came under closer scrutiny. I'm guessing the votes didn't go quite the way they would have liked, but since Clanky was a villager anyway, they didn't risk rocking the boat to go after a more influential player.


Then I had a look at the Day 3 Vote tally.


Antillar Maximus(10):Vineyarddawg, Eolhondras, Tulir, Feligon, Ostrichofevil, swalji09, winter cloud, Gamma Fiend, Unodus

Vineyarddawg(5): Mailliw73, Dowanx, JasonPenguin, leiftinspace, Antillar Maximus

Winter Cloud(1): Bort

Sarcomere(1): Metacognition


The way I find them grouped is to consistent for me to pass it off as coincidence. In this case, they would be voting for a doomed team mate to avoid suspicion, but also gain some credibility by being able to say they voted for the eliminator.


As well as all of this Cultivation was nice enough to put me in a PM with Dowanx and Sarcomere some time ago. It has since gone quiet but in my reflection of other matters things began to stick out to me. Dowanx was the most vocal in our little group, however he was only vocal about one thing. He reiterated over and over his suspicion of Winter, and was prompting myself and Sarc about our thoughts on the matter. As I've said before, Winter, at the time, was likely a high priority target, and it would make sense to sew some seeds and go after her. As a result Dowanx, you have my full attention, and hopefully that of some others as well.


tl:dr - OC conspiracies. Vote for Pedro (Dowanx)

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As well as all of this Cultivation was nice enough to put me in a PM with Dowanx and Sarcomere some time ago. It has since gone quiet but in my reflection of other matters things began to stick out to me. Dowanx was the most vocal in our little group, however he was only vocal about one thing. He reiterated over and over his suspicion of Winter, and was prompting myself and Sarc about our thoughts on the matter. As I've said before, Winter, at the time, was likely a high priority target, and it would make sense to sew some seeds and go after her. As a result Dowanx, you have my full attention, and hopefully that of some others as well.


tl:dr - OC conspiracies. Vote for Pedro (Dowanx)

This seems very suspicious of Dowanx as many people have already claimed Winters innocence.  I am going to agree with Eolhondras.

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Okay, these votes on dowanx might start being considered a bandwagon at some point. Especially considering when, looking at Dowanx's profile, they haven't even been on the forum in the last few days. So I'm not sure what these votes for an inactive are trying to accomplish at the moment, so I'm definitely a little bit suspicious of Swalij and leif now. Or are they Shards too, and me voting for them without knowing somehow will earn me votes, too?

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Okay, these votes on dowanx might start being considered a bandwagon at some point. Especially considering when, looking at Dowanx's profile, they haven't even been on the forum in the last few days. So I'm not sure what these votes for an inactive are trying to accomplish at the moment, so I'm definitely a little bit suspicious of Swalij and leif now. Or are they Shards too, and me voting for them without knowing somehow will earn me votes, too?


I'd like to believe it's just because people like my Napoleon Dynamite reference..

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To insure no massive amounts of Voter shenanigans happen, I'm gonna vote for Dowanx.



Granted, there hasn't been nearly as much shenanigans as in the AG. I guess the only thing we have to worry about is a mass vote at the end of the cycle, and that usually only happens when the Eliminators are about to win.


(Pink works for votes, right? I mean, it's not pink, it's light-ish red)

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Joe, Snoopy retracted his vote for Araris.


All of these votes on Dowanx are confusing to me. Since he hasn't been on since before the last night cycle, he can't be the Unmade that destroyed Nalthis unless Joe is taking orders outside of PMs. So if he is an OC, he would have to be a second one. And I don't really see how destroying Nalthis would let the OCs branch out since everyone there would just get sent to the most populated world, where Odium already is, so I don't see why it is very likely that there was more than one OC there. It's too late to change at this point though. I would like to know if our Shards and Hoid have anything to say about this choice of lynch. It's not good if everything they do is in PMs.

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Night 4: Ruin always wins.


Dorin bowed his head and prayed. “Oh God, Please, deliver me, your faithful priest, from this fate.” Eh, not that faithful, but what better time to be a priest then right before death? “Please, let one of your Servants, Devotion or Honour save me?” Unlikely. But still he waited, hopeful, maybe this time, God would finally respond.


But as the minutes passed, his hope slipped away. He stood up, his knees aching for Prayer, and shook his fist at the ceiling. “Well Storm off than God! I don’t know why I even bother praying to you, Faker!” He turned on his heel and marched to the door, slamming it open.


There was a large crowd outside the Church of the Survivor. It was a fine church by Scadrilian Standards, not that it would matter soon. The crowd was  composed mainly of men and women who believed him to be a Worshipper of Odium, which wasn’t true. He hated the Man. He would never worship him. Make Deals with him for Power? Storms yes. “So, come to hang an innocent old priest? What did I ever do to you?”


Eolkin stepped forward and yelled out “You murdered Aonar!”


More cries came. “You were praying to Odium weren’t you?” “He turned me into a Newt!” “You’re probably the one who unmade Nalthis!”


That last one caught his attention. “Oh? If I had the power to destroy a planet, why would you be here with me, putting me in a corner, where my only option was to destroy another planet to get off?”


That silenced the crowd, and they looked around, looking for signs of any upcoming destruction. None were apparent. Finally, The old guy spoke up. “Did you destroy Nalthis?”


Dorin smiled, and shook his head. “No. Not that it matters. The Unmade is here with us now.” He threw his arms skyward and bellowed out “LORD ODIUM! I HAVE SERVED YOU FAITHFULLY, LET THIS WORLD SERVE AS MY PYRE, WITH THESE CREMLINGS THE KINDLING!” Everyone froze, Dorin waited expectantly, and then, right when it seemed like nothing was going to happen, the clouds above darkened, and red lightning crackled among them. A Rumbling sounded from the Heavens.




The first lightning bolt hit the church, obliterating it in the blink of an eye. Worldhoppers began to glow, as they jumped into Shadesmar to escape. Most of them abandoned the Inhabitants of the world, leaving them to Odium’s Hatred. More and more Lightning fell, Off in the distance, one struck Kredik Shaw, the blast leveling it and sending Shrapnel in all directions.


Dorin cackled maddly as the lightning struck around him, digging holes into the world. He was still laughing when the planet collapsed inward onto itself, killing him in fire and Ash.


Dowanx was a Champion!


Scadrial has been destroyed! Only Sel, Yolen, Roshar and First of the Sun are left.


Dowanx(7): Bort, Eolhondras, Swalji, Leiftinspace, Sarcomere, Pifferdoo

Mailliw(1): Ostrich

Gramps(1): Twelfth Root

Alvron(1): JasonPenguin

JasonPenguin(1): Gammafiend

Edited by The Only Joe
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