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Make your own parshendi forms!

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Personally, I find the parshendi's forms of power incredibly fascinating. I don't want to spend too long getting into it but it sounds like there are most likely dozens of forms (maybe even hundreds), most we haven't seen.


Is there a connection between the roles of a certain order of Knight Radiant and the singer form associated with their Platespren, such as artistic Lightweavers and artform both having creation spren?

Brandon Sanderson
Yes, there is a connection, a deliberate connection on my part there. It's hard to keep all of these things one-to-one because there are way more forms than there are orders of Knights Radiant and things like that, so don't read too far into it, but I do make those connections deliberately where I can.


Also, new forms can arise from "new spren" meaning there isn't a predetermined number of forms.


So there's speculation in this thread about whether the Singers have a Fishform relating to the Thrill getting tossed into the sea...
and that makes me wonder - are all Singer forms predetermined by whatever deity created them or evolution, or can new ones arise spontaneously when new spren are created?

Brandon Sanderson
New forms could exist.


Or, even more interestingly, different forms of investiture can grant forms


What might happen if you gave a parshman a breath (or breaths?) Would they develop a form for it, or might it generally help them think more clearly?

Brandon Sanderson
You're actually the first to ask this. And yes, it would work.


This isn't even mentioning void spren and corrupted spren. 

To me that means its virtually impossible to categorize every parshendi form. Instead, I wanted to see what other people could come up with and even suggest their own. Simply grab a spren we haven't seen a form for yet or a magic system and ask yourself how that might create a new form.


I'll post a few examples one a "form of power" granted by outside investiture and another common form granted by a spren.

Commander form: This form is granted when a parshendi receives enough breaths to achieve the first heightening. Beyond getting those benefits I would think they would get small benefits of the next two heightenings (not quite perfect pitch or color perception but better than your average person) as well as take on the appearance of the "ideal parshendi" like the returned but to a lesser extent. In addition, they would probably be slightly better at envisioning their commands. Finally, these parshendi would be more giving and kind, it's endowment's investiture after all. 

Feast form: This form is granted when a parshendi bonds an ale sprend. The benefits of this form is generally greater constitution in terms of what these parshendi can eat and drink. Additionally, this form makes parshendi more emotional and has a stronger "gut feeling" while also having a larger gut and more fat than typical forms. 

Have fun!

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  • Atlas333 changed the title to Make your own parshendi forms!

Fleeform: This form is granted when a Parshendi bonds with an Anticipationspren. This form grants greater speed, leg strength and balance. Useful for outrunning or outmaneuvering any pursuers. This gives the Parshendi a similar, though lesser, feeling to holding stormlight, making them want to move and not just sit still, even acting somewhat hyperactive and it becomes harder for them to be patient. The appearance of the Parhsendi shifts to have a slim but lean figure.

Swimform: When a Parshendi bonds with a Wavespren. Gives greater endurance, limb strength and greater lung capacity. Gives the feeling of comfort when submerged in water but causes them to dislike being out of the water for too long. The Parhsendi gains webbed feet and hands and more carapace along their torso but less on the limbs.

Weatherform: When a Parshendi bonds with a Rainspren. Grants a deeper understanding of weather patterns. Very useful for predicting Highstorms but requires proper education of how weather works for greatest effect. Causes some discomfort to be in doors, making the Parshendi feel wary whenever they cannot see the weather.


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Waveform - This form is granted by Bonding a Logicspren, they gain an innate perception of rhythm and timing, granting them Perfect Color Recognition and Perfect Pitch (as typically seen from Heightenings).

GemForm - This form generates a series of Gemheart Carapace pieces that each provide significant Light Storage that leaks far less than a typical gem (though not quite as permanent as a Perfect Gem). 

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Chaplainform: This form is granted by bonding a deathspren, and gives instinctive understanding on how close one is to death(kind of like Saks). This form is very skilled at comforting the dying, with a very unaggressive looking form.

Plagueform: This form is derived from rotspren, and allows the singer in question to accelerate the growth of different bacteria and deeply understand how things decay. This form would be gaunt, sickly, and short.

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Captiveform- This form is granted by bonding a captivity spre. This is an interesting one but I see two versions 

1. A form that is forced upon parshmen prisoners by giving them the choice between death or taking the form. If they take the form they become lethargic and withdrawn similar to dullform 

2. I like this one better. When a parshmen takes Captiveform they lose the ability to move but no longer need food. I imagine this being the parshmen equivalent of freezing yourself so that you can have years pass without it affecting you. I would assume the spren would leave by itself at some point or you might have to wait for someone to come along and help you change to a different form 

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18 hours ago, Elite01 said:

Captiveform- this is an interesting one but I see two versions 

Both sound cool, although I think option 2 is more consistent with what we’ve seen of the transformation, not even Odium can force an unwilling singer to become a fused (although there could be potential applications with hemalurgy I guess).

