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I be the scourge upon the land

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Hello wonderful humans. Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate this community. I'm autistic, and my special interest is anything Cosmere related, so it's indescribably nice to have this enormous community to interact with. You're all so kind and funny and amazing. Anyways yeah thats it. Love ya'all.

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Hello and welcome to the Shard!

3 minutes ago, liverthescourge said:

I'm autistic, and my special interest is anything Cosmere related

It's so great to see a fellow autistic on here! I hope you have an amazing time.

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4 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:


I feel like I should maybe eat the cookies.

4 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you visit and why?

The Reshi Isles probably. No clothes required lol.


2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

If you had to replace a character who would it be?

Moash, because he's dumb, and I'd replace him with myself. I would be completely useless other than being an infinite source of hugs.

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54 minutes ago, liverthescourge said:

I feel like I should maybe eat the cookies.

They have hemalurgic spikes in them. You can eat them if you want, but you will get spiked and live with the regret of having a piece of someone's soul stitched onto you for the rest of your life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*Slides into the picture, forgets how to use Abrasion, and slams sideways into a wall, careening backward and sighing annoyedly*

Hello. Sorry about that.

*Pushes self up and stands, a hand on the wall*

Welcome to the shard! Don't eat the cookies (not sure why.)

1. If you were a misting, what kind would you want to be?

2. What Radiant order are you?


(P.S. the title of this post literally made me laugh out loud in the middle of our living room. Everyone was so confused hahaha)

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8 hours ago, Hyper129 said:

(P.S. the title of this post literally made me laugh out loud in the middle of our living room. Everyone was so confused hahaha)

Haha glad I made you laugh


8 hours ago, Hyper129 said:

1. If you were a misting, what kind would you want to be?

2. What Radiant order are you?

1. Soother. I'd love to be able to use it to comfort people and it would probably be great for therapy

2. Truthwatcher apparently. I've noticed that a lot of the fans are for some reason

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1 hour ago, liverthescourge said:

Haha glad I made you laugh


1. Soother. I'd love to be able to use it to comfort people and it would probably be great for therapy

2. Truthwatcher apparently. I've noticed that a lot of the fans are for some reason

Yeah, it's one of the more common orders, along with Elsecallers. I think that's because we're all SanderScholars around here, and the Truthwatchers and Elsecallers tend to be the more scholarly Radiants, so far as we've seen. I'd be really curious to see what a bunch of jocks would get on the Radiant Order Quiz, honestly.

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