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The mention of bad science in movies compels me to post this!


Now that I have that out of my system….


I freely admit to being one of the fans sucked in by NuWho, with very little knowledge of Classic Doctors. I've watched a few episodes with Two and Four, and I've read about the basic personalities of the other Doctors, and all the tropes they exhibited and/or pioneered, but I didn't even know Who existed until about three years ago, at which point I wondered why it had taken me that long to discover it. :P


I was indoctrinated as a child, thanks to my dad.  He'd always watch it on the local PBS stations.  When I was little it scared me, so I didn't really get into it until right about the dawn of my teenaged years.


Then I went through my dad's entire VHS tape collection one summer.  They were just labeled "Doctor Who".  No episode names, no Doctor identification, nothing - so I watched years of stories (the U.S. always broadcast each serialized story in one big blob) in random chunks completely out of order and labeled them as I went.  Thus, NuWho has been like experiencing the rebirth of my childhood.

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Eight was amazing. We need more Eight. 


Anyways, we already sort of have something like this for folks in Utah Valley, but...


I just really want to meet you all in person. There's something about discussing in person that the Internet can never replace.

Edited by Slowswift
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I just really want to meet you all in person. There's something about discussing in person that the Internet can never replace.


But I'm fairly sure you all like like 100+ miles away from me and my parents would say nope.

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The mention of bad science in movies compels me to post this!


Now that I have that out of my system….


I freely admit to being one of the fans sucked in by NuWho, with very little knowledge of Classic Doctors. I've watched a few episodes with Two and Four, and I've read about the basic personalities of the other Doctors, and all the tropes they exhibited and/or pioneered, but I didn't even know Who existed until about three years ago, at which point I wondered why it had taken me that long to discover it. :P

I was raised on Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee... I remember watching that atrocious movie when it came out and believing Doctor Who would never leave Syndication Hell. I was delighted by Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, and I was fine with David Tennant.


Still don't get the deal with Matt Smith, but I've also grown apart from the series. Could it be that I long for the days of old? That I'm a hipster that ceased to enjoy the NuWho once it gained mainstream recognition? Perhaps the Shadow knows, but only if the answers to these questions involve evil dwelling in my heart...and if I'm a man... :ph34r:

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Let's meet up in the exact center of the country. We can--

Wait. There's a few international Sharders. We have to meet in the middle of the world....

So...the Atlantic Ocean?


I like the first idea!  Yes!  Come to Kansas City and visit meeeee!

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Italian ftw! Who can say no to chicken parmesan?

Also we should band together to make Shardcon a thing. We can have it on a gigantic cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic. Oh! Oh! Or we could hijack one of those oil rig platformy things (don't be ridiculous of course that's the technical term) for a weekend!

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That's awesome, Slowswift. Who have you met from here, if any?

And there are plans in the works for a ShardCon, supposedly. Perhaps I'll find that old thread.


I know I've met zas678 and little wilson. I can't remember everyone else's usernames.


And I don't care if it's on Jupiter, I would go.

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Cool. How are we gonna get there tho?

I could hijack a TARDIS.

But real talk- my dad has an rv. I could borrow it when I'm out of school and we could go roadtripping. My friends and I are already planning it.

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I know I've met zas678 and little wilson. I can't remember everyone else's usernames.


And I don't care if it's on Jupiter, I would go.


I'd be in, so long as it isn't next year.  I'm afraid that between CostumeCon and MidAmeriCon II (WorldCon 2016), I'm full up for major conventions.  I only get so much vacation a year, and I ought to save some of that for going on a proper vacation with my husband. :)


(He's not much of a con-goer.  Too many people for him.)

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Screw that. ROAD TRIP!

Okay, I agree, we need this. One, I want to meet you people in person, and two, I want to exploit your book collections and Cosmere theories for my own evil purposes.


We're goin' to Mars, everybody.

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Next year would be bad for me too. The band trip is huge, and then my dad wants to plan a trip to Alaska. The summer after senior year would be fantastic. We could totally all go somewhere. This needs to happen.

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