And I’m assuming this would be a form granted by captivity spren? I definitely think the more “negative” can be more of a challenge but this is a cool idea (although I don’t imagine the spren would be able to leave. Forms of power work a lot like fabrials which trap spren).

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Yes it would be captivity spren, I'll edit my post. 

And I don't think the forms would be forced by magical means. The first option could happen by using regular ways to make people do things they don't want to do. 

Such as "you can choose between execution or taking captivity form"

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Clownform-Made by bonding a laughterspren. Your limbs are lanky and hard to control, making you very clumsy, but your mind becomes very sharp in terms of wit. Swells up your nose to look like a ball, and there is barely any carapace on the top of your head, instead, your hair grows in weird ways.

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Kelsier-form. If Kelsier would bond with a Parshman instead of nailing himself to his body. He would take over the body and could potentially get Surgebinding, something that I think he cannot because of the spike mostly.

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That would be a funny plot, where Kelsier has to pretend that he's a Fused or something.

31 minutes ago, Sythrin said:

Kelsier-form. If Kelsier would bond with a Parshman instead of nailing himself to his body. He would take over the body and could potentially get Surgebinding, something that I think he cannot because of the spike mostly.


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Seekerform: Granted by bonding a Secretspren, gives the singer the ability to sense both passive and kinetic investiture. Passive sensing manifests similar to lifesense while kinetic sensing manifests as rhythms like those from bronze allomancy, but for a wide range of magics. Also gives the singer sharper senses, especially sight and hearing.

Spineform: Granted through bonding an Agonyspren, gives the singer an enhanced pain tolerance and covers the body in tiny, needle-sharp carapace spines. 

Focusform: Granted by a Concentrationspren, making the singer capable of hyperfocusing on single tasks and giving them incredible attention to detail. Also enhances fine motor skills.

Heatform: Granted by a Flamespren, making the singer incredibly tolerant to heat and capable of producing large amounts of heat from specialized carapace on the forarms, palms, back, thighs, abdomen, and face.

Royalform: Granted by a Gloryspren, makes the singer proud and confident, and enhances leadership abilities. Produces carapace outcroppings on the skull that resemble crowns.

Fastform: Granted by bonding a Hungerspren, makes the singer capable of going long periods of time without food. Produces a thinner appearance with almost no carapace.

Bindform: From bonding a Bindspren, makes the singer better connected to others and to nature, strengthening the rhythms. Produces patches of grippy carapace on the fingertips, palms, and soles of the feet.

Terrorform: From bonding a Fearspren, makes the singer essentially fearless but gives the singer a terrifying appearance. Random and grotesque carapace growths and a generally ugly appearance, accompanied by jagged growths, produce a horrifying visage.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/18/2024 at 9:38 PM, TheSurvivorofDeath said:

Seekerform: Granted by bonding a Secretspren, gives the singer the ability to sense both passive and kinetic investiture. Passive sensing manifests similar to lifesense while kinetic sensing manifests as rhythms like those from bronze allomancy, but for a wide range of magics. Also gives the singer sharper senses, especially sight and hearing.

I could honestly see this one happening.


Guide form: Granted by bonding a guidance spren. These parshendi have an extremely precise knowledge of where they are at all times and an incredible sense of direction (seems kind of weak for a regal form but that's kind of all guidance spren do).

Whither form: Granted by bonding a shade from threnody. Like shades these parshendi would have mostly white carapace that turns black when enraged (not sure how much the three rules would apply, definitely killing, maybe starting a fire, and probably not moving quickly) although they are much more in control they can lose that control if not careful. Additionally, they would be able to wither people much like a shade but not through touch; instead they can breath out voidlight in a form that whithers whoever touches it. 

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Cold/snow Spren -  Tundra form, longer hair, resistance to the cold, more body fat, mabye slightly larger feet reminiscent of snow shoes? That seems a little too goofy though, 

Also I found a quote on the coppermind saying "Dullform occurs when a singer bonds an incorrect spren, or a spren that does not grant any other form" So what spren do you think grant dullform? I would suggest things like Shame spren or Anxiety spren, I don't see how those could give beneficial forms. 

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