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Did I find another Hoid alias?


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Hey...I'm new to all of this fanpage stuff but have been reading Sanderson for quite some time now.  I think I may have found another appearance of Hoid that dosen't seem to be noted in the coppermind...but maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions.  Please tell me what you think.


Felt is a skaa spy from UrteauScadrial.

He is described as lithe and short with a hawkish face and a drooping moustache.[1] He is one of the main spies for House Venture. He spies on Kelsier's crew's hideout and reports to Elend that they are a skaa thieving crew.[1]

Elend employs him again as a spy to monitor the river entrances to Luthadel during the siege.[2]


-additionally...he is referred to a few other times later in the mistborn story as someone who is not present but involved...and is away doing "spy stuff."

-Felt is also the name of one of the scouts working for Dalinar Kholin's army when marching toward the center of the shattered plains.  While not specifically named...one of those scouts comes into the scholar's tent and gives Shallan the hint she needs in order to locate the "Oathgate."

I'm not 100% but I think that "Felt" may be another one of Hoid's Pseudonyms...What do you guys think?

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I am reading all of the consmere books for the third time through ...looking for hoid...and I may be prone to seeing him where he isn't. However, brandon likes to use hoid as a kind of dues ex machina. (I secretly suspect that hoid IS brandon sanderson) ie I began life as thought, a concept,words on a page.

But...that doesn't mean that I am right.

Hoid is a story teller... who is described loosely as Mr. Sanderson looks...he always seems to be one step ahead of what the characters and readers know...and he is always in the right place at the right time to make sure that the significant characters make the right decisions. He is present in every cosmere book...and is the pebble that begins an avalanche in all of them.


What character is more likely to have the whole playbook than the author?

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Huh. That is a surprisingly meta, Morrisonian take on Hoid.


As far as him being Felt, however... I think that the character is certainly a worldhopper. Felt seems like too unusual a name to repeat for no reason... but I don't think he's Hoid. 

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Huh. That is a surprisingly meta, Morrisonian take on Hoid.


As far as him being Felt, however... I think that the character is certainly a worldhopper. Felt seems like too unusual a name to repeat for no reason... but I don't think he's Hoid

Did we actually manage to find the Kandra maybe? Whatever the case, awesome job hh, definitely cool :D

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Nice!  Probably a worldhopper and maybe the Kandra!  I have to agree that it's probably not Hoid though.  Since informant Hoid is mentioned by name in Mistborn, it just seems too unlikely to use two pseudonyms and two different identities in the same book.  Somebody should ask Brandon if Felt is a wordhopper.  Then, separately ask him if Felt is a Kandra.

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  • 2 months later...

Felt isn't kandra. His first apperance was in a time that all kandra followed the Contract. If Felt were a kandra, Straff would hve paied for two, and even the ventures don't have that much atium(even if they did, why would you need two kandra). Unless Felt were a spy on the Ventures... (Why must I always kill my own theories?) Regrdes of that, if Felt were a kandra, why would he keep such an odd name on roshar? Let alone the same bones from three hundred year old dead person? it is much more likely that Felt is a world hopper all his own.

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Felt isn't kandra. His first apperance was in a time that all kandra followed the Contract. If Felt were a kandra, Straff would hve paied for two, and even the ventures don't have that much atium(even if they did, why would you need two kandra). Unless Felt were a spy on the Ventures... (Why must I always kill my own theories?) Regrdes of that, if Felt were a kandra, why would he keep such an odd name on roshar? Let alone the same bones from three hundred year old dead person? it is much more likely that Felt is a world hopper all his own.

Anybody know what page/chapter/book Felt is in in the Stormlight Archive?

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@hoidhunter, I am sorry, but I have to correct you on a few points. I feel like I am nitpicking here, but I assure you that I mean no offense - even if I my reply might look otherwise.


However, brandon likes to use hoid as a kind of dues ex machina.


A common way to define deus ex machina is "when some new event, character, ability, or object solves a seemingly unsolvable problem in a sudden, unexpected way." This is not what Hoid does. Furthermore, calling something or someone a deus ex machina is almost an insult in the creative world because of how often the concept is associated with an author's inability to solve a problem the characters are facing with the skillset they already have, and so he or she introduces a new element out of the blue. The equivalent of "And therefore magic!" or "A wizard did it!" 


So please don't say that Hoid is "a kind of deus ex machina". He is a cameo at this point, with a relatively minor impact on the plot. And even if consider him an unexpected and unforeshadowed problem solver, we still know that there is a reason he shows up when and where he shows up. So again, not a deus.



Hoid is a story teller... who is described loosely as Mr. Sanderson looks...


Actually, Hoid looks nothing like Brandon. Disregarding the fact that Hoid's appearance changes from book to book, he is often described as having a hawk-like arrow-shaped face, sharp nose, blue eyes, and white hair - none of which are physical characteristics Brandon shares with him. The one thing they share is that they are both tall. 


I am also pretty sure Brandon has specifically said that he is in no way Hoid, he hasn't written himself in the books at all, but I can't find a reference WoB for that.

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