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Hello from the Chicago burbs!

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Howdy all! I'm Tim, but go by nightwriter in most forums (a name I came up with 24 years ago for an unoriginal reason - I used to write and I did so mostly at night, lol). I'm 54 and live in the far west suburbs of Chicago. I work doing application support for a software development company in downtown Chicago.

I recently started reading the Mistborn trilogy (currently on the second book) for the first time. This is also the first time reading any of Brandon's work, actually, unless you count the work he did to finish the Wheel of Time series, which I read four times.

I'd say more here, but I already just wrote a bunch in the "About Me" section of my profile and it's time for me to get back to seeing what Vin and Elend and company are going to do about the many challenges currently facing them!

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@Through The Living Glass - That's actually a tough question for me, but if I had to pick one then probably Elend because he's a man after my own heart. If I were in his shoes, I'd be looking to try to make things better for the skaa, too. Keep in mind that I'm basing this solely on what I've read so far of only half of the Mistborn trilogy. 

@RoyalBeeMage - Um... no idea? Is that something from the Mistborn books, because that's all that I've read so far of Brandon's books.

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3 hours ago, nightwriter said:

@Through The Living Glass - That's actually a tough question for me, but if I had to pick one then probably Elend because he's a man after my own heart. If I were in his shoes, I'd be looking to try to make things better for the skaa, too. Keep in mind that I'm basing this solely on what I've read so far of only half of the Mistborn trilogy. 


Hey, for only reading half the trilogy so far, that's not a bad answer. 😝

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@Aeternum I really, really, did not like Lady Shan Elariel 😝

@Aredor Would I like a cookie?  Well heck yeah!  Just throw it in an envelope and mail it to me. I'm sure it'll be fine by the time it gets here. 😋

@UltimateArchivist What element if I were a mage? Hmm.  If as an air mage I could direct wind to pick me up and fly me around places, then that's the element I'd choose. 🙂

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1 hour ago, nightwriter said:

Would I like a cookie?  Well heck yeah!  Just throw it in an envelope and mail it to me. I'm sure it'll be fine by the time it gets here. 😋

No! Don’t! It’s… well, you’ll see. 

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Posted (edited)

@LightRinger and @Highprince10 ah... oops!  I do tend to fall for things that sound like tasty treats, lol.  I guess the whole cookie thing is something I haven't come across yet. 😄

@Little_Dagger Wheel of Time is one of my favorite series, but I think if I had to choose one 'favorite', it'd have to be ... um... there's so many!  But OK - The Drizzt series of books by R.A. Salvatore.  And that's awesome that you just finished WoT. It's so good and Brandon did such a masterful job of finishing it.  Love it.

Edited by nightwriter
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